Jun 6, 2019 8:54 pm
Hi. Not sure where to start or what all to encompass, but I guess I'll just jump right in. My brother introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition a few years ago. I was reluctant at first, but fell in love after a few seconds of cooperation. We had a group that got together once a week for about a year, and then fell apart. I've tried to start it up a few times more, but it never happened, so now I'm resorting to this to get my fix. Apparently, I've got a talent for writing and making very interesting characters with lots of depth. I used to create these characters for fun using a 5e app, but I deleted most of them shortly after, and lately I've been in a bit of a slump. I'm sure there'll be nothing like playing d&d to get my creative juices flowing again. An important thing to note about me would probably be that I'm non-binary, but if you must know, I suppose that biologically I'm female. Despite this, I'm not very easily offended, which I'm sure is a breath of fresh air for many of you. I look forward to playing with all of you.