D&D 5e Players wanted!

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Jul 3, 2019 5:15 pm
We have some openings in our D&D 5e Tales from the Yawning Portal campaign. We're looking for new players to join our heroes in an episodic campaign, and we're only in the first adventure, The Sunless Citadel. We do expect frequent participation, but a mastery of the rules is not required.

Express your interest here with a Level 2 character concept (standard array) using official sourcebooks, and include why your character would join an eclectic mob of unique individuals with the common goals of high adventure, fairy-tale fantasy, and delusions of grandeur.

We will peruse through any entries, and send out invitations to those concepts that pique our curiosity, sate our appetites for entertainment, or just out of pure desperation.
Jul 3, 2019 6:04 pm
Oh this is tempting. I've been hankering to play a paladin. Thus I present:

Brainmush, Goblin Knight of the Unicorn! Raised among a family of elves that found him as a runtling, he saw Order Knights frequently. Believing himself to be a runty elf for many years, it wasn't until he set about adventuring that he really found out what he was. By that time, however, he was already squired to another of the Unicorn adherents and they kept those that would chastise him at bay. Now that he's earned his spurs, he sallies forth carrying the order's message of granduer, romantic life, and fantastical deeds. He seeks to make a name for himself as the first goblin head of the famed knightly order.

He is slightly foppish, and a bit stupid. But his heart is in it, and he's quick with his rapier to prick and poke at those that would wrong those that can't defend themselves.
[ +- ] Mechanics Stuff
Edited to add, if you are looking for raw new talent, feel free to totally ignore this post! :P
Last edited Jul 3, 2019 6:05 pm
Jul 3, 2019 6:20 pm
Smiles. That it is. Something to think about.
Jul 3, 2019 11:37 pm
Not sure what you already have in the group, but here are some ideas:

a deep gnome wizard whose curiosity and thirst for knowledge has driven him far from home

a halfling barbarian who is constantly getting into fights with people who underestimate her

a human monk, fresh from the cloister with little experience of the world, that carries a dark secret

If any of these are interesting, I'll take the time to flesh them out. :)
Jul 4, 2019 12:27 am
How about

Hein the Brawler
A short dwarf with hands of steel, calloused over with punches and rude behavior. He is a loud rowdy type, dressed in robes and looking grim. He trained in the art of bar brawling and takes his discipline to the extreme.
Jul 4, 2019 12:27 am
Hello! I'd like to take part in this adventure, so here it is my concept for an adventurer:

His name is Grunfar Strongbladder. He's a mountain dwarf and a barbarian. He grew up in a loving family with lot of friends around him. His joyful and generous temper made him well loved among his peers. His life was good as it was and apparently he had no reason to part his ways with his loved one.
But Grunfar has one desider, a dream that he had since he drank Dwarfs's beer for the first time: he wants to taste the perfect alcoholic beverage. The one that you can drink and drink without your head ever feeling heavy. The one that will make you so high and drunk that coming back to reality will be like a sweet and low falling from the heavens. He calls it The Spirit, and he started his journey to find it.
He loves earthly and simple pleasures, like a good drinking companion and a good lover. He likes fighting and will never renounce a good fistfight. He's not dumb, but sometimes he could lack commonsense.
Sadly, he easily gets annoying if someone doesn't accept his drinking offers and, even if he has very high tollerance to alcohol, he could get drunk in the wrong situation.
He has traveled alone since the beginning of his journey, but he'd like to find some good friends to travel together. And maybe drink something.
[ +- ] Stats
Last edited Jul 4, 2019 12:28 am
Jul 8, 2019 4:24 pm
I have sent invitations to architetto14 and Dramasailor for their character concepts. The others were also good, and I'd like to keep those on the callback sheet! Thank you, everyone, for your interest!
Jul 8, 2019 4:37 pm
Any free room i want to join
Jul 9, 2019 11:39 pm
Dramasailor says:
Oh this is tempting. I've been hankering to play a paladin. Thus I present:
You're kinda playing one in my game now. But I see the characters are not quite the same.

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