kalajel says:
Bakuiel says:
Valkeelis says:
Welcome. Wow Rifts! I haven't heard that name for a while now. I used to love reading those world books, but just found the combat system so overwhelming.
Yeah a lot about Rifts was overwhelming but the roleplay was fun, used to have a game where I was a Dragon and my friends were a witch, a cyberknight slave and a glitterboy mechanic, not many systems could so that crazy stuff.
Thank you everybody for the welcome.
I'm currently giving Rifts a chance. a friend is running a game. So far, I'm not too crazy about the system... Also, the books are horribly organized.
I really enjoyed the lore in Rifts, but geez talk about balance issues. Like Bakuiel was saying, you end up with these weird parties like - A mecha pilot, a dragon, a mystic ninja, a juicer, a borg and some weird psychic like a tele-mechanic or a burster.
I really loved Rifts Japan though - just reading the lore. Mystic Ninjas were insane. Oh you wanna attack me in a mecha? Ok I'll just use my chi and convert to MDC then lay into you with my psi-sword and 7 attacks per round lol. Crazy stuff.