An apology game for my players

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Aug 26, 2019 11:10 pm
Pathfinder is a good all around system and much superior to 5th IMO, anyways. But if you want a particular suggestion from me, run Warhammer Fantasy as the campaign setting in a Pathfinder game.
Last edited Aug 26, 2019 11:15 pm
Aug 26, 2019 11:30 pm
I do have to keep in mind that this is a game we'll most likely drop once I've recovered my campaign notes and sorted them out. This might take a while because everything that can go wrong with my data recovery seems to go wrong, but it will still be a temporary game. So perhaps I should not embark on something as ambitions and which might require a lot of work such as reading up on the whole Warhammer setting and lore, and then converting all that to PF only to drop it in a couple of months...
Last edited Aug 26, 2019 11:30 pm
Aug 27, 2019 2:19 am
Gotcha, that makes more sense. In that case I'll just recommend it as a long term thing for you to do if you get bored.
Aug 27, 2019 7:51 am
kalajel says:
but since I boycott WotC
Curious about this. I'm sure you have your reasons. (Not intending to start any heated debates here)
Aug 27, 2019 5:35 pm
It's all about the 3.5/4th debacle.

Back in 2004, when the 3rd edition revised came out, it was called 3.5, and it got a lot of people angry because they thought WotC was trying to subtly tell people that there would be a 4th edition in 2008.

Of course, WotC came out, denying this, saying there would not be a 4th edition in 2008 and that 3rd edition would go on to continue for many, many years to come...

Then came 2008 and the announcements of the 4th edition, and during the announcement video on youtube, they even admitted that it was in development since 2004.

Then, during the run of 4th edition, WotC pleaded with its fan base to drop 3.5 as it was broken, unbalanced, and unplayable... an odd way to treat one of your former IPs...

Let's not forget that during the last year or so of 3.5, products came out that were barely playtested (as they had gotten rid of a lot of their development team), had horrible power creep, as well as some really odd and questionable changes to the rules... (I'm looking at you new rule on how to price magic items form the Magic Item Compendium!) In hindsight I am seriously wondering if WotC was not already starting to sabotage 3.5 back then in order to get people to adopt 4th more easily...

Basically, this convinced me that WotC could not care less about it's client base and well, I've decided to vote with my wallet...
Aug 27, 2019 8:14 pm
That seems like a fair enough objection. The profit vs artistic value conundrum permeates every part of our culture...
Aug 27, 2019 9:48 pm
Engineered obsolescence is a horrible feature that should never be rewarded. I bought a first gen iPad and the way they sabotaged it only a few years after its release (not supported, no iOS updates, so as Apps updated, they ceased to be useable) convinced me to avoid Apple devices for a long time. The Invisible Hand in action.

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