Jun 5, 2019 2:09 am
"What happens is this... you go to sleep in one place... and you wake up somewhere else. You wake up in Blue City."
The full name of the game (which didn’t fit in the title bar) is Lacuna, The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City
Lacuna is a rules lite indie RPG from Memento Mori Theatrics. The game is difficult to describe: its part surreal horror, part mystery, and part conspiracy. In Lacuna, players take on the role of "Mystery Agents," Men-in-Black style operatives who plunge into humanity’s collective subconscious in order to hunt down dangerous personalities. The Jungian mass subconscious takes the form of Blue City, a meandering mindscape of strangeness bordering every human mind. Both Blue City, and the Company you work for, are ridden with secrets. The game has the feel of a Cold War spy thriller fused with Inception.
As stated, the system is very rules lite. Character creation is quick and easy. All your stats are tied to your heart rate. As your heart rate goes up, you get more powerful. But if it goes too high, you flatline and die in the physical world.
I don’t intend to run the game for very long, maybe just a few months.
Last edited June 6, 2019 3:05 pm