Worked a bit on the background.
Christophor hails from Scymira and grew up hearing horrific stories about the wars of the Dragons and The Dark God. He decided train in order to become a hero, a strong champion of justice who would protect those unable to protect themselves. He first trained with swords, and though he was capable, it soon became evident he would never be good at it. He then turned his attention to magic, and soon realized that this is where he would most likely excel. He quickly mastered war magic, specializing in destructive spells and enchantments which would boost one's fighting abilities. Seeing he would most likely be in the thick of fighting, he even magically bounded a sword to him to use as his "familiar" of sort, instead of having a vulnerable animal which could potentially be killed in combat (which he saw as a weakness opponents could exploit).
He eventually travelled to Kestralstrommen, hoping to hone his fighting abilities against the draugr there. Sadly, there was not as much fighting as he would have hoped as many of the undead abominations which were spotted seemed to be much more content with continuing on with their previous lives than attacking anyone... This is when he heard about Tabulhäim's Vindicators. Christophor went there hoping to be accepted as one of the Vindicators, or perhaps as a paladin. Surely, this would prove to be a fit test of Christophor's abilities...
Last edited July 25, 2019 5:55 am