Gauging interest for Urban Shadows.

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Jul 28, 2019 11:07 pm
In the thread I made offering an apology game for my players, I was informed that there might be plenty of interest on this site for an Urban Shadows game.

Now, I do have an Urban Shadows game up. It is not running currently as I lost half my players and tried to drum up some interest a while back without any success, but the thread is still up, my remaining players still seems to be there, and well, I could always either pick it up where we left off, or simply do a "do-over" while still running my apology game somewhere else...

So I wanted to check if there is enough interest for an Urban Shadows game.
Last edited Jul 28, 2019 11:08 pm
Jul 29, 2019 4:02 am
I’d love to play! I’ve never tried Urban Shadows before but I’m familiar with PbtA
Jul 29, 2019 5:26 am
Thanks for doing an interest check again. If your remaining players are still up for it, I'd be happy to join in.
Jul 29, 2019 12:50 pm
I'm definitely down for something like this. Just reading over it sounds like the setting of a lot of old forums I used to write in when I was younger. Plus, I'm always down for learning PbtA stuff since it seems so simple.
Jul 29, 2019 2:30 pm
Alright, with my 2 remaining players and 3 new players I could do a game. So here is the game's link, and the game's posts.

What's left to see is if my players want to continue playing their old characters again (a Vamp and a Wizard), and if they want to continue the old Storm or start over with a new one...
Last edited Jul 29, 2019 2:30 pm
Jul 29, 2019 6:14 pm
Would love to jump in on this if you still have space mate. Understand though if you are happy with 5 players.

Was listening to a podcast just today that uses Urban shadows and it sounds really interesting.
Jul 29, 2019 6:43 pm
Kubby87 says:
Would love to jump in on this if you still have space mate. Understand though if you are happy with 5 players.

Was listening to a podcast just today that uses Urban shadows and it sounds really interesting.
You can have my space. I've unfortunately had something come up with work so please be my guest. I'll catch the next go around :)
Jul 29, 2019 10:46 pm
Woah, oopsylon applied 5 times? Probably a bug. I've accepted you, well one iteration of you, but I'm a bit scared of rejecting your duplicates in case this might fuck up the process... Guess I'll have to bring this up to Keleth...
Jul 29, 2019 10:58 pm
Yeah, must be a bug of some kind. I didn’t even think it was possible to apply five times, haha :P
Jul 30, 2019 4:00 pm
Would anyone be willing to run the Yharnam Shadows variant?
Jul 30, 2019 4:09 pm
No idea what that is. A quick internet search only turned up Bloodborne hits...
Jul 30, 2019 4:17 pm
Ah, I see. No, sadly, I already have my Montréal setting which I put some work on, so I'll reuse that.
Jul 30, 2019 4:21 pm
i would like to join if there is free room but i don't know anything about Urban Shadows
Jul 30, 2019 4:22 pm
No worries, I'll put out a separate thread for it.
Jul 30, 2019 4:23 pm
ok could you add me to the game
Jul 30, 2019 4:37 pm
Invites sent to you and Kubby87.

No worries about not knowing the game. The play document you can download does a good job of explaining about80-90% of the rules you need, and in my game threads, I added a thread which explains some points in further details.

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