Two openings in Skyrealms of Jorune game

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Nov 4, 2015 11:47 pm
I've had a couple of players leave the site, so there are currently two openings in the Jorune game "Strange Allies".

Experience with Skyrealms of Jorune is not required; I can help with character creation or even just provide a pre-generated character for players who just want to join right away. System uses a d20 for most rolls; rolls are against skills that have both a rank (the number) and a level - if you're high enough level, you may not have to roll to succeed.

The characters so far are seeking citizenship in the most powerful nation on the planet, Burdoth, and have been given a mission to find and bring back a missing person. If they can complete it in time, they will be granted citizenship (and the many associated perquisites). The new characters do NOT have to be seeking citizenship, however, though they may if the player chooses.

Let me know if you are interested.
Nov 13, 2015 1:46 am
OK, so now just one open slot remains.
Nov 13, 2015 2:02 am
I'll try my hand at it. No experience with Skyrealms, though.
Nov 13, 2015 5:51 am
No experience is expected; it's a system that's been in print for decades, but hasn't had any new material or any particular official support for nearly that long.

I've sent an invitation; here's the game page.

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