Interest Check: Risus Dungeoneers

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Jun 29, 2019 3:38 pm
Here I go again down this lonely subterranean world where my imagination takes over and leaves my dishes dirty in the sink, my lawn growing outside and bills piled up in the mail slot.

Here I go again craving a good old fashioned dungeon crawl. But these days I am such a tired daddy that I've decided to use the rpg system that is not only closest to my heart and experience but the simplest- Risus, the Anything RPG.

Now don't think I'm going to spend nights designing a twenty level dungeon with minions, traps, bosses and a lore that would make MAR Baker cry (cudos to those who know who that is without google). Oh no, I am thinking of a five room dungeon, which may be just right by play by post and nothing more.

Yep, here it comes again, some romping adventure that starts either at a campfire or at a tavern. Camp fire! Hell you're already there! Yes sireee, something that we played when the teacher wasn't looking at back of chemistry lab.

Is that dead frog looking at me?

And without further ado, here is the link for the system, no doubt many of you know about it already.

Free Risus Rules at Drivethru
Jun 30, 2019 4:58 am
I took a look at the rules. Looks simple and interesting, I might hop in. What limits would you place on character creation? Before I might get too many wild ideas.
Last edited Jun 30, 2019 5:01 am
Jul 4, 2019 5:02 pm
Some more house rules:

* You roll a character in the following manner

Creating Characters
Instead of using the "classic countdown" of
clichés at dice values 4, 3, 2 and 1, your
character's dice will be assigned the following
way, no matter what kind of hero (or anti-hero)
you play.

RACE (2), CLASS (4),

* I will allow a hook and a tale for a reroll pip respectively. The reroll has to do somehow with your hook or tale.
* Sixes explode into additional rolls added respectfully and may cause additional damage.
Jul 5, 2019 6:16 am
I'm thinking of an Orc Rock Star/Bard that made a deal with a devil for power.
Jul 10, 2019 1:57 pm
Risus is best system, I'd love to play. I've got a few ideas, but it all revolves around how hard you're leaning into ridiculousness.

If we're talking classic Risus silliness, I've got my eyes on an Elf Revengineer. He and his old party went into a dungeon to study old dwarven devices (they're new age elven engineers looking to steal ideas from the squat folk). Camp in an old forge, where torches are dark on the walls and the forge is cold. Skip to morning, the torches are lit and whomever came in to light them left the door open, letting a devouring whatsit in to eat my character's friends. Now he goes into dungeons, hunting for the person who lights the torches on dungeon walls to get his revenge.

If we're going more serious, a human mage (would mage be a double pump cliche?) seeking a magical cure to his encroaching dementia, hoping to find lost spells he can research and exploit to lessen the time needed for his work, because time is running out.
Jul 16, 2019 12:57 pm
I had not expected a turn out after a while. Perhaps but one more would make it a good solid threesome.
Aug 7, 2019 9:18 pm
Shameless boot in the forum, do we have three for this game? I am calling it "The Dungeon Book" in customs.
Aug 9, 2019 12:35 am
I'm still good to go, yep.
Aug 10, 2019 6:00 pm
Just one more come one, come all!!!!
Aug 11, 2019 3:25 am
I think I'd like to put my hairpiece into the ring. As a forewarning I'm brand new at this system, but it looks flexible enough to be incredibly fun.

I'm thinking I'll be either a dwarf huntress or a human fencer.

Dwarf huntress. Hunting the ultimate game to prove to her husband that she's better at life than him.
Shameless drunk, and amateur magician(the non-magic kind, stage magician),


Human fencer. Extreme skill, extreme allergies. He's out for revenge against the thing that killed his father. He doesn't know what that thing is, so he murders wantonly. Allergic to pretty much everything, and a sucker for riddles.

Am I getting the idea right? Or am I way off?

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