Jun 26, 2019 3:30 pm
Hey guys,
The usual just happened again, and my players just lost a party member due to inactivity. They are in dire need of your help!
And luckily, it just happens that I have an opportunity to hook you into the game right now. Like, by Monday or so.
So if you want to venture into the Moaning Marshes, a giant wasteland where countless undead are wandering and that you need to cross to reach the Lizardfolks' Lands because some unknown necromancer mastermind is apparently planning to do something terrible to them, then try to save the very tribes against which your realm have been in open war for decades... Well, here's the link to the game.

We have great RP, amazing players, a former necromancer tagalong, and lots of dangerous foes to save. Wait, what?
The usual just happened again, and my players just lost a party member due to inactivity. They are in dire need of your help!
And luckily, it just happens that I have an opportunity to hook you into the game right now. Like, by Monday or so.
So if you want to venture into the Moaning Marshes, a giant wasteland where countless undead are wandering and that you need to cross to reach the Lizardfolks' Lands because some unknown necromancer mastermind is apparently planning to do something terrible to them, then try to save the very tribes against which your realm have been in open war for decades... Well, here's the link to the game.
[ +- ] Your destination

[ +- ] Hand drawn map

[ +- ] Some enemy you fought

Important note: this is not a "funny" game where people do silly things and walk forward while smashing skulls. It can be fun, but the game itself is deadly and the tone rather serious.Last edited Jun 26, 2019 3:49 pm