What are you afraid of?

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Jul 12, 2019 7:46 am
Hmm...an interesting conundrum. For the longest time, the original Exorcist film scared the hell out of me. The main impetus for this was that when I saw it the first time, I was running a high fever and hallucinated Ms. Reagan at the foot of my bed worshiping the idol of Pazuzu. Once I got over that, very little scares me.

What occasionally gives me the creeps now is not what is there per say, but what could be there. If you think about how different dimensions overlap one another, what could we be sharing space with? Thinking about that long enough starts the chills running up the spine and the images in the corners of the eyes.
Jul 21, 2019 2:12 pm
This is going to sound weird, but I'm afraid of bee/wasp/hornet stings. Not because I'm afraid it will hurt, I mean I lived through a kidney stone for fuck's sake I think a sting will be a walk in the park compared to that, but because since I was never stung in my life I have no idea if I'm allergic or not.
Aug 23, 2019 12:03 pm
Real life is kinda terrifying....
Police find mummified human remains in a closet and a shrine 'to an unknown deity' at the home of a New Jersey man who is accused of sexual assault.
-Robert Frank Williams was arrested on Friday for alleged sexual assault on minor
-During a search of his home, police discovered mummified human remains
-Authorities said they found an altar 'to an unknown deity' in Williams' bedroom
-He was hit with multiple charges that include sexual assault....luring, and desecration of human remains
Last edited Aug 23, 2019 12:04 pm
Aug 23, 2019 7:57 pm
Freaking. Turbulence. And for someone who's flown as much as I have, you wouldn't believe I still have a phobia, but I just suck it up, take my tranqs and fly.
Aug 23, 2019 8:03 pm
I am terrified of flying, mostly because I have never flown. I guess I am afraid that I will be afraid of flying. How's that for weird?
Aug 23, 2019 9:01 pm
I don't think any piece of media has ever terrified me more than Junji Ito's Layers of Fear. With the combination of regret and body horror, it almost feels personally targeted to scare me
Aug 23, 2019 9:28 pm
this reminds me of another pretty disturbing story... I can't find the news were the actual murder was described anymore but basically, a couple of 14 yo teenagers decided to kill a woman for the sake of it, sneaked in her house and stabbed her in the neck while she slept (and then her daughter), went back home, shared a bath, had sex and watched four Twilight movies as if nothing happened. The original descriptions were really visual...
Last edited Aug 23, 2019 9:29 pm
Aug 24, 2019 12:05 am
Disclosure and Horror, I like it

I detest horror. I use the word hate a lot but not the word detest. I have a long and varied medical history where I was always in a state of fear, not danger, just fear. So I never did roller coasters, or thrills, or daredevil things. I try to not go into the dark, not because of any fear, but I just hate tripping.

I live in New Orleans. So metaphysical horror and/or vampires either makes me yawn or infuriates me (I laughed when my wife tried to get me to watch true blood. Twenty years in New Orleans and ten years of D&D before that, I imagined D&D monsters eating the cast of true blood). Nawlins Voodoo? I explored the dungeon underbelly of that life here in Nawlins, it is a copy of a Afro-Caribbean religion, some serious homage to gods they don't understand. No thank you. And I was an Anthropology major.

So there ya go. No horror. I'll storm Ravenloft and poke the Curse of the Strahd, but horror, me? Negative, Captain.

But real fear? The movie Alien desperately scared me to oblivion. As a kid I couldn't even watch the commercial. When it came out on cable ages ago. I went quite quite mad with fear.
Last edited Aug 24, 2019 1:38 am
Aug 24, 2019 6:49 am
I was 8 when E.T. came out. That goddamn alien gave me nightmares. I still don't understand how people can find that fucker cute!
Aug 24, 2019 9:04 am
As a kid I couldn't watch past the Pig-Scene in Spirited Away, and always would stop there. And that movie was running at least twice a year on german childrens TV at the time.
Nowadays, I love the movie (I mean pretty much all of Studio Ghibli's work is awesome), but I still get the chills in that scene...
Aug 24, 2019 12:09 pm
Caesar says:
As a kid I couldn't watch past the Pig-Scene in . . .
I thought for sure your next word was going to be "Deliverance."

Speaking of terrifying . . .
Aug 24, 2019 4:26 pm
The dark (well, what COULD be in it, my imagination is pretty active and usually actively trying to scare me)
Water (Mainly the idea of drowning or not having ground beneath me)
Suffocation/holding my breath
Being forgotten
Someone close to me committing suicide...
Aug 30, 2019 8:05 pm
hey man very interesting question.
As i get older mans propensity for cruelty (to himself and others ) freaks me the fk out. I've always considered myself a civilized person, polite to others, giving people a chance to redeem themselves etc. but there have been moments when disgust has completely overwhelmed me.

Living in za ("Mandela", "Apartheid") and working in construction has put me in very close proximity to the poorer members of our society (both black and white if you must know) and the thing with poorer ppl (they don't exist in the way i mean in the US) is that they don't have the means to hide their problems.
one of the earliest memories of this overwhelming disgust with humanity or a raw confrontation with humanities baseness was in a place called Marabastadt, its in pta, a collection of close together shops mostly Asian (India not far east).
we were on a rooftop looking down at the "taxirank". i saw a blanket strung between 2 walls (on a corner). I thought maybe they were drying the blanket. one of the guys i worked with "socks" sidles up to me and asks if i knew what i was looking at. I answered that the refugees have probably washed their blankets. he explained "daai is njatsies" (those are prostitutes/fun girls) "hulle verkoop die P**s" (they sell themselves) "fyf rand" (5 rand - current exchange about $0.33 - a go) and as i watched a customer arrived.

I had 3 brothers working for me. the 1st got sick (sores on his tongue) he asked to go home to get better (homelands - a remnant of apartheid group area act) he died, his mother was paid out R50k ($3.2k). A few months later the second brother after a visit home came to me with the exact same tongue sores, he asked to go home - went home, and died. his mom was paid out R50k (insurance we take out for the guys families). when the 3rd brother came to me with the sores, my mother (a matriarch of Irish temper) asked for mothers number, she phoned up the mother and said plainly to her "do you understand me? excellent! If you kill this son i will call the police!" - the last son is still alive.

Then there's the tortures of the farm attacks, you can google them yourselves.

An unrelated personal horror: at the coast (witsand - google it, its a piece of windy heaven!) there's a river, about a km wide that runs into the ocean. We have the largest bull sharks in the world, a lovely lady weighing in around 5-6 hundred Kgs (https://kiteforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=2354575) - interesting story: after tagged, her daily rounds included visiting boats (we call her the "taxman" - 22kg cob heads landed) checking out the shore fishermen(busy wading) and swimming underneath the women that swims across the breede every day for the last 40 years (wonder if anyone has told her yet).
anyway we went to the Infanta side by boat, beautiful! water is as calm as the Med. i took my spinning rod and swam across to the island, not thinking i swam across the channel! looking down with goggles its the fkn abyss (30m on my dodgy depth finder, and swimming it, it looks black and and like it wants to swallow you. i could imagine a tentacle snaking up toward me. made it across unmolested, and began fishing into the mouth. the tide turned and as the water began getting higher (about 1m over the island on high tide) i decided to swim back, my mind was all on sharks and tentacles. i reeled in, put everything away and was just preparing to swim back. As i turned i just about shat myself... behind me was a poor innocent sand shark looking for crabs, but my mind screamed SHARK!!! :)

Anyway hope this has given you some inspiration.
Reading through your game, the section with tony swimming, had that squirming effect you are looking for. very uncomfortable situation.

looking forward to the rest. enjoy!
Last edited Aug 30, 2019 8:06 pm
Sep 11, 2019 3:44 pm
For me it would definitely have to be mirrors. Not so much just during normal circumstances but like in the dark. If I am in a room with a mirror and I know it is there and the lights turn off, it scares the living shit out of me. Not being able to see the reflection makes me question what is really there. Or more specifically, Who is really there. What if there is another world in the mirror that we don't see. What if that other world can see us. I shutter thinking about it.
Sep 11, 2019 3:52 pm
I remember there was a horror movie with Kiefer Sutherland about mirrors. I think it was even just called "Mirrors". I don't remember if it was any good, though...
Sep 11, 2019 4:06 pm
The first two years of high school I lived in the school dormitory, far away from my parents. This wasn't easy for a 12 year old kid who'd never spent a significant time away from home. Anyway, on each floor of the dorm, we had two communal bathrooms, one in each wing. I slept later than most, well after lights out. Whenever I went to brush my teeth, all alone, in the dead of night, the hairs on the back of my neck would stand on end each time I looked in the mirror and glimpsed the dark hallway through the door behind me. Still creeps me out when I remember. Curiously, any similar setup now doesn't bother me at all. Maybe there was something about that building, and those mirrors.
Sep 11, 2019 5:38 pm
Sharks and wait more sharks. Grew up by the ocean and saw Jaws when I was way to young and had one too many close encounters.
Sep 11, 2019 6:14 pm
Viking1031 says:
Sharks and wait more sharks. Grew up by the ocean and saw Jaws when I was way to young and had one too many close encounters.
So you wouldn't want to go to that beachfront showing of Jaws in Texas where the audience watches from innertubes?
Sep 11, 2019 6:27 pm
Clowns. The first person I ever remember punching was a clown because this was the 80's and it was normal for clowns to try and hug children without warning back then. He tried to hug me, I freaked out, punched him in the eye and he started yelling and now I hate clowns.
Sep 11, 2019 6:29 pm
Cep100 says:
Clowns. The first person I ever remember punching was a clown because this was the 80's and it was normal for clowns to try and hug children without warning back then. He tried to hug me, I freaked out, punched him in the eye and he started yelling and now I hate clowns.
Now I want to create a character named Punchee the Clown. It works on multiple levels.
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