The Frontier

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Jun 5, 2019 1:21 pm
"I am following the existing laws as best I can. In the Ten Towns, people are not executed until a trial finds that to be the punishment necessary. Sometimes the trial finds others more fitting. You and the others will be tried in Bryn Shander," Alalla waves her hand at the devil sludge, "but the very Hells conspire against the North. If I take you now, the Abyssal armies may swallow us all before a trial is to be done. So we will postpone it in favour of dealing with the immediate threat.

I believe this is fair. Laws sometimes differ in times of war than in times of peace. I understand that the nuance of human laws are difficult to learn, but I speak truth. You must continue to trust me."

She looks Morrugh in the eye. "If the tribe finds issue in it, I am chieftess, and I judge how I judge. Let it be known also that, least in this time of war, the same crime among our people will not receive a trial. Any orc that kills another out of anything but defense of themself or the tribe will earn their immediate death. We can't allow Gruumsh to find hold in us."

Al gives a respectful nod. "Your confession and willingness to accept punishment does much to protect our tribe from him. It would be better if it hadn't happened, but sitting trial in Town for your mistake will help our reputation and show that we are genuine in trying to find peace. Punishment is necessary, but your efforts to make things right say more about you than your actions in anger. You have done your best by the tribe."

She waves a hand. "Come. As we march I will tell you more of Torm, and then you must give me your replacement. I will organize you and your fellows standing until the trial with them."
Last edited June 5, 2019 1:23 pm
Jun 6, 2019 6:58 pm
Morrugh nods. "As you say, Thur’Kafaz."

Once gathered, the orcs march according to Alalla’s orders.
Back to the Orc Cave...

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