Character creation discussion thread 2

Jul 5, 2019 6:33 am
Hi, we will have our new discussion of character creation here.
Jul 5, 2019 6:41 am
You shall refer to the thread: "Info about Character creation and the game." There is the list of skills we will be using. I also changed the allotting points limit to 20, so Itari can add 5 points more.
Jul 5, 2019 7:29 pm
My character will be an Engineer who can make weapons out of just about any kind of junk. He was once employed by a major weapons manufacturer. When he was let go he was forced to sign a non-complete contract so anything he makes now has to be done under the table. I'll definitely make use of that list of skills you mentioned but I may need some help with additional aspects.
Last edited July 6, 2019 7:53 pm
Jul 6, 2019 9:00 am
Ah, I could have that weapons manufacturer to be Silverite Industries, one of the 15 powerful Human Factions.
Jul 6, 2019 7:54 pm
Great. I'll add Silverite Industries to my cs
Jul 7, 2019 9:46 am
Do let me know how you have progressed in creating your character. Here is the steps we will do:

1) Put in 20 points to any of the skills(starts at 0), the allowed min is -2, max is +5 for 1 skill.
2) Add an aspect about your character.
3) add an aspect about your character's first adventure/mission.(likely to have no risk of death, but still kinda challenging)
4) add 2 aspects for the 2 missions you had with each of the other players.
Jul 7, 2019 10:28 am
hey could anybody help me making my character ?
Jul 8, 2019 11:44 am
Alright, let's start with what idea you have for your character. It could be almost anything you want.
Jul 8, 2019 12:11 pm
well i applied a character today is it good ?
Jul 9, 2019 3:05 am
I need some help with stunts. Not as tough for historical, fantasy or current age games but I can't seem to come up with anything for a science fiction scenario even though I've spent the last 60 years reading SF.
Jul 9, 2019 3:45 am
It's OK if you can't think of anything now, as you could fill them in during play. Some ideas could be knowing how to effectively use the weapons, having other knowledge such as hacking or creating weapons that uses special energies.
Jul 9, 2019 4:06 am
You know what, I'll suggest to have the "Silverite Engineering" which is the ability to create Silverite Industries' most powerful energy weapons, using the energy called Creator's Light. When you manually try to make such a weapon, you spend a stunt and roll Notice or Science with +1 to successfully gather materials, and roll Science or Machine +1 to create it.
Jul 13, 2019 3:50 pm
Aldrusian, could you submit your sheet first so I can take a look?
Jul 15, 2019 3:30 pm
Hey guys, if there is something you would like to see in the game, do let me know. I'll see if I can make it happen, as I want to try to make it engaging for you guys/the players.
Jul 15, 2019 3:41 pm
can you make Erjor have ptsd background and mental breakdowns?
Jul 16, 2019 3:55 am
When are you going to bring the new players into the game? I've kinda lost track of the whole thing.
Jul 16, 2019 4:55 am
I'll start the new thread when Windyridge have submitted his sheet and have a good idea of his character.
Jul 16, 2019 1:13 pm
Working on it right now. Don't know any of the Fate rules or anything so need the morning to get this done. May need some help/suggestions. I will be a diplomat per your suggestion but that's all I know at this point. I am a passenger (human?) on the ship Diameter along with the crew played by you the GM along with the other PC's right? I'm not clear where the new restarted story is beginning. Maybe a quick backstory where we are now, goals etc?
Last edited July 16, 2019 1:17 pm
Jul 16, 2019 4:24 pm
Ok I think I have most of my character ready. Please check for correctness. I did add Contacts as a skill. I realize it is not on your skill list but I feel a diplomat really needs that as part of their skill set. Would it be allowed? I can flesh out the character a little more when I have a better idea of the setting but it should be ready to get started.
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