Interest Check : Tales from the Fenix DnD5e

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Jul 28, 2019 6:01 pm
Hey and hi everyone, I just wanted to inquire if any players are interested in joining up with an old school DM, me, who would like to get his gaming legs back via a couple if not series of DnD5e games (which basically means that there will be mistakes on my end). Since I started with a few modules way back when you had to wait for a dial tone before using your brand new rotary phone :), seriously DnD Basic and ADnD2e, I guess running classic modules converted to 5e would be a good way to start. I've had previous playing experience with DnD5e games, and about a decade or so of GMing under half a dozen gaming systerms, prior to being taken out by RL.

Now just to be clear there will be homebrew rules, which is often a deal with some players. Realistically I couldn't help myself into implementing a hack here or there but nothing much to shift "the balance", so if you are not comfortable with it please do not apply. The adventures will be RP focused, with combat being close second. And, no offense to anyone, but I do prefer players that pick a character/class for the RP/Story fun rather than a min max a build, definitely minimal to no tolerance with metagaming. I exist in the EST, and the posting rate is min of 3x a week, could be more I suppose. The prologue will be solo or duo for each player, for about 2 weeks(?), before ya'll meet and join up.

Starting Module : Keep on the Borderlands or The Shattered Circle or The Lost City, I have not fully decided yet and same goes with with the Campaign setting. I'm okay with FR but to update myself on the overly rich lore would be a bit of a trouble, Eberron is alright with all the MagiTech or something more generic like Nentir Vale is acceptable as well.
Last edited Jul 29, 2019 1:29 am
Jul 28, 2019 6:11 pm
I'm interested. I have no experience with any of the starting modules, and no concerns about homebrew.
Jul 28, 2019 6:21 pm
Count me in, you can't go wrong with a classic.
Jul 28, 2019 6:24 pm
I am on the lookout for my first 5E game here and I am very much in the RP over stats camp. I would love to see some of the old stuff.
Jul 28, 2019 6:33 pm
I'll add a caveat that I'm in quite a few games already, so I can gladly step aside and let others participate!
Jul 28, 2019 7:01 pm
Yes, that would be awesome. I'm in.
Jul 28, 2019 7:04 pm
if there is free room I'm in
Jul 28, 2019 7:24 pm
What level range were you thinking?
Jul 28, 2019 8:43 pm
I'm interested if there's a slot.
Jul 29, 2019 12:18 am
Hey again, and let me thank everyone that has posted their interest. A special thanks to Cancerman for being gracious in letting others get a chance.

@runekyndig : PCs would start at level 3 to offset the lack of numbers in the party.

More on the rules once I am done setting up the game forum where the actual application/s would be submitted and reviewed. But feel free to ask about the game details here. Cheers!
Jul 29, 2019 8:05 am
FixitFenix says:

@runekyndig : PCs would start at level 3 to offset the lack of numbers in the party.
Thanks, I would like to join then. I have had my fill of Lev 1 characters
Jul 30, 2019 12:14 am
Greetings once more, just wanted to update ya'll on the game forum. The forum will be open by Wednesday, Aug 31 and will be accepting player applications. Please review the info provided in the forum prior to application. Preference will be given to GP members that have posted interest and is currently not in joined in a game, followed by those that are currently in a game and so forth and so on.

As for the campaign setting, I've decided to settle with a post apocalyptic Eberron, and I'll be injecting the Nentir Vale area as a starting point.

Just a bit of Lore to whet your appetites (or turn your head away in disgust :P )
Most of the nations in Khorvaire have suffered greatly during the Last War and recovery has been painstakingly slow. The influx of refugees and the crippling of the main industries have put tremendous strain on the stability of what remains of major cities and other settlements. Things are further complicated by the growing presence of the Shroud, the mist that originated from the Mournland, and the increased raids from denizens of Droamm and the Demon Wastes. The Age of Galifar, also known as the Golden Age has ended, and now a new dawn emerges. It is the time known as the Age of Legends.
Last edited Jul 30, 2019 9:30 pm
Jul 30, 2019 6:42 am
Please review the info provided in the forum prior to application.
Here or somewhere else?

Love the eberron setting btw :)
Last edited Jul 30, 2019 6:45 am
Jul 30, 2019 6:51 am
Be interested in some Eberron. :)..
Jul 30, 2019 9:28 pm
@runekyndig Sorry for being a bit ambiguous, I was referring to the info in the game forum.

Anyway, I’ll be sending out the invites within after a day or so. Kindly remind/rebuke me if I messed up the permissions in the threads and subforums ;) Have a great day!
Aug 2, 2019 1:48 am
Good day everyone! I'm sending out Invites now. See ya'll in the game!

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