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Oct 27, 2022 5:25 am
Sorry to hear that Jabes. No worries -- best wishes for your partner's dad and the family.
Oct 27, 2022 6:20 am
Nearly forgot. My parents are swinging into town and kidnapping me for a few days. I'll have internet, but not a ton of time for posting starting 10/30
Oct 28, 2022 9:48 am
Sorry to hear that Jabes. Take your time, we're all good here.
Oct 30, 2022 2:59 pm
There's a lot of sudden big changes in my living situation at the moment and I'm veering off into a mental health crisis, so unfortunately I won't be able to be active at any of my games for the foreseeable future. I'm really sorry for this but right now I just have to focus on trying to live day to day.
Nov 1, 2022 12:44 pm
Work surprises this week. For anyone waiting on me I'll be catching up tonight or tomorrow! Thank you!
Nov 2, 2022 5:08 pm
I am going to Disney World from tomorrow through the 12th of November. If you are in my games, please stand by and we will continue on my return. If I am in your game, please bot me as required and I will try to check in from time to time, as circumstances permit.
Nov 8, 2022 7:10 am
I'm on vacation until the 14th. I'll still be checking in but my activity might be a bit slower for now
Nov 9, 2022 5:27 pm
For personal reasons, I am out for a while.
Nov 10, 2022 5:04 am
Broadsided by work this week -- don't know why I didn't think about it, but all day sessions starting early and team dinners after each day are leaving me wrung out. Might be Friday before GP sees any real attention from me...
Nov 11, 2022 7:12 am
I apologize for my latest unexpected and extended absence! We had a sudden death in the family. My cousin worked a farm way out in the countryside so we've been off-grid the past week or so to be with his wife and kids.

I'll do my best to get caught up with my games as soon as I can. Thanks!
Nov 12, 2022 4:10 am
No worries, Jabes -- take all the time you need. Hope the family is doing okay.
Nov 12, 2022 6:47 am
Sorry for your loss. Hope everyone makes it through ok.
Nov 23, 2022 12:51 pm
Going away this weekend. Will spend most of tomorrow travelling and same with monday on return trip. Don't know how much I will be able to post inbetween.
Nov 23, 2022 7:45 pm
This is not a real absence, but it can feel like it.

It is the holidays, I'm changing jobs, my daily routine is severely altered, and it is getting darker (witch influences my moods). Half the week is gone and I haven't had the time to give my games the full attention they deserve.

All in all, I must face the reality that I have too many games going right now, and I have to step out of some of them. I am setting a cap of 6 games in total where I GM 1. I know Qralloq would say that these are rookie numbers, but it is a manageable number.
Nov 23, 2022 10:24 pm
runekyndig says:
I am setting a cap of 6 games in total where I GM 1. I know Qralloq would say that these are rookie numbers, but it is a manageable number.
Rookie, wise-being, potayto potahto.
Nov 24, 2022 1:00 am
Won't be on Gamersplane tomorrow due to it being Thanksgiving in the States but I'll be back to posting on Friday. Have an awesome Thanksgiving everyone!
Nov 30, 2022 4:28 am
My apologies to my GMs, @CESN and @Knifesedgegames -- my family's down with post-holiday COVID. I'll get back to our games when things settle down a bit. Hopefully soon!
Nov 30, 2022 9:41 am
thanks for letting me know. no prob with. just take your time and make sure everyone recovers. Hope everything is sorted soon :D
Nov 30, 2022 11:15 am
No worries SB!
Dec 3, 2022 8:29 pm
Hey everyone, guess who's back! I just want to apologize for the abruptness of my last absence post, as in hindsight it was rather sudden and not very informative, as well as my absence in general. But I have returned and am going to (try to) catch up with everything and restart my game activity in the coming days!
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