Chapter 9: The Labyrinth

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Mar 4, 2020 4:09 pm
"Be on the lookout for Gash, too," warns Elayna. "I'm sure he's still skulking around."
Mar 4, 2020 4:28 pm
Who, or what, is a Gash? Are they someone I should cleave? Or are they a friend? Deathwake says, quirking an eyebrow.
Mar 4, 2020 4:38 pm
"Gash is a gnoll, said he would lead us through the maze," explains Elayna. "We didn't trust him, but felt there was no alternative. And of course, he led us to those minotaurs."

She considers the question. "If we find him, maybe don't cleave him until he gets us out of here?"
Last edited March 4, 2020 4:39 pm
Mar 4, 2020 4:46 pm
"This gnoll only needs working eyes to point the way... but I'll try not to fill him with unnecessary holes," Ælfric said while patting his bow then the hilt of his rapier.
Mar 5, 2020 4:47 am
Before we set off, let me look into the ether to see where these statues might reside.

Seftan sits cross-legged and closes his eyes, a spell on his lips...
Cast Locate Object, range 1000'
Mar 6, 2020 11:23 pm
"Since our goals are the same, it'd be good to work together," says Elayna. She waits for Seftan to finish his insights.
Mar 7, 2020 1:32 am
Seftan sits down and casts his spell, letting the magics guide his senses toward the feathers that you need. After a few moments, something begins pulling at him and he knows the way to the feathers.

Looting the minotaurs, you don't find anything of worth aside from their huge axes, which may be a bit too big for you to carry about.
Mar 7, 2020 1:59 am
Mai'ngor sets off in the direction Deathwake said the minotaurs were headed.
Mar 7, 2020 2:08 am
"Nothing of worth or note on the bastards. What do you feel, Seftan? Which way to our next haul?"
Last edited March 7, 2020 2:09 am
Mar 7, 2020 7:08 am
I know the way, but if you give me a bit longer I can see everything that stands in our way...

Seftan chants the words of the Arcane Eye and sends it forth...
Cast Arcane Eye and send it to the statues, recover 2nd level spell with Expert Divination
Mar 7, 2020 7:32 am
Mai'ngor halts and waits for Seftan's guidance.
Mar 7, 2020 8:40 pm
Seftan sends his magical eye through the paths to the statues and sees several demons and a lot of minotaurs. As he nears his destination, he feels a chill run down his spine as he sees a great, black-furred minotaur, 20 feet tall with six iron horns. An infernal light burns in his red eyes and it holds a massive glaive in its hands.

As the eye sees it, the massive creature stops and turns to look at it and roars. The magic sustaining the eye snaps and lashes back at Seftan, causing a massive headache as the magic unravels. (26 psychic damage. DC 18 Wis save for half)
[ +- ] Creature
Mar 8, 2020 9:16 am
That's quite a bit of DM free license right there...

Using Lucky feat to reroll save...

Damn it
Last edited March 8, 2020 9:25 am


Wis +4 - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Lucky reroll Wis +4 - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Mar 8, 2020 9:30 am
Seftan reels from the pain in his head, clawing at his skull and howling in pain as blood runs from his nose and ears.

He is here! That bastard of creation! At the heart of the maze awaits Baphomet itself! Demons and minotaur along the way, but that abomination beyond... Gods help us, the lord of all demons!
Last edited March 8, 2020 9:36 am
Mar 8, 2020 5:17 pm
Elayna blinks. She wishes she had her friend here to explain the ramblings of what looks like an insane man. Instead, she leans over to Sarith and asks, "Who?"
Mar 8, 2020 5:53 pm
Ælfric calmly walked to Seftan and slapped him twice.

"Snap out of it. We need those feathers."

He turned to his new allies while his mind thought back to what he knew of this Baphomet.

"You guys encounter anything like this before? A really big, bad demon?"
I see no DM liberties taken.
And we're looking for feathers, not statues.
Last edited March 8, 2020 5:55 pm


Arcana - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Mar 8, 2020 6:10 pm
Mai'ngor remembers the terrifying arrival of Demogorgon in Sloopidoop. The Pudding King, worshiper of Juiblex near Blingdenstone. The fight against the glabrezu in Silverymoon.

"No, not like this."
Mar 8, 2020 6:30 pm
"Damn. Well, if it has what we need, we need to take it out. Stealing is my forte and I'm very good at it but I doubt I can get past something like that."

He turned to the wizard.

"You calm now, Rylleth? Can you lead us there?"
Mar 9, 2020 3:56 am
Seftan holds his aching head and waits for the ringing to stop as the others discuss.

Calm? No. I just got mind raped by the lord of the Abyss. I'm pretty far from calm, but I am ready for payback. Let's go get these feathers.

Seftan drags himself to his feet and brushes himself off, making ready to depart.
The liberty I speak of is the massive feedback damage caused through my eye spell, to my knowledge no such power exists in 5e but I really meant the statement as a cheeky quip, not an actual rebuke. And we know we are looking for angel statues if the original group does since we were sent by the same guy for the same reason ;)
Mar 9, 2020 12:52 pm
Deathwake's face doesn't show any reaction to the psychic pains her compatriot suffers during their casting. The shaman in her tribe would sometimes speak of these risks, but she never had the aptitude and thus ignored the warnings.

If this "Lord of the Abyss" wants to fight, I will ensure that they never forget my name as they lie bleeding under my heel. she says, brashly. It sounds as if my blade will not hunger for long.
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