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Jun 27, 2019 1:58 pm
Vincent goes to help out the chieftess. Approaching from behind his sword is blocked by one of his traitorous minions, but his suckerpunch to his kidney slips through.

Addressing the traitorous berserkers, "Leave the fighting to us you two worthless snots. This is between your boss and me. Sit back and watch."

Ki: 6/8

Vincent deals 8 damage to Hjollistad, takes the Dodge action and +2AC. Tries to intimidate the berserkers into not participating. Spector does 11 damage to barbarians.
Last edited June 27, 2019 6:07 pm


Attacks on holly - (1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (4) + 10 = 14

1d20+10 : (9) + 10 = 19

Damage - (1d6+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Intimidation adv - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (15) + 7 = 22

1d20+7 : (19) + 7 = 26

Spector attack - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Spector damage - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Jun 27, 2019 5:24 pm
Ug barely keeps from retching as the poison does it’s work, but he continues on anyway. A mix of the nausea and a too vacation with mama has obviously put him out of sync. In not his most graceful move he swings his racist maul down hard. His first swing connects, but bounces back hitting himself square in the face. He swings again and misses as he staggers, and his third swing goes limp as he falls unconscious to the floor. Ug deals 45 damage

The bouncers earlier swig from his flask goes into effect as well as his practice at taking a beating. He shrugs off some of the blow and portions of his wounds begin to heal, but he is obviously outmatched. His massive club barely has any effect as it cracks agains the giant. But the hit also plants a curse as it connects and the giants next attack will do the exact same harm to itself (curse of mutual suffering). Bouncer deals 7 damage and heals 4

Not as beefy as either Ug or the bouncer, the brothers look grimly at each other. In silent nods the agree to continue, all their previous roads leading to this place to protect the innocent and avenge the lost. One drawers nearer to Ug while the other distances himself to the other side, and they both raise their heavy crossbows. Bolts fly, sparing with static as they hit the frost giant. Another blood curse appears but this time in the form of aid. Ugs wounds bleed more than just Goliath blood as the poison is mysteriously sifted out through his body, though the barbarian remains unconscious. The 2nd brother eyes his unconscious friend, another blood curse forming on his lips.

Mirek focuses his attack on the giant priest. His hawklike wings send him forward as he pulls out scimitars from their belts. With enhanced agility He scores quick hits including wicked gash across the priests shoulder. As the giant bleeds from his wounds so does his eyesight. (giant priest takes 47 damage and has the blood curse of the eyeless, loses sight for one round)

bouncer hp26
Brother 1 hp 19
Brother 2 hp 26
Mirek hp 60
Ug hp 138

Ug takes 11 damage and is unconscious and prone
Mirek does 47 damage to magic giant
Last edited June 27, 2019 11:47 pm


Ug vs j - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Attack 2 - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Attack 3 - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Strain to hit, doom roll, doom roll - (3d100)

(672786) = 180

Bouncer vs j - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Attack 2 - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Brother 1 v j - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Adv - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Attack 2 - (1d20+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Adv - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Brother 2 v j - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Adv - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Attack 2 - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Adv - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Ug damage to j - (4d6+19)

(6621) + 19 = 34

Cold damage - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Reroll - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Bouncer damage - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Fire damage - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Reroll - (1d8, 1d4)

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d4 : (2) = 2

Brothers damage 3x - (3d10+9)

(993) + 9 = 30

Lighting damage - (3d4)

(313) = 7

Self damage - (2d6+9)

(64) + 9 = 19

Cold damage - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Mirek vs spell caster - (4d20+6)

(418820) + 6 = 56

Damage 1 - (2d6+6)

(36) + 6 = 15

Damage 2 crit - (2d6+18)

(24) + 18 = 24

Curse damage - (2d4+4)

(31) + 4 = 8

Ug con save dc 14 - (1d20+8)

(15) + 8 = 23

Ug con save dc 14 - (1d20+8)

(10) + 8 = 18

Jun 27, 2019 10:41 pm
Ras hisses at his wound, cursing the archers. Making sure Aeri is okay, he urges her to fly toward the blue zones. Once it is within range, he targets the ground under the feet of the golems.

Ras casts Erupting Earth, hoping to hurt any baddies in the blue zone, for 22 damage

AC: 121/115
HP: 19
Zone: above blue zone
Last edited June 27, 2019 10:56 pm


Erupting earth damage - (4d12)

(31234) = 22

Jun 27, 2019 10:55 pm
"Rule number three, take out the healers..." As Alalla and Merrick assault the priest, an arrow through its eye finishes it off. (Frost Giant Priest takes 20 damage, lethal I believe)

"Rules number four, take out the leaders..." Another arrow mixed with radiance and shadow strikes the blinded Joril with massive impact. (Joril takes 42 damage, a mix of piercing, radiant, and psychic. He must make a DC 16 Wis save or be blinded beyond 5 feet for another round)

His third arrow bounces off the priest's shield, however. Zenithral curses, trying pitifully to redirect the missile to another target.

111/111 HP + 18 temp HP
AC 17
Last edited June 27, 2019 11:33 pm


Longbow 1 vs Priest (Sharp) - (1d20+8)

(13) + 8 = 21

Damage - (1d8+16)

(4) + 16 = 20

Longbow 2 vs Joril (Adv, Sharp) - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)

1d20+8 : (14) + 8 = 22

1d20+8 : (12) + 8 = 20

Damage - (1d8+16)

(6) + 16 = 22

Longbow 3 vs Jorril (Sharp, Adv) - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)

1d20+8 : (4) + 8 = 12

1d20+8 : (7) + 8 = 15

Curving Shot vs Merodach (Sharp) - (1d20+8)

(2) + 8 = 10

Shadow Arrow - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Jun 27, 2019 11:47 pm
Round 2 Summary

With the wall of fire gone from the battlefield, the fighting grows worse. Berserkers and the two wolfmen charge the line of enemy tribesmen and shatter them like kindling (goodzerkers take 112 damage, but deal 270. The wolfmen also deal like 30 damage to the badbarians). Tansia’s spearmen focus on the barbed devils ensnared in Natalie’s entangle spell, but though many weapons find their mark in the monsters’ spiked hides, the rank of infernal warriors seems hardly bothered by the mortal weapons and return the barrage with fire (spearmen deal 111 damage to the barbed devils, but they take only half damage due to resistance to nonmagical weapons. The goodzerkers take 22 fire damage). The second group of devils turn their ire towards the dragon and gnome above. Aerihykloarara keeps her wings spread wide to protect Ras, but the flames char and blacken the luster of her silver scales (Aeri takes 88 fire damage).

On the ground, Vincent’s threats encourage the two traitorous berserkers to leave him to Hjollsted, but they continue to attack Tansia. The chieftess focuses entirely on defense, ducking and blocking desperately to avoid their axes, but cannot hold them off for long (Tansia takes the dodge action, but still takes 14 damage). Hjollsted lunges at Vincent, but the strange warlock’s movements are like the shadows cast by flickers of torchlight – unpredictable and intangible. "Who even are you?" the old shaman growls.

Natalie pokes her head up over the boat again, a glowing stone in her hand. She finds one of the barbed devils wrapped in her magical plants, then throws the stone. It zips through the air to smack the devil hard in the eye (barbed devils take 13 magical bludgeoning damage). She lets out a shuddering chuckle, overwhelmed by all that is happening, then notices that Vincent is wounded. A whispered spell, and the warlock feels some of his pains ease (Vince is healed for 6).

In the air above the middle of the battlefield, the two erinyes seek more targets. One black shaft hisses through the air towards Zenithral, but he deflects it just in time with his bow – only to have a second arrow graze his ribs (Zen casts Shield, then takes 7 piercing and 16 poison). He feels the poison immediately begin to burn through his veins (Zen fails his save against the poison unless he chooses to do something to not). Two more arrows fall from the sky, these aimed at Vincent, but he easily sidesteps the missiles. One last arrow buries itself painfully just under Aerihykloarara’s eye (Aeri takes 18 damage), and the dragon roars in pain and takes off after the hellish archer. Silver teeth and claws flash, and the erinyes shrieks (Erinyes 1 takes 78 damage).

Still perched on his dragon friend’s back, Ras sends his magic to the ground far below, and it answers his druidic call. Earth and ice shatter beneath the feet of one of the golems. Though the enormous construct hardly seems pained by the spell, if it ever intends to move from its position it will find the going slow over the torn ground.

In the rubble of the Temple of Tempus, Alalla, Ug, and the blood hunters there fight fiercely against their giant foes. A piece of thrown temple rubble slams into one of the brothers (Brother 1 takes 13 damage), but he somehow manages to stay on his feet. Mirek’s wings take him just over the top of another hurled boulder, then his scimitars do deadly work on the spellcasting frost giant until it swats him away with a heavy hand (Mirek takes 34 damage). Alalla charges in with several heavy cuts against the priest, and then it drops with a sudden shining arrow in its eye (Giant Priest is dead).

Joril grunts as his divine protection begins to fade, but he is fully into his rage even blinded as he is. He slams his axe down into the burly bouncer, then stomps the body flat with a crunch of ice and bone (bouncer takes 38 damage and then 31 more and dies). Joril flinches then as the bouncer’s retributive curse rots away at his flesh, but some of his wounds begin to heal, closing much as a troll’s would (Joril takes 38 necrotic damage, but also heals 10. He also resists much of the physical damage done to him). Ug delivers a painful crack against Joril’s knee, a blow that nearly shatters the giant chief’s kneecap. But the erinyes poison coursing through the goliath does its work, crippling the great warrior. Yet another Zenithral whistles across the battlefield to find its mark in Joril’s beefy frame, and the giant finds his sight stolen once more (Joril is blind beyond 5 feet again).

Awful music suddenly sounds in the ears of blood hunters and giants alike, and then a torrent of flames flashes across the battlefield all the way from the three ‘musicians’ to strike Joril. The frost giant chief bellows in agony as the magical flames sear his flesh and halt his trollish regeneration (Joril takes 65 fire damage and can’t heal himself next round).

Weariness overtakes Ug’s body as his frenzy leaves him. Then, oddly, he finds his head tilted back by invisible hands. "Uncle Ug! Don’t worry, I can help. I found lots of things in that stuffy Ilmater temple. I think it’s this one…" There is a small *pop*, and then Ug feels a potion being poured down his throat. Immediately the poison in his system is neutralized (Ug is no longer poisoned, thanks to a potion from Jermsy). "You don’t think I could try that devil blood drink sometime, do you? It looks like fun!"

From his carefully selected snipping position, Zenithral hears the flap of small wings nearby just in time to twist away from an invisible attack. Druzil melts into view, a wicked grin on its face. "Enough of that silly bow now, boy." The imp speaks mockingly in Erestor’s voice, its barbed tail twisting around to waive threateningly above its head (Druzil engages Zen in melee).

Above the rubble, Merodach watches the battle unfold with the calculating gaze of a general. It grins cruelly at Hjollsted’s betrayal, and then its eyes fall on the dragon harassing the erinyes. A stream of arcane syllables leaves its poisoned fangs as it casts a spell of binding, and Aerihykloarara’s wings shudder in protest. Dragon and druid begin to fall from the sky, and Ras loses his seat – but only for a moment. Aerihykloarara stubbornly shrugs off the spell and regains control of her body, righting herself in the air and settling Ras back into place (Aeri failed her save against Hold Monster, but used up her second Legendary Resistance to turn it into a pass). Caught up in the rage of battle, the silver dragon lets out her most ferocious roar of challenge, sending enemies cowering in terror (Lots of enemies failed the save and are frightened). As tribesmen, devils, and giants shy back from the fearsome display, Merodach growls and beats its wings, flying forward to engage the dragon. Aerihykloarara turns to face the pit fiend, but Ras feels a tremor run through her frame. Though she might never admit it aloud, he knows that she herself is afraid of this powerful devil (Aeri is frightened of Merodach for 1 round, but Ras passes the save and is now immune to Merodach’s fear aura for 24 hours).


Golem 1 save vs erupting earth (adv) - (1d20-1, 1d20-1)

1d20-1 : (9) - 1 = 8

1d20-1 : (14) - 1 = 13

Joril wis save vs shadow arrow - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Badbarians dmg to goodzerkers - (12d12+36)

(71010418866592) + 36 = 112

Goodzerkers dmg to badbarians - (30d12+90)

(95613411107742315881132671212455649) + 90 = 270

Wolf blood hunter dmg to badbarians - (6d6+15)

(321621) + 15 = 30

Barbed Devil dmg to goodzerkers - (6d6)

(625315) = 22

Barbed Devils vs Aeri (16 attacks) - (16d20+5)

(1118920181136103231311815) + 5 = 166

Dmg to Aeri (Fire) - (15d6+18)

(364556645555614) + 18 = 88

Aeri wis save DC 21 - (1d20+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Erinyes vs Zen (2 attacks) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (15) + 7 = 22

1d20+7 : (18) + 7 = 25

Dmg 1 to Zen (piercing, poison) - (1d8+4, 3d8)

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

3d8 : (537) = 15

Dmg 2 to Zen (piercing, poison) - (1d8+4, 3d8)

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

3d8 : (277) = 16

Zen con save DC 14 vs poison (2nd hit) - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Erinyes arrows vs Vince (2 attacks) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (8) + 7 = 15

1d20+7 : (7) + 7 = 14

Erinyes vs Aeri (2 attacks) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (7) + 7 = 14

1d20+7 : (19) + 7 = 26

Dmg to Aeri (piercing, poison) - (1d8+4, 3d8)

1d8+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

3d8 : (318) = 12

Aeri con save DC 14 vs poison - (1d20+12)

(5) + 12 = 17

Joril vs bouncer (disadv) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

Joril vs bouncer (disadv) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (12) + 11 = 23

1d20+11 : (16) + 11 = 27

dmg to bouncer (2 hits) - (3d12+11, 3d12+11)

3d12+11 : (1278) + 11 = 38

3d12+11 : (3512) + 11 = 31

boulders vs Ras, Aeri, Mirek, Brother 1 (1 attack each) - (4d20+9)

(2458) + 9 = 28

dmg to Mirek - (4d10+6)

(8955) + 6 = 33

dmg to brother 1 - (4d10+6)

(2221) + 6 = 13

giant priest vs Al, mirek (1 attack each, disadv) - (2d20+9, 2d20+9)

2d20+9 : (511) + 9 = 25

2d20+9 : (196) + 9 = 34

dmg to Mirek - (3d12+6)

(1297) + 6 = 34

Aeri vs Erinyes 1 (6 attacks) - (6d20+13)

(1315311119) + 13 = 75

dmg to erinyes 1 - (2d10+8, 2d6+8, 4d8+16)

2d10+8 : (77) + 8 = 22

2d6+8 : (63) + 8 = 17

4d8+16 : (5675) + 16 = 39

spearmen dmg to barbed devils - (16d6+48)

(1635543543653622) + 48 = 111

Hjollsted vs Vince (2 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+5, 2d20+5)

2d20+5 : (1511) + 5 = 31

2d20+5 : (1810) + 5 = 33

berserkers vs Tansia (4 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+5, 2d20+5, 2d20+5, 2d20+5)

2d20+5 : (1917) + 5 = 41

2d20+5 : (28) + 5 = 15

2d20+5 : (135) + 5 = 23

2d20+5 : (64) + 5 = 15

dmg to tansia - (1d12+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

barbed devil wisdom saves vs dragon fear (groups 1, 2) - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

erinyes wis saves vs dragon fear (1, 2) - (1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (12) + 6 = 18

1d20+6 : (1) + 6 = 7

joril wis save vs dragon fear (adv) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

giant saves vs dragon fear (1-4) - (4d20+3)

(61181) + 3 = 29

druzil vs Zen (adv) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (11) + 7 = 18

1d20+7 : (6) + 7 = 13

Druzil wis save vs dragon fear - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Nat healing word on Zen - (1d4+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Nat magic stone vs barbed devils (adv) - (1d20+5, 1d20+5)

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

1d20+5 : (4) + 5 = 9

Nat dmg to barbed devils - (1d6+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Aeri wis save DC 21 vs pit fiend fear aura - (1d20+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Ras wis save DC 21 vs pit fiend fear aura - (1d20+10)

(11) + 10 = 21

scorching ray dmg to Joril - (18d6)

(234445163634363116) = 65

Jun 28, 2019 3:46 pm
Round 3 Player Phase!!!
More battle! I tried to include lots of information above, but some things to bear in mind:

- Many enemies are frightened of Aeri and will have disadvantage on attacks this round. You can see who by the little icons in the statblocks. Sometimes in a group of monsters there might be one or two that aren't frightened, even if by the icon it says the group is.
- Joril is also blind and his regeneration is cancelled this round.
- The barbed devils in group 1 are still restrained.
- Ug is no longer poisoned! But he does miss out on this round for all those fumbles.
- Zen's engaged by Druzil, and also can reroll that failed Con save with Inspiration or Indomitable or whatever.
- Aeri has only 1 Legendary Resistance left.

Feel free to ask questions in the chat!




And friends...

Jun 28, 2019 5:14 pm


Indomitable - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Inspiration (NO POISON.) - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Jun 28, 2019 5:18 pm
Zenithral moans as he feels his vision begin to swim from the poison. His divine light can't seem to fend off the fiendish poison. "But father," Zenithral says in a mocking tone. "It's my favorite! Here." He glowers darkly. "Let me show you."

The imp tries to dodge, bob, and weave, but Zenithral's aim is true despite the poison and close quarters. The little devil somehow remains alive.

"See, now you're just making me waste arrows..." Zenithral complains. "Stay away from me and my mother." (Druzil takes 54 damage, mix of piercing and radiant. Probably lethal.)

Seeing the traitorous acts of Hjollistad and a few other Barbarians, Zenithral tried to lend a hand. (15 damage to Hjollistad)

106/111 HP
AC 17
Last edited June 29, 2019 5:07 am


Longbow 1 vs Stupid Druzil - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (14) + 13 = 27

1d20+13 : (8) + 13 = 21

Damage - (1d8+22)

(4) + 22 = 26

Longbow 2 vs Doofendil - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (12) + 13 = 25

1d20+13 : (11) + 13 = 24

Damage - (1d8+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Longbow 3 vs Dungdil - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (17) + 13 = 30

1d20+13 : (13) + 13 = 26

Damage - (1d8+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Longbow 4 - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (6) + 13 = 19

1d20+13 : (3) + 13 = 16

Damage - (1d8+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Jun 28, 2019 5:56 pm
Ug lays unconscious as his friends around him die. One brother tumbled through the air but manages to right himself in time to find cover and collapse behind some rubble. Clutching his wounds he lets out his own curse before he tries to hide himself in the broken debri. At his command the corpse of the giant priest rises with boulder in hand and targets joril himself. Not paying attention to the new threat, Joril takes the boulder to the side of his face breaking bone but still standing. joril takes 38 damage

In a cry of rage as his brother falls, the second brother fires with his cross now once again at the giant. Only one bolt hits but it does enough. Buried in joril a eyesocket, it lets off a wave of electric energy and the giant leader collapses twitching. (Joril takes 15 lethal damage)

The battle far from over, with 4 giants still standing, merik spits out blood and flies his battered body toward the fallen Goliath. Ug had avenged the death of Meriks brother against the yeti. He had provided hope to a forgotten town and a second chance to a group of broken men. Landing between Ug and facing four enemies towering over him, Merik spreads his wings to provide cover for his unconscious friend and draws his swords once more. merik is acting as a shield for Ug
Last edited June 29, 2019 12:49 am


Brother 2 v j - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Adv - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Attack 2 - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Adv - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Brother 2 damage - (1d10+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Lightning - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Giant priest vs joril - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

Boulder damage to joril - (4d10+6)

(69107) + 6 = 38

Cleric blood curse - (2d4+2)

(32) + 2 = 7

Bro 1 stealth - (1d20+5)

(4) + 5 = 9

Jun 28, 2019 8:57 pm
Ilmadia near snarls when she hears Druzil imitating Erestor and heckling her son, but Zenithral has him well in hand. She keeps her attention on the barbarians, where her fire is most effective.

Ilmadia does 12 fire damage to the badbarians.

HP: 109/109 + 18 THP
AC: 20
Zone: yellow
Last edited June 28, 2019 9:00 pm


Firebolt v badbarians - (1d20+9)

(12) + 9 = 21

Damage - (3d10)

(534) = 12

Jun 29, 2019 12:40 am
Before I was a drunk, I was a priest
Before I was a drunk I was a priest

Tears run down the old clerics cheeks as he watches the carnage. He could be a priest again.
Turning to Tansia he mutters a bloodhunters prayer and grants her some of his own life force. Blood trickles from his nose as he her wounds begin to heal.

Blood hunter cleric uses rite of the celestial. Tansia is healed 7 and the reformed priest is at 38 hp

brother one 6hp
Brother two- 26hp
Merik - 26hp
Priest - 34 hp
Ug 138 hp
Last edited June 29, 2019 12:56 am
Jun 29, 2019 1:19 am
With the fight in a better place than it was, Alalla turns her thoughts to Belhifet. That anti-magic thing could help a lot. Please, Torm, if it's still in one piece, help me find it. She feels divine energy well up within her and she walks towards the direction she last saw it.

Al casts Locate Object and begins looking for the anti-magic coffer.

HP: 164/164 + 6 THP
AC: 20
Zone: red
Last edited June 29, 2019 4:43 am
Jun 29, 2019 1:51 am
Shaking, Ras clutches tightly to Aeri as she swoops and soars above the battle. His life flashed briefly before his eyes as he fell, and it was quite the life. Was he really this gnome, flying on a dragon and fighting a horde of evil creatures? How had he gotten here?

Pushing those thoughts from his mind, Ras looks down and sees a group of barbed devils. A word of power and a flick of his fingers and the devils are surrounded by a swarm of angry insects.

Ras casts Insect Plague on Barbed Devils 2 for 17 damage (or half on a save)

HP: 121/115
AC: 19
Zone: above green zone
Last edited June 29, 2019 1:52 am


Insect Plague damage - (4d10)

(1718) = 17

Jun 29, 2019 1:53 am
"When nightmares enter your peaceful sleep, they are running and hiding from me. I swallowed a soul yesterday, would you like to see? Souls taste like pain. If you listen you can hear her screams."

Stomach bulging, an obscene lump works it way up and out of Vincent's mouth. A black ball with purple mist wafting from it shoots out of Vincent's mouth and into Hjollistad's face.

Having dealt with his playthings, Vincent's Spector makes his way back to his master. Gesturing to one of the traitors Vincent commands him, "Bring me his soul, I hunger." Spector's giant head lowers and with his mouth completely engulfs one of the traitor's heads. Sucking sounds are heard as the traitor's body withers before the spector is pushed off.

Vincent deals 10 Eldridch Horror damage to Hjollistad, and takes the dodge action. Spector does 12 damage to Traitor 1.

Ki: 5/8
Last edited June 29, 2019 2:14 am


Eldridch Blast - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

Damage - (3d10)

(154) = 10

Spector - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Spector damage - (3d6)

(246) = 12

Jun 29, 2019 4:36 am
Round 3 Summary

More of the enemy tribesmen fall, and the heroes’ army pushes forward to meet the barbed devils hand to hand. These fiends strike back with clawed hands and spiked tails, and once more the barbarians are shown to be at a disadvantage, for their weapons simply are not effective against supernatural creatures. The two wolfmen have better luck, with their lightning claws fueled by fiend blood itself. In moments there are only a few barbed devils left standing (damages dealt, just check the statblocks to see how things stand).

With the last of Belhifet’s first line buckling, one of the golems moves forward with ponderous steps. Each step causes the ground to rumble, for while this construct is roughly the same size as a frost giant, it is far, far denser. Its black metal, the same metal used in Dorn’s Deep that ignored even the heat of lava, shines darkly in the light of the rising sun. It moves up to the line of barbed devils exhales noxious fumes that descend on the combatants there. The devils prove to be immune to the stuff, like they are to all poisons, but the berserkers are not… A few breaths of the gas are enough to cause several of the warriors to instantly fall dead (Berserkers take a BUNCH of poison damage). The second golem begins to move forward, but the ground torn by Ras’ spell prevents it from reaching the fight just yet.

Vincent’s blast of eldritch magic sends Hjollsted reeling. The two traitorous berserkers turn on the giant specter and slash at it with their axes, but the spirit remains (specter takes 15 damage after resistance). Hjollsted clutches his chest and meets Vincent’s eyes with pain… and hopelessness. Vincent has enough experience with pacts and deals to recognize the lost look in this shaman’s eyes. Hjollsted is one who has mired himself so deeply that he has no choice but to follow instructions from his fiendish masters. Whatever hero this man might have once been, he has cast it all aside for some purpose.

With the traitors distracted, Tansia turns and runs to join her people. With only two enemy tribesmen left standing, she manages to persuade them to cast aside their folly and join her people once more (blended into allies). She watches a few thrown spears bounce off of the golem’s frame, completely useless against this powerful foe (hellfire golem is immune to nonmagical weapon damage). She grits her teeth, then raises her voice above the fray. "Focus on the devils! We can do nothing against this creature!" Her expression falls as more men around her die. Will any of her people be left alive after this fight?

High above the battlefield, silver dragon and pit fiend meet with teeth, claws, and fury. Aerihykloarara is much larger, but Merodach’s supernatural strength is easily a match for her. One silver claw snags the pit fiend’s side and her jaws come down to clamp onto its shoulder (Mero takes 28 damage). Merodach tears the dragon’s teeth free with a heavy punch to the side of her head, and then his own poisoned fangs sink into her long neck (Aeri takes 40 damage). Aerihkyloarara manages to shrug off the poison, but the distraction is costly, for a flap of Merodach’s leathery wings takes the fiend around within striking distance of her precious rider. Merodach’s weapon, a large mace that smokes with hellish flames, swipes through the air and nearly catches Ras, but the gnome ducks away just in time, nearly losing his seat once more in the process. But the devil’s muscled tail cunningly whips around to smack against Ras’ back with strength enough to shatter a normal man’s spine (Ras takes 29 bludgeoning damage).

Aerihykloarara’s terror spikes as the blow connects against Ras. The silver dragon roars and strikes out at Merodach with desperation and clips its wings with her tail, knocking the pit fiend out of the air. It tumbles to the ground below in a tangle of limbs (Mero takes 27 damage and is knocked prone). Aerihykloarara roars again and nearly dives down to follow her foe and pound the devil into the rubble, but fear for Ras overrides her bloodlust. She pauses for a moment in the air, and the hesitation costs her. A boulder smashes into her chest, shattering scales and nearly dropping her (Aeri takes 67 bludgeoning damage). She barely manages to recover and stay aloft, but Ras can feel her shuddering breaths.

With the dragon injured and distracted, the two erinyes resume their sniping, though one takes a hit from Aerihykloarara as it slips away (Erin 1 takes 39 damage). Most of their shots go wide in the chaos of the battle, but on shaft finds its way into Natalie’s side (Nat takes 14 damage and fails her save). The young woman cries out in pain as devilish poison floods her body. Shaking hands reach down to touch the arrow, and she slumps against the wood of her fishing boat.

Peppered with Zenithral’s arrows, Druzil curses and fades into invisiblity, then flaps away (Uncanny Dodge leaves him with 7 hp). Though trying to hide, the imp obviously can’t keep its mouth shut (Druzil rolled a nat 1 for his stealth check haha). Zenithral’s keen ears can hear its complaining from inside a nearby shed. "Ack! Talk about your daddy issues. Bene telemara…" Ilmadia, well-accustomed to Druzil’s voice, also notes the little devil’s location.

In the temple ruins, Joril Frostbeard is having a bad day. Covered in wounds and moving with a serious limp, the frost giant chief needs someone to punish. His bleary eyes pick out Ug’s nearly naked form on the ground and lashes out in rage (After resistance, Ug takes 29 damage). Even as dazed as he is, Ug’s survival instincts are strong enough to keep him alive as Joril smashes down with axe and boot, until one of the blood hunters plants a sparking crossbow bolt into the giant’s eye. With Joril’s injuries still smoking from fire, his trollish regeneration cannot save him. The frost giant chief falls to his knees, then topples to the ground (he dead). A moment later, that same blood hunter takes a boulder to the face and is crushed (he dead too). His brother, wounded and trying to hide behind a broken wall, can only cry out in denial.

As more giants move in on Ug and his blood hunter friends more ribbons of fire streak in from afar to burn them, accompanied by faint strains of terrible music (giants take 22 fire damage). Even separated by an entire battlefield, the blood hunters are a tight-knit bunch. In the past few months they have raided dungeons and fought monsters together, though never have they experienced a battle like this. Still, they took that draught in the Root Cellar Tavern in order to slay evil, and this is their chance to let loose all their frustration and fury on the forces that killed or threatened their friends and loved ones. Behind the giants, Ug notices Jermsy suddenly become visible and cast a spell. Whatever it was supposed to do apparently doesn’t work, however, and Jermsy mutters a few choice words that no child should be familiar with and vanishes into the rubble like a ground squirrel.

Nearby in the ruins, Alalla feels an answer to her prayer. The sounds of battle and death fade away for a single, immeasurable moment, replaced instead with Torm’s clarity and purpose. The antimagic coffer is buried beneath a portion of ceiling nearby, just a dozen feet to her right. A boulder explodes a portion of wall just in front of her face, and she realizes that one of the frost giants has noticed her movements. It lumbers nearby and lifts a large piece of rubble, ready to throw again (Giant 4 has split from the group and followed Al).

The warehouse near Zenithral opens, and out come a few dozen of Easthaven's villagers. Griselda, Old Jed, Apsel, and more stumble into the light, led by one of Ug's blood hunters. With them are a handful of priests of Tempus, members of the Order of the Broken Blade, whose sacred duty it is to protect Jerrod's Stone. The priests stare at the temple's ruins in horror, then leap forward with spells and prayers on their lips to help.


badbarian dmg to goodzerkers - (1d12+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

barbed devil dmg to spearmen - (6d6)

(242155) = 19

barbed devil dmg to goodzerkers - (8d6+18)

(36444523) + 18 = 49

goodzerkers dmg to barbed devils - (16d12+64)

(63695293561056153) + 64 = 148

wolfmen dmg to barbed devils - (6d6+15)

(315366) + 15 = 39

spearmen dmg to barbed devils 1 - (16d6+48)

(3126216556611623) + 48 = 104

Aeri opp attack vs Erin 1 (disadv) - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (15) + 13 = 28

1d20+13 : (6) + 13 = 19

Aeri dmg to Erin 1 - (2d10+8)

(39) + 8 = 20

Erin 1 vs Zen, Al, Nat (1 attack each) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (8) + 7 = 15

1d20+7 : (11) + 7 = 18

1d20+7 : (18) + 7 = 25

dmg to Nat - (1d8+3, 3d8)

1d8+3 : (3) + 3 = 6

3d8 : (611) = 8

Nat con save DC 14 vs poison - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

Erin 2 vs Vince, cleric hunter, Zen (all disadv) - (2d20+7, 2d20+7, 2d20+7)

2d20+7 : (1310) + 7 = 30

2d20+7 : (161) + 7 = 24

2d20+7 : (127) + 7 = 26

Joril vs Ug (2 attacks) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11)

1d20+11 : (13) + 11 = 24

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

dmg to Ug - (6d12+22)

(567891) + 22 = 58

Merodach vs Aeri, Ras (2 attacks each) - (2d20+14, 2d20+14)

2d20+14 : (89) + 14 = 31

2d20+14 : (45) + 14 = 23

dmg to Aeri - (4d6+8, 2d8+8)

4d6+8 : (5622) + 8 = 23

2d8+8 : (81) + 8 = 17

Aeri con save DC 21 vs poison - (1d20+12)

(14) + 12 = 26

dmg to Ras - (3d10+8)

(876) + 8 = 29

Boulders vs Aeri, Al (disadv), brother 2 (disadv), Mirek (disadv) - (1d20+9, 2d20+9, 2d20+9, 2d20+9)

1d20+9 : (20) + 9 = 29

2d20+9 : (912) + 9 = 30

2d20+9 : (1911) + 9 = 39

2d20+9 : (410) + 9 = 23

dmg to Aeri - (4d10+46)

(9372) + 46 = 67

dmg to brother 2 - (4d10+6)

(7748) + 6 = 32

Aeri vs pit fiend 3 attacks (disadv) - (2d20+13, 2d20+13, 2d20+13)

2d20+13 : (1611) + 13 = 40

2d20+13 : (25) + 13 = 20

2d20+13 : (1316) + 13 = 42

dmg to merodach - (2d10+8, 2d6+8)

2d10+8 : (24) + 8 = 14

2d6+8 : (15) + 8 = 14

Merodach dex save DC 21 - (1d20+8)

(12) + 8 = 20

dmg to Merodach (wing attack, fall damage) - (2d6+8, 4d6)

2d6+8 : (35) + 8 = 16

4d6 : (2162) = 11

Aeri vs Erin 1 (disadv) - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (16) + 13 = 29

1d20+13 : (5) + 13 = 18

dmg to Erin 1 - (2d10+8)

(92) + 8 = 19

Traitor 1 vs giant specter (2 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (1914) + 6 = 39

2d20+6 : (1511) + 6 = 32

dmg to specter - (2d12+8)

(510) + 8 = 23

Traitor 2 vs specter (2 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+6, 2d20+6)

2d20+6 : (1310) + 6 = 29

2d20+6 : (415) + 6 = 25

dmg to specter - (1d12+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Hjollsted vs Tansia (2 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+5, 2d20+5)

2d20+5 : (1217) + 5 = 34

2d20+5 : (1410) + 5 = 29

Nat concentration save DC 10 - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Nat vs barbed devils (adv) - (2d20+5)

(75) + 5 = 17

Musicians vs frost giants (3 attacks) - (3d20+7)

(13910) + 7 = 39

Dmg to giants - (3d10)

(589) = 22

Druzil stealth check - (1d20+10)

Giant wis save DC 13 vs Hideous Laughter - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Jermsy stealth to hide - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Erinyes 2 wis save vs dragon fear - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

giants 1-3 wis saves vs dragon fear - (3d20+3)

(4187) + 3 = 32

Golem poison dmg - (10d8)

(5534126271) = 36

Jun 29, 2019 4:05 pm
Round 4 Player Phase!!!!
Another round! Probably the biggest thing on the radar is the golems are mobilizing. And Aeri is nearly dead. But some baddies are still frightened, Merodach is prone in blue zone, and Erinyes 1 has taken a beating.

Also, some priests of Tempus have joined the fight since being freed by a blood hunter. They can provide healing to people in the yellow zone.




And friends...

Jun 29, 2019 4:39 pm
Ilmadia kicks the door of the shed open and drives her sword into Druzil's chest. "You never could learn to shut your mouth."

Druzil takes 7 damage. Unlikely lethal, due to his uncanny dodge.

HP: 109/109 + 18 THP
AC: 20
Zone: yellow
Last edited June 29, 2019 4:51 pm


Sword v Druzil - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Damage - (1d8+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Disadvantage on above - (1d20+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Jun 29, 2019 4:53 pm
Alalla digs through the rubble as fast as she can. As soon as her fist closes on the coffer she turns and runs towards the closest golem, risking leaving her defenses open to move as fast as she can.

Coffer held tightly, Al flicks it open so that the monstrous golem is contained within the anti-magic field.

"The golems!" she shouts to her allies. "Focus on the golems!"

Al runs to blue zone and opens the anti-magic coffer on golem 1.

HP: 164/164 + 6 THP
AC: 20
Zone: blue
Last edited June 30, 2019 4:29 am


Athletics to dig through rubble - (1d20+10)

(10) + 10 = 20

Jun 29, 2019 5:18 pm
The poison in his body, however, continues to show. It was terribly frustrating. Here he was, hardly wounded but could scarcely take out a single foe. (Erinyes takes 30 damage.)

His third shot goes wide. He grits his teeth, but manages to curve one of his arrows and finish off one of the other devils. (Barbed Devils take 14 damage.)

I suppose that works...

106/111 HP
AC 17
Last edited June 29, 2019 5:49 pm


Longbow vs Erinyes 1 (Dis) - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (15) + 13 = 28

1d20+13 : (15) + 13 = 28

Damage - (1d8+22)

(1) + 22 = 23

Longbow 2 vs Erinno - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (19) + 13 = 32

1d20+13 : (13) + 13 = 26

Damage - (1d8+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Longbow 3 vs Erinmaybe (Dis) - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (1) + 13 = 14

1d20+13 : (18) + 13 = 31

Curving Shot vs Druzil (Dis) - (1d20+13, 1d20+13)

1d20+13 : (11) + 13 = 24

1d20+13 : (17) + 13 = 30

Damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Jun 30, 2019 1:13 am
"I see the Pact-pain in your eyes. You have made many poor choices haven't you? Don't worry, I'll put you out of your misery so you can go pay your dues in full." With a cut of his longsword and a daggerpunch to his throat, Hjollistad dies. Turning around Vincent lands an elbow to the back of one of the traitor's heads and a side kick to a knee. Spector works on the other traitor, but doesn't make much headway.

Vincent does 20 lethal damage to Hjollistad and 24 to traitor 2. Used ki to flurry

Ki: 4/8
Spector's HP:7/22
Last edited June 30, 2019 1:23 am


Attacks - (1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d20+10)

1d20+10 : (15) + 10 = 25

1d20+10 : (13) + 10 = 23

1d20+10 : (20) + 10 = 30

1d20+10 : (19) + 10 = 29

Damage - (1d10+5, 1d6+5, 1d6+11, 1d6+5)

1d10+5 : (7) + 5 = 12

1d6+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d6+11 : (3) + 11 = 14

1d6+5 : (5) + 5 = 10

Spector's attack - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

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