Players that aren't in many games

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Jul 26, 2019 8:01 pm
I've noticed there's a lot of new players signing up, but when I post for interest in a new game, I don't see many of them. Now, this is in no way a complaint about who I'm getting to sign up for games. What this IS is me wondering if there's people who are new to the site that have not been able to find a game yet, because it's hard to tell that from the intro threads. Those usually go dead after a few days, but I have a feeling that a lot of those players are still around here somewhere...

So, if you're here and looking for a game that you haven't found yet, post here so that I (and anyone who cares to look) would be able to see what you're interested in (or maybe post just what you DON'T want if you're an adventurous gamer).

Then, when you've found enough games to keep you comfortable, just edit/delete your post.

Requests for PLAYERS
Playtesters needed for new system, contact CESN.

Requests for GAMEMASTERS
4 requests for Shadowrun
3 requests for Warhammer 40k
Last edited Jul 30, 2019 4:25 pm
Jul 27, 2019 3:38 am
This is a noble cause, Falconloft. Hopefully some of the newer players take you up on this. (I'm posting to make sure this thread stays active.)
Jul 27, 2019 9:55 am
I'd love to get into an Ixalan based game.
Jul 27, 2019 11:04 am
I got here three days ago, found one game that seems to go well in starting up, but I'd love a few more. I'm interested in the Earthdawn, Vampire the Masquerade (any edition as long as it's oWoD), Warhammer 40k (Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy, etc), Pathfinder or D&D 5E. I like games with a more serious note, heavy on RP and with a lesser focus on combat, with balanced characters (In the case of Pathfinder/D&D, not copied from those online guides on how to become a god).

I got the one Pathfinder game, very happy with it so far. Other Pathfinder/D&D games seem to lack descriptions. Couldn't find anything Earthdawn, Warhammer or Vampire.
Jul 27, 2019 1:18 pm
Not seen any 40k games here, but I run a couple of Warhammer Fantasy Games.
Jul 27, 2019 2:16 pm
I am not good at running 40K games (I love the setting but don't know enough about it to get thongs right for fans), or I'd do it myself, but hopefully someone here knows how to better than I do.
Jul 27, 2019 2:32 pm
As a new player I have found several great games but I would love to see Stars Without Number, Godbound and some of the more obscure ones like Trudvang etc.
Jul 27, 2019 4:50 pm
Windyridge, evecar is looking to run a game, and it might be in Trudvang. Thread is here:
Jul 27, 2019 4:54 pm
When I first came here I didn’t realize that game submissions truly started in this thread. I searched for games and applied and wouldn’t be accepted cause the players were chosen here most of the time. Not sure if that was me missing something or if something could be better explained to newbies.
Jul 27, 2019 5:13 pm
Valens831 says:
When I first came here I didn’t realize that game submissions truly started in this thread. I searched for games and applied and wouldn’t be accepted cause the players were chosen here most of the time. Not sure if that was me missing something or if something could be better explained to newbies.
I don't know how often it happens when GM choose players for their games, but games usually have a number of players (the max number of players each individual GM feel they can handle), and games will often be first come first served. So if you showed interest in a game a bit too late, this might explain why you were not chosen.
Some games never get off due to lack of interest. If there were too few players interested in a game, such game would end up never getting started, which might be another explanation as to why you felt you were not picked.
Finally, some games seems to be as some sort of replacement for some other game which eventually failed, and as such, a GM might prioritized the remaining few players he had in his other games which might be yet another reason why you were not picked.
There are probably other reasons, but those are the main three ones I can think off the top of my head right now...
Aside from a few time where I used the third reason I listed (which I warn about in my post when I do that), I haven't done any cherry-picking of players.
Jul 27, 2019 5:49 pm
I had a few players submit to a game I was running, but if they don't express interest through the thread, that seems be an indicator that they are likely to ghost your game (which seems to be unfortunately common.) I almost always give preferential treatment to people who have introduced themselves through the games tavern post prior to applying.

As far as not being in a lot of games, I see a ton of games come up that I'ld be interested in playing, but I find that I can only usually handle one or two games at a time.
Jul 27, 2019 8:40 pm
Falconloft says:
Windyridge, evecar is looking to run a game, and it might be in Trudvang. Thread is here:
Thank you!
Jul 27, 2019 9:10 pm
justin77 says:
I had a few players submit to a game I was running, but if they don't express interest through the thread, that seems be an indicator that they are likely to ghost your game (which seems to be unfortunately common.) I almost always give preferential treatment to people who have introduced themselves through the games tavern post prior to applying.

As far as not being in a lot of games, I see a ton of games come up that I'd be interested in playing, but I find that I can only usually handle one or two games at a time.
My issue was that I didn't know that I was supposed to look at the Tavern to find games more effectively.
Jul 27, 2019 11:05 pm
I understand, I was merely suggesting a potential reason why a player might not be accepted for a game.

There is an FAQ, but a Tips for New Users Thread might also be helpful.
Jul 28, 2019 12:58 am
I second that same issue that Valens had. Frankly, had someone not told me in my intro post to look at the Tavern forum for games, I would've been totally lost. I think the guide that's already available through the General forum is great and a really nice walkthrough on what to do as a new member, but it should be accessible a bit easier (E.g. maybe linked to in a welcome email....once the whole thing with gmail gets figured out first lol).

As for things that I myself would like to try or see around:

Some more D&D 5e games would be great cause I have an itch for them. Shadowrun 5e would be awesome as well. Maybe even a few of the lesser run systems like the Dresden Files RPG or Monster of the Week which uses the PbtA system. There's also "There is no spoon" RPG that's supposed to be a Matrix RPG that seems promising, and it's the 20th anniversary of the film. Heck, I might throw up an interest check post for that haha.

Tbh I'll pretty much play anything, but those are a few I'd like to try so if you got an opening, let me know!
Jul 28, 2019 11:04 am
I'm not in any games yet, but I've only been here for a week, so I'm not too concerned. I noticed that I missed getting into a game because the post went up and enough players declared interest while I was asleep (different time zone problem, I guess).
I'm interested in Star Wars FFG, Shadowrun and 5e, but I own rulebooks for many more systems, and could probably get reaquainted quickly.
Jul 29, 2019 2:15 pm
So I've been around for a few months around here, off-and-on, and found a whole lot of nothing. I've tried to join a game or two, but things puttered out before getting out of the planning stage.

A small part of this I think is personal taste: I have no interest in D&D, nor do I care for the few rules-lite systems that people clamour for. Instead, I want something rather crunchy, like Shadowrun (but see above remark), or slightly more obscure systems that nobody but me seems to have heard of (Legacy, Lancer, BESM, etc). Even the site layout has me perplexed somewhat - the lack of easy interchange between the game summary and its forums is annoying.

Honestly, I'm about done with GP. Things here do not seem to suit me well, but maybe I'm spoiled by how Myth-Weavers has worked for me (both site layout and its rather active community). I do prefer its recruitment style of submitting applications, instead of the old 'first come first served' methodology here.

I've heard a million good things about it, but I'm not seeing it. Maybe I'm blind, or I'm just a tad old-school. Maybe it's just my luck with the site and the inability to find a game that'll get off the ground. Or maybe the community here just doesn't suit me.

I'll lurk for a bit longer before I totally give up, though. Maybe something will come up that sparks joy.

Jul 29, 2019 2:45 pm
I think the recruitment style varies by game here as much as it does on Myth-Weavers or any other site. Each GM does it their own way. I've been in a few games here that wanted applications, but I tend not to do it that way myself. Personally (and ONLY personally) I feel like it's unfair to make people invest in a character that they might never get to play, so I'll find players first, and discuss details later, usually.

The forums are not always the easiest, but the community is pretty active, although I don't know numbers relative to every other RPG site. A month ago, there were 576,827 posts. As of the last post in this thread, there's 591,888. Five hundred posts a day is pretty busy, although I will grant you that most of those are in games.

It does look like we could stand to have a Shadowrun game or two though, judging by the last few posts. I've never run Shadowrun myself, but team me up with a good rules lawyer, and I could probably do it. Adding a good SR GM to the list of things we've discovered we need in this thread though!
Last edited Jul 29, 2019 2:45 pm
Jul 29, 2019 2:53 pm
I'd be happy to run Shadowrun 6th ed when it comes out
Jul 29, 2019 2:54 pm
Sometimes all it takes to get in a game you do seem to like is to say something like I am new and trying to find a game using X ruleset, many times a GM will see it and invite you in as well if they have room or when posting in an game interest one saying hey I am not in any games could I be one of the one who get in.

I find you get out in these type of game forum about what you put in (regardless of site). I went a couple weeks without finding a game to play in. What I did do was once i got the lay of the land started my own while I was searching. The game is going well and I am a part of a few games now which I very much enjoy,
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