N.WoD Vampire the Requiem interest discussion

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Nov 4, 2015 4:25 am
So I have an idea for a Vampire the Requiem story that I think I want to run. The idea is that the PCs would be freshly turned neonates. Literally the first scene will be waking up as a kindred for the first time and dealing with the change. I also like the political intrigue game that Vampire can be. I would want political intrigue to develop as a strong theme along with the loss of mortal life.

In this story character will not be staring with any Covenant affiliations, because as I said the story will start the night you wake up as a vampire. No covenant disciplines, status or bonuses will be allowed at creation, but dealing with the Covenants will be part of the story. Basically PCs will be built as mortals then adding the vampire template. Discovering who sired the characters will be part of the story as well.

Does this sound interesting to anyone else and would anyone play?
Nov 4, 2015 4:46 am
I'm interested. I've been avoiding joining new games for a while now, because I felt like I was getting to my saturation point, but a few of the games I'm in seem to be going dormant.

That said, I've never played any of the Vampire games; the only WoD game I've played is Werewolf, and that was once, at a convention. More recently, I was invited to join in a Changeling game, so I read through all the rules...but in the end, I couldn't make the time slot. So...I'm interested, but I'd essentially be a newbie.
Nov 4, 2015 5:13 am
Well, I'm not opposed to teaching new players. And it soulmate sense as a neonate if you didn't know much about kindred politics.
Nov 4, 2015 1:16 pm
I don't think I've played it yet but I'm up for it, would we make a human then skin them as a vampire? Just curious about how many updates a week you'd need from us and if it would be more social conflict/politics mostly or whatnot. Also welcome back.
Nov 4, 2015 4:13 pm
Thanks, it's good to be back. So the way NWoD can work is you could play a game as normal humans then develop into the supernatural creature, vampire, changeling, werewolf and Mage all work this way. Promethian is the only one I don't think this works for. The supernatural template usually just adds a few more things on top of the human base. In the case of Vampire it depends on which clan you choose. Each clan gives you a skill and a specialty and access to Disciplines and three ranks of those disciplines that you choose. In a lot of ways adding the Vampire template is like adding a class after building your base character, or like choosing a foci in Numenera.

And yes social/political conflict will feature heavily, but there will also be personal conflicts, and a bit of action. The characters will be learning that while they are now monsters, there are even worse things hiding in the dark.

Posting would be a little relaxed, I like once a day, but sometimes I might ask for longer narrative posts detailing how a character spends free time or what they do to enact plans. So I'm thinking 4-7 posts a week would work. Sometimes scenes might need a particular player to chime in, but those will be shorter conversational responses.
Nov 4, 2015 8:23 pm
I'm interested don't know how many you're looking for total though. Would you want us to scamper off and make them solo or collaborate together in a group? Either way I have some reading to do I think. Current day setting right?
Last edited November 4, 2015 8:27 pm
Nov 4, 2015 9:38 pm
Yes current day. I haven't decided how many characters I think I can juggle. Back in the day I ran a Karl with 8-10 regulars but they could entertain themselves a lot. I imagine I'll be looking at 5 at most.

As for character's collaborating...there will be a reason they might want to work together at first, and I hope they will find reasons to run together with the plot, but I will leave room for them to follow their own story threads.
Nov 4, 2015 11:22 pm
I meant for character creation but I guess in some cases play might have us in multiple places at once as well...
Nov 4, 2015 11:25 pm
Oh, I see what you mean. Character creation does not have to be collaborated on in my opinion. I won't discourage it either. If players want to develop histories before or during play I will be fine with that.
Nov 9, 2015 1:18 pm
Still working on this idea. I've decided to use the sample city Newcastle from the book Damnation City, so I'm down to populating it with the vampires that are already in the city.

I've delayed starting the game board because I recently had a job interview. The new job pays more but has strange hours. Basically I'll be on call 24/7, but I'll have long periods of downtime. I don't want to commit to running a game if I don't know my schedule. I'm supposed to hear about the job this week, so hopefully it won't be to long of a delay.

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