LightOfMidnight says:
I've been a bit sporadic past few weeks and may continue to do so. I've had bad family news. (Touch wood fixable by surgery but I'm still having moments of distraction/panic)
This is scatter brained, so I may nee poking, reminding of posting etc. Trying to get myself up to date over next couple of days and go from there.
On top my housemate has had two bad sets of news of various kinds, so I may need to be around communal areas to make sure he's okay, which will take me away from pc.
SO still around just.. yeah poke me if need be.
Just to keep people updates... A lot of this is still going on so I've been in a very odd heads pace for ages and been erratic/absent I some games.
I'm trying to get on top of things but mental health hasn't been great due to all this so please do poke if you need a post.