Roughly a hundred feet wide at its narrowest point, the gorge drops away precipitously to a fast-rushing stream far below. The ancient Dawn Way crosses the cleft on a bridge of stone. Anchored at both ends to large stone towers with pentagonal roofs, the bridge seems sturdy despite its obvious age. It is, clearly, the only easy way to cross, since the gorge continues as far as the eye can see to the east and west.
Those without darkvision can only make out the tiny pricks of light from campfires glowing in what must be an encampment on the far side of the gorge, and the glow of torchlight from the tops of three of the four towers. It is likely archers are stationed there. Atop the fourth tower, the one in the northwest, is a large black silhouette.
Those with darkvision can make out a few more details, although from this distance it is difficult to discern much. Several figures are moving about on the bridge, and you can tell that there are hell hounds in the mix - those without night eyes might mistake their glowing eyes for torches. The creature atop the northwest tower is, clearly to you, a dragon. The shimmer of the moonlight on its scales suggests that it is either green or black, although without getting closer you cannot be sure.