White Halls

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Jul 19, 2019 6:21 am
Alalla reacts to Halla's hackles with a dead stare. She doesn't have the time or energy for her posturing, even if it's only a natural part of her communication that Al doesn't mind usually. She is grateful when Zenithral cools her.

Al nods solemnly as she replies to Everard. "If that's what you want, then we'll help you see it done. I'm sorry I left you in the tower," she adds softly. "In case you didn't know, Belhifet got the door open another way. You aren't to blame for him reaching the portal."

Clearing her throat awkwardly, Al gets back to business. "Can't you drop us where you took us from?" she asks Myllandra. "Closing the portal from then should be easy."

She turns to Thaistius. "After the portal is closed we will need time to tell everyone about the Scourge, and for them to gather provisions and travel. We'll need at least one year."
Jul 19, 2019 8:02 pm
Myllandra shakes her head. "Returning you to the same place that I took you would risk tearing open a larger rift, or perhaps opening a new one to some other plane. But I can place you near your allies currently on the field of battle."
Jul 19, 2019 8:04 pm
Thaistius folds his armored arms over his broad chest. "We will discuss the timing after you have dealt with this threat. There is little use wasting time or energy on this point at the moment."
Jul 20, 2019 6:19 pm
There is if you're worried someone is going to wiggle out of it, Alalla thinks, but she nods. "Alright then. Do your best, Myllandra and we'll do ours. Back to work, everybody."
Jul 20, 2019 9:37 pm
Before they can be transported away, Ilmadia takes Zenithral's hand. She gives Halla at his side a hesitant, almost embarrassed look before speaking. "Do me a favour, dear, and don't tell your grandparents about this... aasimar business."
Last edited July 20, 2019 11:13 pm
Jul 20, 2019 10:33 pm
Seeing all his friends eat the paper, even if unwillingly, makes Ras sigh. He puts the paper in his mouth and tries to think about happy things as he chews: flowering plants, Oswald's prattering, the clean smell of the mountains, spending time with Aeri...
Jul 20, 2019 11:55 pm
"Understood," Zenithral replies to Ilmadia with a slow nod. "Though think Saki would be overjoyed to know you, too, were chosen of Ilmater. From your own lips would be best, of course, however."

For anyone who hasn't eaten the paper, Zenithral cleans and flavors theirs, explaining it's nature as a spell component.
Last edited July 20, 2019 11:55 pm
Jul 21, 2019 3:22 am
Ilmadia gives a small, bitter laugh. "Yes. I am sure Mother would love to hear that I am, in fact, broken, and would be quite eager to hear she can finally fix me. Let's not give her the false hope."
Last edited July 21, 2019 4:20 am
Jul 21, 2019 5:49 am
Zenithral opens his mouth to retort, but shuts it and purses his lips. Best not to push the point; it was irrelevant at best.

He had definitely become a different man, Zenithral thought. His former self would have made a sardonic remark.

"Near our allies you say," Zenithral says, switching topics. "Excellent. With demons swarming the place we'll need to clear the way. Do any of you have spells that could get back to the temple and spells to help clear the hoards?"
Further discussion of tactics could be held in the Facebook chat.
Jul 21, 2019 11:17 pm
When the party is ready, Thaistius spreads his glowing wings wide and the companions' eyesight is stolen once again.

One last tendril of thought touches their minds.

Ilmater be with you...
Adventure continues back in the Easthaven thread!

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