Lac Dinneshere

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Jun 11, 2019 3:51 pm
Alalla rolls her eyes. "I'm a six-foot tall black woman with a seven-and-a-half-foot tall golden glaive. I don't really do inconspicuous." Still, she puts up her hood and walks slowly to the tower.
Jun 11, 2019 3:52 pm
Ilmadia, cloaked and hooded throughout this whole event, waits for Zenithral to act before following in his wake.
Jun 11, 2019 3:53 pm
"What is going on here?" The cold, feminine voice cuts through the tumult of voices. The erinyes Reòthadh met earlier stalks forward, hand on its sword. "You are all supposed to be keeping watch, not - " It stops as it sees Reòthadh. "You!"
Jun 11, 2019 3:53 pm
Nym’s voice hisses to Alalla. "Come on! Quickly now."
Jun 11, 2019 4:03 pm
Alalla begins sprinting towards the tower.
Jun 11, 2019 7:23 pm
"I would have them purge the land of the fiends that seek to take it."

The new chieftain dwarf makes eye contact with Erinyes. Gripping his axe, hoping he has not exhausted himself fully, he prepares for another battle. Pointing his axe at Erinyes, he turns to Chief Skaudmol.

"Chief Skaudmol, I believe there is already a fiend among us. We must not allow her to escape."

Reòthad converts 7 sorcery points into one 5th level spell slot as a bonus action.
Last edited June 11, 2019 7:32 pm
Jun 11, 2019 8:59 pm
"Help him endure," Zenithral prays as he turns to follow Alalla. (Shield of Faith on Reòthadh. +2 AC, and he can use a reaction to make a weapon attack if he so chooses.)
He'd like to cast it at the start of his next turn, effectively, after Reòthadh takes his next turn, in case he can make use of the extra reaction attack.
Jun 12, 2019 4:14 am
Al, Zen, and Ilmadia continue on in Easthaven...
Jun 12, 2019 4:19 am
The erinyes opens its mouth wide and lets out a chilling howl that carries on the night wind. Immediately cries of alarm spring out all around. With one graceful, snakelike motion its sword is in its hand and pointed toward Reothadh and the other tribe leaders. "This is the part where you beg for forgiveness before I kill you all."
Reo gets the first move, and can make use of the reaction weapon attack that Zen grants him.
HP: 216/216
AC: 18
Jun 12, 2019 4:39 am
Standing firm, Reòthadh speaks as loudly for those around to hear.

"We do not bargain with fiends for that which is our own."

Launching a ribbon of light at Erinyes, the sorcerer runs toward the fiend and slashes with his axe.

Reòthadh casts booming blade, uses his reaction, and launches a star as a bonus action. Erinyes take 22 radiant damage.
Last edited June 12, 2019 4:42 am


Crown of stars - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Frostbrand attack - (1d20+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Booming Blade - (1d20+9)

(7) + 9 = 16

Crown of stars damage - (4d12)

(9139) = 22

Jun 12, 2019 5:17 am
Tansia steps behind and to the side of Reothadh and hurls a spear. "For the Tribes!" A sash at her waist glows with obvious magic.

Skaudmol echoes her cry and charges in with his greatsword. The nearest barbarians follow his lead.


Skaudmol vs Erinyes (2 attacks) - (1d20+9, 1d20+9)

1d20+9 : (3) + 9 = 12

1d20+9 : (16) + 9 = 25

dmg to erinyes - (4d6+5)

(1566) + 5 = 23

Tansia vs Erinyes (2 attacks, bless) - (1d20+6, 1d4, 1d20+6, 1d4)

1d20+6 : (6) + 6 = 12

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d20+6 : (16) + 6 = 22

1d4 : (1) = 1

dmg to Erinyes - (1d6+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

berserkers vs Erinyes (5 attacks, adv) - (2d20+5, 2d20+5, 2d20+5, 2d20+5, 2d20+5)

2d20+5 : (34) + 5 = 12

2d20+5 : (1419) + 5 = 38

2d20+5 : (1018) + 5 = 33

2d20+5 : (135) + 5 = 23

2d20+5 : (518) + 5 = 28

dmg to Eryinyes - (3d12+9)

(11912) + 9 = 41

Jun 12, 2019 5:25 am
The erinyes proves a capable foe even against the onslaught of magic and weaponry from Reothadh and the tribesmen. It weaves its way through the melee like a leaf through a windstorm, but in this case the devil is the one shaping the storm. It cannot block every weapon that strikes against it, but for its delicate features this monster has supernatural resilience, and the weapons of the barbarians seem to be far less effective than they should (Resists damage from nonmagical weapons).

It sidesteps a humongous swing from Skaudmol’s sword, then bends backward at a ninety degree angle to avoid Reothadh’s humming weapon, even as its own sword simultaneously picks off an incoming axe with seemingly little effort. Of all the attacks against it so far, it is Reothadh’s flung star of light that burns the fiend the most (Parries one of the barbarians' attacks with its reaction).

With a cry of disdain, the eryinyes whips an enchanted rope from its belt and flings it at the dwarf, entangling him of its own accord (Reo is restrained, escape DC 15). Holding the other end of the rope in its hand, the devil grins and shrugs its shoulders. Crimson feathered wings immediately blossom outward from its back. The fiend pokes trapped Reothadh with its sword, though the sorcerer's tough body rejects the worst effects of its poisoned blade (Reo takes 10 slashing damage and after resistance 10 more poison damage).

"Let us leave this rabble behind. Should I kill you myself, or take you to Belhifet?" The wings beat, and the erinyes rises into the air, sword once more flashing to block one of Skaudmol’s mighty swings (Parries Skaudmol's opportunity attack).

A moment later, Reothadh also leaves the ground, pulled skyward by the enchanted rope (Reo is 40 ft off the ground, Erinyes is 20 feet above him).
Reo's turn! Remember that restrained also gives disadvantage on attack rolls. If you use Inspiration to reroll the DC 15 dex save and you pass, just describe it as wriggling your way out before you get too high.
HP: 155/216
AC: 18


Reo dex save DC 15 - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

Erinyes vs Reo (adv) - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)

1d20+8 : (4) + 8 = 12

1d20+8 : (11) + 8 = 19

dmg to Reo (slashing, poison) - (1d8+4, 3d8)

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

3d8 : (588) = 21

Skaudmol opp attack vs eryinyes - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

berserker opp attacks vs erinyes (5) - (5d20+5)

(486515) + 5 = 43

dmg to erinyes - (1d12+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

oops roll - (1d12+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Jun 12, 2019 3:30 pm
Caught by the rope and seeing the ground grow smaller as he is lifted into the air, the giant sorcerer does what he knows best, growing really, really big.

Reòthadh quickens enlarge on himself, using his rage of fallen Ostoria. As an action he tries to grapple Erinyes.

HP: 153/167
AC: 18
Size: HUGE
Last edited June 12, 2019 3:40 pm


Grapple - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Advantage - (1d20+9)

(15) + 9 = 24

Jun 13, 2019 1:27 am
The cruel smile painted across the erinyes’ face turns to incredulity as her trapped dwarf suddenly becomes a giant. In midair the enchanted rope snaps, and Reòthadh reaches out a meaty blue hand to grab the devil as he begins to fall. Even its supernatural strength is not enough to save it as its red wings are pinned to its sides.

Both fall...

And then both slam into the ground. The fiend tries to right itself, but Reòthadh’s grip is absolute. It flails its sword against his mighty fist, but can do little to truly harm him (Reo takes 12 slashing damage, and after resistance another 10 poison damage).

And then the barbarians descend, weapons chopping at the trapped fiend. All it can do is cry out in rage as even mortal weapons leave their mark.
It landed prone and its speed is 0, so it can’t even stand up! It has disadvantage on attack rolls, and everyone’s got advantage against it. This erinyes is toast! Go ahead and describe how you kill it!


Erinyes contested athletics - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Fall dmg to reo - (4d6)

(4423) = 13

Fall dmg to Erinyes - (6d6)

(312445) = 19

Reo concentration save DC 10 - (1d20+11)

(12) + 11 = 23

Erinyes vs Reo (3 attacks, disadv) - (2d20+8, 2d20+8, 2d20+8)

2d20+8 : (152) + 8 = 25

2d20+8 : (1915) + 8 = 42

2d20+8 : (161) + 8 = 25

Dmg to Reo (slashing, poison) - (1d10+4, 3d8)

1d10+4 : (8) + 4 = 12

3d8 : (776) = 20

Jun 13, 2019 1:55 am
Even as the erinyes suffers nigh helplessly, Reòthadh knows that damage has been done. Confused shouts ring out through the darkness as tribesmen run and argue. The alarm has been raised, but who is in charge?

As confusion and panic turn to anger, it sounds as though members of the different tribes may come to blows.
Jun 13, 2019 3:04 pm
There is no ceremony as Reòthadh destroys the fiend. With the nearby tribesmen, he takes care not to showboat in slaying the fiend. With a swift stroke of his axe, he ends the fiend’s time on the material plane, knowing it will likely harbor resentment and plan its revenge for the rest of the dwarf’s life.

With the confusion among the tribes, the new chieftain of chiefs calls for his chiefs and all that can hear his voice to listen.

"Hear yer new chieftain o’ chiefs, steady yer hands. The false chieftain Jerrod has fallen, he seeking power would have used the great tribes to serve the fallen dragon Icasaracht’s spirit in returning. He would have sold ye to be slaves to devils. These fiends now seek to open a doorway into the Nine Hells and flood this world in their number. Swear ye now to serve yer chieftain o’ chiefs an spread word of his deeds ‘Reòthadh, champion o’ the North, giantborn, slayer o’ dragons, an chieftain o’ chiefs.’ Now is the time for the tribes to unite, to protect the beauty an ferocity o’ the North."

Size: still huge.
Last edited June 13, 2019 3:06 pm


Persuasion - (1d20+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Inspiration - (1d20+9)

(1) + 9 = 10

Jun 14, 2019 4:52 am
Reòthadh’s words fall on the tumult of confusion and many tribesmen flock to him. There are just as many, however, who fall back to the tower instead.

Tansia, standing alongside Reòthadh’s kneecap, mutters a curse as she watches some of her people withdraw. "You cannot blame them. Not entirely. That awful tower has a way of scrambling minds. It’s a wonder that you’ve managed to change the minds of any of my people."

She looks up - far up - to meet Reòthadh’s eyes. "But I believe that you will find some way to save the rest of them. Though the blood that runs through your veins is not the same as ours, your connection to the North and its wilds is obvious."

The woman reaches for the shimmering sash around her waist and unties it. Its sparkle does not diminish. "This was my -" She swallows and tries again. "This is the Tribe of the Elk’s greatest possession. I entrust it to you, Chief of Chiefs, to use its power to free the rest of our people."
Details on the sash here in the Identify thread.
Jun 14, 2019 7:32 pm
A glowing figure rises up high into the night sky, between Reòthadh’s position and the tower. It drifts through air for a a short while, and then the the tower suddenly erupts with the power of the sun. A beam of pure energy leaves the tip of the tower and sears a straight line toward the flying figure. The effect only lasts a moment, but the image is seared into the vision of all who saw what happened.
Jun 14, 2019 7:34 pm
Cries of fear and awe ring out, and Chief Skaudmol curses harshly. "It seems this tower has the same power as the other." His gaze passes to the northwest, and he flinches. "It was to help us clear the Dale. How can we fight it?" The large man looks truly afraid.
Jun 14, 2019 11:48 pm
The elder dwarf gratefully accepts the gift from Tansia, he proudly takes the sash and ties it round his waist.

"The tower must be torn down, but how a dwerf does not know. What would this one’s chiefs counsel be to lay siege?"

Releasing his magic, Reòthadh once more returns to his natural size.

"Tis easier to listen when the ears are closer to the ground eh?"
Last edited June 14, 2019 11:49 pm
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