Vikaastea City: a (5e) game of thorns

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Jun 4, 2019 11:26 pm
Well here it is, the political D&D game I was asked for.
Many seem eager to join, but I'd like to clear some things up before I start accepting join requests. So if you intend to join my game, please read ahead.

First, this is a D&D game.
And while I'll put a lot of effort to highlight the political effects of your actions and emphasis what's at stake when you make a choice, even if we're gonna travel greyer parts of moral areas, this won't be a Vampire or Reign game. The game mechanics don't support that. And I don't like to throw the G out of the RPG window like some do.

Second, you'll build your character on spot.
I know it can sound harsh, so let me explain.
I built a setting, determined initial positions and established a status quo for you to mess with. And if the game evolves in such way that I need to throw all of this out, I will. Without second thoughts.
That being said, I've set some expectations that I think are required for the game to work at all. And it will be your job to smash them into a character concept that sounds fun to you, and work with the other players so that you end up with a consistent party.
Maybe you'll be able to finally adapt that cool character concept that you've been eager to play. But maybe not. That will mostly be up the you as a group.

Third, you'll need to be proactive
And verbose, to some extent.
Some of the political feeling will come from the tension that will arise as we play, but because we don't have many mechanics to support that type of playstyle, our words will be what binds this whole thing together. And while I might be able to carry that on my own in my native language, I'll need your help to do that in English.

Now, if you're still in...
... well I'd be glad to play with you! Here's the game.
As I see that there already is a ton a requests, feel free to PM me your expectations from the game. Hey, ease off: I'm not asking for a cover letter! I just want to find a group of players the fits together :)
Last edited Jun 4, 2019 11:42 pm
Jun 4, 2019 11:47 pm
PM sent with my character idea.
Jun 5, 2019 12:06 am
Since I was one of the ones to suggest this type of game I would like in but i will Pm you a character idea and see what you think.
Jun 5, 2019 12:12 am
I have also sent a PM your way.
Sep 20, 2019 2:52 pm
Hey there !

With the recent loss of one of our players, we have an available spot in the game. Who'd be in for some political D&D? (make sure you read the original post first).
Sep 20, 2019 3:06 pm
Sounds interesting. What's the current party makeup?
Sep 20, 2019 3:30 pm
The party currently is made of a Human Noble Warlock and a Half-elf Noble Rogue. They lost a Human Noble Scholar friend, brother and party member.
No, they didn't have to pick Noble as a background :-D
Sep 20, 2019 4:11 pm
I gather, given the classes chosen, that combat isn't a priority for building characters for this campaign?
Sep 20, 2019 9:41 pm
We had a fighter who was part of the city guard.
Sep 21, 2019 2:28 am
I've sent you a PM with a character concept, Ornux.
Sep 25, 2019 10:24 am
Thanks for your interest everyone.
Moonbeam joined the game, and we're now full :)

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