Interest Check: Oriental-flavored Adventure

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Jun 11, 2019 2:55 am
If we're doing monks carrying sacred texts. Otherwise I'm good with cleric/shugenja, or straight up wizard, they all work with my character concept.
Jun 12, 2019 2:55 pm
This looks promising. I'd play the monk Bruce Lee / Jackie Chan type personality. If a spot is still open that is.
Last edited Jun 12, 2019 8:34 pm
Jun 13, 2019 4:08 am
Hey jabes, so sorry i missed this, cause im on a sch trip atm. But i would love to join!
Jun 13, 2019 4:10 am
Do you mind if you leave the spots open till this weekend when i return home? I will be able to send you info on my character then. :) i’ll be back home in 2 days.
Jun 13, 2019 5:21 am
I came here to call it, but I think I might wait to see what Vorn has in mind. Even though he's last to post here, he was the first to express interest when I brought this up on Discord, a couple of days before I put this thread up.

I need to reiterate though: For this game I'm looking for active players who can post daily barring unusual circumstances. If you don't think you can keep up please let me know now before I start the ball rolling.

Jun 13, 2019 2:43 pm
Hmm, I'd like to join in, though I'm not too confident I can keep up daily... Maybe it's better in the long run for me not to join...


Jun 13, 2019 3:34 pm
RoAries says:
Hmm, I'd like to join in, though I'm not too confident I can keep up daily... Maybe it's better in the long run for me not to join...
RoAires, you are wiser than most! It's really refreshing to see a player make this decision.
Jun 13, 2019 5:36 pm
I had an idea for a human cleric who worships a Dualistic God of Charity and Suffering.
[ +- ] Character Art
I haven't yet decided on a name for him, but he will be a wandering priest that goes from town to town, not necessarily preaching about his god, about about the ideals that his god represents. He tries to help those than need it, The Downtrodden are often the most fervent worshipers of Dai'Shan, the Lord of Sorrow. He preaches how each person has a void within their hearts that they most often try to fill with money and selfish things. What they need, he tells them, is to free this void of anything so that it may heal, as most wounds do. The way to free it is to give up or give away those things that are not necessary to survive. To share them with those who are struggling. To share in hardship so that those who suffer soon may not have to.
It is a hard lesson, and many do not care to hear it, especially those with wealth and power. The priest understands, and bids them luck in their life. It is not his place to tell them that the Lord of Sorrows does not favor those who rebuke his wisdom. It his not his place to warn them of the wave of hardship and despair that follows him from village to village and strikes those who turn him away. He just smiles sadly and lets them know that he understands. Then he leaves for the next village that his Lord leads him to.
Last edited Jun 13, 2019 5:38 pm
Jun 14, 2019 11:02 am
I am also concerned that I might lag behind in posting sometimes. I finally found a job last month as a night watchman and it was a difficult adjustment period at first but I believe I have found my rhythm. Having said that, I think every other day might be more realistic for me. If that will be an issue then I thank you for your time and bow out.
Jun 14, 2019 11:50 am
@RoAries and @campeador, every other day isn't bad. I am really just looking for consistency.

By my count we have ten now. I will finalize the selection this weekend.

Thanks, everyone!
Jun 16, 2019 3:44 am
Your text to link here...

This is my idea for my character.
She is a thief class.

Zhuang Rong Hua wants to be rich. Coming from a poor family, growing up, she often questioned her parents why couldn’t she buy the things she saw and liked, for example toys, or clothes. Why could other children buy those, but not her? Thus, her view of the world became simple. Money makes you happy. Money lets you buy things you want. Money lets you live the good life. After her parents died, Rong Hua was left on the streets. She scavenged to survuve, doing what she had to, until she was taken in by a woman. The woman taught her how to live, how to be silent, how to be deadly, to not get pushed over. With the new knowledge, Rong Hua used her skills to make herself happy, by earning money with her skills. Even though the money came from shady, dark and sometimes bloodied hands, Rong Hua did not care. As long as she got her money, she would do what she needed to.
not sure how to make the image appear, sorry
Last edited Jun 16, 2019 3:44 am
Jun 16, 2019 3:45 am
And thanks for holding for me Jabes!
Jun 16, 2019 4:57 am
Okay, let's do this! I wish I could take all of you, but I just can't. I've decided to go with the following:

• Squadfather44: The Fighter. Scion of a fallen noble house.
• BedzoneII: The Monk. Bearer of a sacred text.
• Somebox: The Immolator. Possessed by a vengeful ghost.
• DarkReaver1998: The Cleric. Follower of Dai'Shan, the Lord of Sorrows.
• Vorn369: Rong Hua, the Thief.

I have sent the five of you invitations to join the game.

Thanks to Lenpelletier, Naatkinson, Campeador, Evecar_solaris, and RoAries for sharing your ideas! Special thanks to veterans Len and Nate for stepping down in favor of others who aren't in as many games as they. If this story ever needs additional characters for whatever reason, I will let you know! Oh, and if you'd like to read along, let me know.
Jun 16, 2019 9:09 am
Thanks Jabes for the chance to play in your game!
Jun 16, 2019 9:59 pm
I am so sorry to have missed this, looks great. Any chance of a lurker spot Jabes?
Jun 17, 2019 9:46 am
Sure, @Knife! I have sent you an invitation.

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