RECRUITING Spycraft 2.0 - Sparks of Discord

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May 29, 2019 8:05 pm
Ever wanted to star in your own summer action blockbuster?

Be involved in a highspeed chase?

Or jump onto a moving train? (Our characters have)

Then Spycraft: Sparks of Discord may just be the game for you!

We are nearing completion of the first mission and have had some attrition (due to players leaving not via character death) so I am opening up recruiting again to hopefully get some players/characters in place to start the next mission right away.

We have some great players (and characters) in RusVal and Whitmore (both who frequent the board) and has been a lot of fun.

This campaign takes place in the World on Fire setting. Introduction to the game can be found HERE

Player expectations can be found HERE

Game Details can be found HERE

If you are interested, please PM me or email Your initial thoughts on character concepts would be helpful to include in this email.

Last edited Jun 3, 2019 2:13 pm
Jun 3, 2019 2:15 pm
Still looking for players in this fun and exciting modern game
Jun 3, 2019 8:10 pm
So let me see if I got this straight:

After the Cold War, James Bond (& crew) had to go rogue to team up with all those frenemy Russian agents (who also went rogue) because the governments of the world were dumb in a superhero/spy-techo-thriller fashion to the point of self-destruction.

This self-destruction is helped along because all of those James Bond villains are still out there (and I mean ALL OF THEM) causing all sorts of havoc.

Havoc which was magnified because Not-Edward-Snowden release the ULTIMATE WIKILEAK, and people actually cared what was in it. Not-Edward-Snowden then gathered all the L33T F1GHT TH3 P0W3R hackers (and maybe the Matrix crew) to, well, F1GHT TH3 P0W3R!

The governments of the world respond by creating a more openly Hydra SHIELD, and the sheeple cheered.

Meanwhile, an out of touch ancient conspiracy grows increasingly out of touch because they are all young old people, so they increasingly don't understand the modern world and are cocky about it.

Additionally, there's another ancient conspiracy, only this one is mystically Chinese, and is trying to build an empire for the Yin-Yang Sisters. There's all sorts of martial arts, including John Woo gun-fu.

Oh, and James Bond himself turned into one of his own evil villains.

There's also the Grand Theft Auto/Saints Row crew bouncing around out there (with John Wick) being anti-heroes, because why not?

We do not know if there are ninjas.

And The Question found like minded people, and are going around being heroically mysterious.

Whitmore is currently playing Spy Seth Rogan-lite in drag while working for the anarchist hackers in a freelance fashion.

RusVal (that's me) is SpecOps Fisherman Lumberjack Call of Duty Captain America Ghost Recon GIJoe Punisher (played by Chris Pratt's cousin) working for the James Bond crew (for now) undercover as SWAT.

We are currently fighting our way through all the thugs John Wick seemed to have missed, on a train.

We also have the help of Prettyboy FBI Stuntman and Russian Land Pirate, played by Away From Keyboard.

There may be employment by Every Tropical Crime Drama Task Force in our future.

Would that be an accurate assessment?
Last edited Jun 3, 2019 8:43 pm
Jun 4, 2019 5:32 pm
I'm interested, but as I've never played the game, I'd be a completely new player.
Jun 4, 2019 7:48 pm
Hey, so was one of the last two guys! Don't worry, we're a pretty chill group, and I'm sure one of us three will be able to answer any question you got.

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