Homefront (Superheroes using Original Edition D&D)

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Jun 1, 2019 4:08 am
It is 1942. The world is in flames. Across the seas in Europe, Africa, and Asia, the best of America's young men are fighting for freedom. After the rise of the Nazi super-soldiers, known as Soldiers of the Vril, America's heroes have joined them too.

In Europe, The Eagle and Liberty Belle fight alongside Molotok and Cerp against the Nazi Threat. In Asia the Iron Dragon joins the Howitzer in the fight against Japanese aggression, while the Dream Doctor allies with the Spider in Africa.

But now, in America, the fifth column is rearing its head, and with America's best fighting overseas, it's up to those who have as yet stood in the shadows to step up.

The game will be played using the Guardians ruleset, a hack of OD&D. It will not be perfectly run, but it will be interesting.

And you'll get to punch Nazis.
I am looking for a team of four. We're going to be starting out at level one; I'll walk you through the creation process.

Give me your pitch for one of these four types of character:
- A BRUISER who excels at battling their opponents
and taking punishment without flinching.
- A SUPER-AGENT who overcomes challenges through agility, cunning, and stealth, although they can still hold their own in a fight.
- A POWER WIELDER who relies on super powers rather than on fighting.
- A GADGETEER that pushes the boundaries of science by inventing devices such as jet packs, powered armor, or shrinking serums.

I really want one of each of these four types. I'll be taking the first pitch that fits the era well (no 'heroes' names Bloodsport or the like). If I don't get one of each type, I'll pick the remainder from the duplicate types.
Last edited Jun 1, 2019 4:08 am
Jun 1, 2019 4:35 am
Cool, we have a Bruiser then. You have an invite pending, and I'll give you your options asap in the game forums.
Jun 1, 2019 5:12 am
I'd be interested. I can always fit in another game. Thinking maybe the Super-Agent. I assume your background info was for an alternate history because Americans were not in WWII in a big way until 1944.
Last edited Jun 2, 2019 1:48 am
Jun 1, 2019 7:16 am
This sounds interesting. I'm looking to take the Power Wielder then. I don't know about Odnd or Guardians ruleset, but since you'll guide us, that's probably OK.
Jun 1, 2019 7:19 pm
Aldrusian says:
I'd be interested. I can always git in another game. Thinking maybe the Super-Agent. I assume your background info was for an alternate history because Americans were not in WWII in a big way until 1944.
We've already got superheroes in the war, so we're in alternate history territory already. I'm sort of elasticizing the time period somewhat.
Jun 1, 2019 7:20 pm
If you guys will either post here or send me a DM with a brief concept, I'll get you started.
Jun 2, 2019 3:49 am
Alois Hudec was born on July 12, 1908 in Račice, Austria-Hungary. He started gymnastics as a young boy and eventually learned that he could get better training in Czechoslovakia. In his 20's he competed annually in the world championships winning his share of medals, especially in the Rings where he excelled. In 1936 he was scheduled to go to Berlin to represent his country in the Olympic games. He was rather nervous because of the rumors of Germany's desire to take control of Czechoslovakia. His coach took him aside and told him to think only about the competition and when it was over they could discuss what might be done about those rumors. Needless to say he won the Gold in the Rings but when the games ended he and his coach did not return to Prague but hid with the British team who smuggled them to London instead. He immediately wrote to his parents once he was in London and arranged for them to get out of the country.

He was eager to get back at the Germans after they absorbed his adopted home country but he was told to bide his time for a couple more months. Things were happening in the US that would help him a great deal with his efforts. He didn't bother to ask for any details because he trusted the people who told him that. After all, they did sneak him out of Germany. In early 1939 he was sent to New Jersey across the pond and was introduced to a man who would give him an extreme makeover, body edition. The Americans were well aware of his strength from working on the rings as well as his agility from his lifelong relationship with gymnastics. They trained him in multiple fighting styles and infiltration techniques while they made significant adjustments to his body to make him even stronger and more agile. By 1942 he was ready and was sent with a group of others back to London to be a specialized team.
Last edited Jun 2, 2019 3:51 am
Jun 2, 2019 11:46 pm
I get a little carried away when designing characters. More succinctly I see the Super-Agent as an in-fighter using knife and small handgun as well as martial artistry. He has the agility and stealth to sneak up on a target and take them out with one blow or a quick flurry. He has the ability to redirect an opponent's attention to give him more time to reach the target.

To go beyond that, and I don't know how far you're thinking going, he might be able to make himself effectively invisible for short periods of time. He has enhanced quickness to move more quickly than the normal human and he may even have the ability to strike first more often than is normally possible. This all depends on how far beyond the human norm you want to take the game. I have yet to read a word of the rules so I have no idea of where the story goes.
Jun 3, 2019 5:21 pm
Sounds good, Aldrusian. I'll have your stuff up soon. I think we have our four now, so we're full barring unforeseen circumstances.
Jun 11, 2019 4:33 pm
If you're not full, I have ideas for your gadgeteer, let me know if you have room.
Jun 11, 2019 7:08 pm
We are full at the moment, but I'll let you know if that changes.

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