Chapter 9: The Labyrinth

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Feb 6, 2020 8:53 pm
I'll use my bonus action to instead give Mai'ngor Inspiration (d6 bonus, for 10 minutes, applied to a single ability check, attack roll, or saving throw; weapon damage roll, or to AC)!
Feb 8, 2020 10:40 am
Remaining: Mai'ngor and Xeliss
Feb 8, 2020 2:15 pm
Mai'ngor slashes at one of the wounded minotaurs across the chest, then shifts his grip and draws his second blade before pressing the assault with an upward, diagonal cut to the collarbone, and a straight thrust to the groin.
Attack: Sinag, two-handed.
Extra Attack: Sinag.
Bonus action: Kris attack.

Oops! Used incorrect (d10) damage die for the second (one-handed) Sinag attack, and mistakenly applied ability modifier! Added the correct damage roll.
Last edited February 8, 2020 5:44 pm


Sinag two-handed (advantage from Faerie Fire) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d10+9)

1d20+11 : (17) + 11 = 28

1d20+11 : (15) + 11 = 26

1d10+9 : (5) + 9 = 14

+1 kris (advantage from Faerie Fire) - (1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d6+6)

1d20+10 : (9) + 10 = 19

1d20+10 : (17) + 10 = 27

1d6+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

Sinag (advantage from Faerie Fire) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d10+9)

1d20+11 : (15) + 11 = 26

1d20+11 : (20) + 11 = 31

1d10+9 : (7) + 9 = 16

Crit damage - (1d10+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Correct damage roll for the crit - (2d8+9)

(84) + 9 = 21

Feb 19, 2020 6:48 pm
Round 2
Elayna calls out encouragement to Mai'ngor and he feels himself filled with confidence. She casts a spell to distract one of the minotaurs, but it doesn't seem to affect the creature (15 on save)

Mai'ngor goes into an incredible flurry of movements, light-made sword and kris flashing through the air faster than most anyone would be able to follow. His first attack takes off the creature's arm, his second slices across its throat, and his final pierces it through the heart. It falls back, blood pooling all around it.

Xeliss' flaming sphere continues pressing into the minotaurs, scorching their skin horribly (10 damage to M7 and M8).

Sarith moves around the back of the group, off to the right, and leaps out of the darkness to begin slashing and stabbing at M8. All three of his attacks find their target and the minotaur looks horribly wounded (3 hits, 26 damage)

The minotaurs look a bit worse than they did before, but they aren't down. They continue fighting hard, still having the advantage in numbers. Three attack Mai'ngor, but he manages to fend off all of the attack. Sarith isn't so luck as he takes three hits, any of which could have killed him (18, 20, 21 to hit. Damage: 18, 16, 10 slashing)

M1: 0 damage taken
M2: 0 damage taken
M3: Dead
M4: 0 damage taken (Faerie Fire)
M5: 0 damage taken
M6: Dead
M7: 14 damage taken
M8: 45 damage taken (Faerie Fire)

Mai'ngor: Melee
Sarith: Melee
Xeliss: 25 ft away
Elayna: 55 ft away
Round 2 is over. Go ahead and take your next round!
Feb 19, 2020 6:48 pm
Not Far Away
Aelfric and Seftan are wandering the Labyrinth on a task for the drow wizard Vizeran. You've already collected a few of the items that he has requested for a ritual he needs to perform. You are now searching for six feathers from six different angels, which he states can be found somewhere within this maze.

As you move through, you suddenly realize you can hear the sounds of combat not too far away - though that's hard to know for sure in the tunnels here. You hear shouts of pain from humanoids as well as the sound of some creature shrieking in pain. It almost sounds like a bull in pain.
[ +- ] Items Collected
Feb 19, 2020 7:01 pm
"Keep at it, Sarith! Mind the left!" Elayna encourages, unwittingly lacing her words with healing magic. She grasps her diamond pendant and thinks about her fallen friend, before reaching out towards one of the minotaurs to clutch at their throat with a spectral hand.
Bonus Action: Cast Healing Word on Sarith.
Action: Cast Chill Touch on M4 (faerie fire)
[ +- ] [url=


Healing Word HP on Sarith - (1d4+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Chill Touch vs M4, Advantage, Necrotic Damage - (1d20+5, 1d20+5, 1d8)

1d20+5 : (20) + 5 = 25

1d20+5 : (12) + 5 = 17

1d8 : (4) = 4

Critical - (1d8)

(8) = 8

Feb 19, 2020 11:23 pm
"Should we go take a look, Sef?" the wood elf asked his compatriot. "Might be nice things left after the fight."

As a defensive measure, Ælfric surrounded himself with a force shield before he advanced.
Casting Mage Armor. AC is 18 for 8 hours.
Last edited February 19, 2020 11:41 pm


Stealth - (1d20+13)

(15) + 13 = 28

Feb 20, 2020 2:25 am
Mai'ngor is a blur, his spinning blades slashing at the glowing minotaurs.
• Please ignore the GWF reroll as I am not using Sinag two-handed right now.
• Forgot to add my +2 War Dance damage to the kris attack.
Last edited February 20, 2020 3:49 am


Sinag (adv from Faerie Fire) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d8+9)

1d20+11 : (18) + 11 = 29

1d20+11 : (9) + 11 = 20

1d8+9 : (3) + 9 = 12

+1 kris (adv from Faerie Fire) - (1d20+10, 1d20+10, 1d6+6)

1d20+10 : (7) + 10 = 17

1d20+10 : (12) + 10 = 22

1d6+6 : (3) + 6 = 9

Extra Attack: Sinag (adv) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d8+9)

1d20+11 : (7) + 11 = 18

1d20+11 : (5) + 11 = 16

1d8+9 : (2) + 9 = 11

Action Surge: Sinag (adv) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d8+9)

1d20+11 : (10) + 11 = 21

1d20+11 : (6) + 11 = 17

1d8+9 : (7) + 9 = 16

Action Surge: Sinag (adv) - (1d20+11, 1d20+11, 1d8+9)

1d20+11 : (17) + 11 = 28

1d20+11 : (8) + 11 = 19

1d8+9 : (4) + 9 = 13

GWF to reroll damage of 3rd attack - (1d8+9)

(8) + 9 = 17

Feb 20, 2020 2:48 am
Maybe whoever it is found those feathers for us, let's take a look.

Seftan casts Greater Invisibility on himself.

No sense tipping our hand all at once, says his seemingly disembodied voice.
Feb 23, 2020 1:44 am
Round 3
Elayna's healing magic washes over Sarith and his movements become more confident and smooth. Following that, she casts a spell and a spectral hand grabs hold of M4's throat, draining its life force.

Sinag's first swipe ends the life of M8 and Mai'ngor turns his attention to M4. His attacks become a blur and when the flurry of blows ends, the creature is on the floor, four different mortal wounds visible on its body.

Sarith moves behind M7 and begins cutting it up. After a few moments, it too is on the ground dying.

The remaining minotaurs see that they are outmatched and begin to flee.

Aelfric and Seftan hear the sound of hooved feet moving in their direction. After a few moments, a group of three minotaurs rounds the corner right in front of you.

M1: 0 damage taken
M2: 0 damage taken
M3: Dead
M4: Dead
M5: 0 damage taken
M6: Dead
M7: Dead
M8: Dead

Mai'ngor: Melee
Sarith: Melee
Xeliss: 25 ft away
Elayna: 55 ft away
Feb 23, 2020 3:41 am
Rapier and hand crossbow ready, Ælfric remained motionless as the minotaurs approached.
Readying an action to attack with whichever weapon is most appropriate if they attack.
Last edited February 23, 2020 7:27 am
Feb 23, 2020 6:38 am
Not sure why his partner is breaking his concealment to speak to a monster, Seftan hugs the wall and lets his Invisibility do the rest. He readies a spell should the creatures attack, but otherwise stays still...
ready Steel Wind Strike, trigger: minotaur attacks Ælfric
Feb 23, 2020 7:06 am
In my head, they burst around the corner and point blank saw me.
Feb 23, 2020 7:22 am
They haven't seen you as of yet :)
Feb 23, 2020 7:27 am
OK. Post edited.
Feb 23, 2020 5:16 pm
Is Gash still around?
Feb 23, 2020 9:55 pm
Looking around, Gash is nowhere to be found. It seems he fled at some point during the battle.
Feb 23, 2020 9:56 pm
The minotaurs rush by Aelfric and Seftan, passing just a few inches away from bumping into Seftan's invisible form. Their fleeing footsteps echoes down the halls of the Labyrinth until they disappear completely.
Feb 24, 2020 1:59 am
"Labyrinth. Minotaurs. They were probably the bad guys," he thought as he waited to see who or what might follow them.
Feb 24, 2020 3:10 am
Can't have one without the other Seftan whispers.
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