Chapter 4: New Day

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Aug 6, 2019 5:28 am
Some of you bring corruption here. The creeping blight of the outside world.

A voice echoes loudly inside your head. It is nearly impossible to describe in any certain terms. It is loud, but so perfect in tone that it is not painful. It is deep, but you cannot imagine assigning a gender to it. It is not angry, not like you would normally picture an angry voice, but neither is it calm. It fills not only your head, but down through your spine and into your gut, out to your fingers and toes.

It suffuses you, fills your being. It is not entirely pleasant.

Your words mean nothing. The faint mewling of a sightless whelp. It knows nothing, attempts to make sense of everything without thought.
Aug 6, 2019 5:54 am
Elora shudders, definitely not liking this new sensation as she feels it move through her. "Guys, we need to tread carefully." She says softly, starting to consider what else this disembodied voice can do to them.
Aug 6, 2019 6:07 am
At first, the sensation of receiving telepathic communication is a relief to Verrian; it feels like it's been a very long time. But the intensity of the voice and its permeation of her entire being quickly makes the experience less than comforting, or comfortable.

She has a flash of insight. Expanding her sharing to include her companions, Verrian says, Are you referring to items that we brought from the other side of the portal? Are those the source of the corruption you're speaking of? If so, please believe me - we have no intention of spreading corruption here. We're here to explore and learn. We mean no harm to any part of this environment.


Diplomacy check - (1d20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Aug 6, 2019 6:19 am
Yelnar pauses, in case he has items of corruption upon him.

He has a thought "Is the Whitestone the corruption you speak of?"
Aug 6, 2019 4:11 pm
Or is it just magic?

Ember shrinks back toward the portal.
Aug 6, 2019 4:57 pm
This one. And this one.

The voice sounds again, though quieter. As it speaks, you can hear birdsong approaching. A flock of sparrows bursts from the trees nearby, and surround Ember and Elora's heads, flapping and tweeting, but not touching or threatening.

Have you not done enough? Has your power not destroyed enough of the world that you must bring it here as well? You will not destroy this place!
Aug 6, 2019 5:32 pm
Ember's face flashes red. The knot in her gut bursts into internal fire, indignant, yet ashamed.

So much for making your own name...

Elora, give me the stone, please.

She backs up further, speaking to the sparrows.

We come to make things right! Are you worried about things that have magic in them as part of their nature? None of us were involved in the Mages War. But if I leave, and take the stone, can these people learn from you? Please. We want the world to heal. And.....I know I may not be a part of that....
Last edited August 6, 2019 5:41 pm


Diplomacy, which I guess is just charisma - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Aug 6, 2019 6:59 pm
I have fought beside all of these people. Any powers or abilities they have, were used in the defeat of evil and corruption, both of the human and fiendish variety.

Wil steels himself for what may come and then consciously lowers any mental shields he may have.

Feel free to see what my eyes have witnessed.
Aug 6, 2019 6:59 pm
I have fought beside all of these people. Any powers or abilities they have, were used in the defeat of evil and corruption, both of the human and fiendish variety.

Wil steels himself for what may come and then consciously lowers any mental shields he may have.

Feel free to see what my eyes have witnessed.
Aug 6, 2019 8:28 pm
The sparrows scatter as though frightened, only to reform into a constantly roiling, chirping cloud of feathers. As you watch in amazement, the cloud shapes itself into a face, at least 3 or 4 feet high, hovering above the path. The continually flapping, fluttering birds that make up the shape give it a curiously liquid appearance, not settling on any one exact set of features.

As the voice sounds in your head again, the face's mouth moves along with it. The face hovers forward to stare directly at Ember.

Every bit of magic you use poisons the atmosphere more. You can leave, you can foreswear your inborn powers, you can throw yourself off the nearest cliff. But it is too late. The world dies more every second.

The voice is quiet now, but intense.

Hubris. Those who would have been gods failed to recognize that without a world and its people, even a god can die and be lost to the emptiness of the universe.

The face turns to Willitan.

Do you think that mere good intent can possibly overcome the end of the world? You are more naive than I thought.
Aug 6, 2019 8:38 pm
Wait! Why me? Why Elora? Other people use magic too. This place was preserved by magic!

Ember's voice quavers as her composure drops. She's clearly flustered. Maybe even scared.

I've tried really hard not to be that kind of caster and here you are telling me that even if I killed myself nothing would change? What did I do? I....I start fires and do parlor tricks. That's it! How does that end the world. Are -

Her eyes dart to Elora in panic.

Are we part of that? Because I did not ask for that!

Her whole body shakes, and she barely registers how hard her nails are digging into her palms. She can write off the Crows as insane bastards. But this.....being is differentiating magic somehow, and that scares her.
Aug 6, 2019 8:59 pm
Verrian moves to Ember's side and slides an arm around her shoulders. She rests her free hand on Elora's shoulder.

Please understand that our magic users weren't part of the Mage Wars. In fact, they were trapped behind the wards of Meriava when whatever magical catastrophe befell the rest of the world. We were sent to assess what has happened and find out what can be done. We are not here to inflict further damage.

Releasing the girls, Verrian moves slightly forward toward the face in the air. My name is Verrian of Cyr. Would you do us the honor of telling us yours? We truly want to learn and understand what has happened.


Diplomacy again, because maybe this one will be better - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Aug 6, 2019 9:41 pm
Elora grabs Ember's hand, holding it firmly, yet softly. She does this to calm Ember's fierce spirit as well as keep her own anxiety from becoming to much to bear. "It-it's okay Ember, no one is blaming you, just focus on me." She whispers quietly, trying to reassure her.

Could it be that divine magic played no part in the magic catastrophe? Wait is this being?


Arcana on the birds - (1d20+8)

(6) + 8 = 14

Aug 6, 2019 10:35 pm
Wil stands his ground.

My name is Willitan Lightfoot and I believe with every fiber of my body that the right people with the right intentions can do anything, even stop the end of the world.

He takes a deep breath and looks around.

Do you believe that hiding here and insulting those who would help, will stop the end of the world?
Aug 7, 2019 12:25 am
"What about the magic inherent to nature, such as druidic magic, is that a problem too?" Yelnar says with reverence in his tone.
Aug 7, 2019 9:37 pm
It is not your fault you cannot see...

A profusion of birds of all shapes and colors boils from among the trees, swarming the party. Wings and feathers and bird calls overwhelm and dazzle your senses. I will show you...

The voice of the Guardian fades into a distant series of echoes, and your senses go blank for a moment...


You stand unnervingly high above the ground, looking down at a battlefield. Tens of thousands of... soldiers? It's difficult to discern from this height and distance... spread across the landscape. The sky is roiling with clouds of a thousand different shades, none of them natural: greens, purples, yellows, colors you can't name. You look to the side to see a single man, his features twisted with mindless fury, an aura of power pulsing around him. As you look around further, you realize where you must be... these are the Floating Towers of Ardraven.

The fabled runescribed arches and delicate stonework of the Towers are rubble now. The ground lurches unsettlingly beneath you. Among what once were the streets and squares of the Upper City are countless people. Many lie on the ground, unmoving and quite possibly dead. Some struggle to keep their feet, looking exhausted if not completely drained. One man, his features drawn with weariness and pain, leans against the scattered remains of a marble fountain. He calls out toward the man standing next to you.

"Ryzan! You do not need to do this! Step back from this madness! Come back to me, and we will quit this pointless destruction... we will live together in peace... just us. We can let the world heal." The man's voice fades, his strength flagging. "Please, Ryzan. I beg you..."

The man, Ryzan, standing next to you half-turns to look back. "They have destroyed everything, Avalin. The Towers fall even as we speak," he says, his voice booming out loud enough, maybe, for the combatants far below to hear, his eyes wide with madness. "Someone must pay. And you will help me extract that cost, my dear. Our last great work together, even if the fabric of reality itself is rent asunder."

Ryzan reaches out one hand toward Avalin, who jerks forward, back arched unnaturally far, his head twisting away from Ryzan as though resisting the gesture. A glowing force floods from Avalin's body to surge into Ryzan's, who turns to face the battlefield once more and throws his arms wide. From the forests dotting the fields below, the same glowing force races into the sky, merging with the clouds above. The trees are flattened completely as you watch, and lightning surges from the sky. Bolts slam into the ground one after another, with barely a pause between them, surging through the bodies of the soldiers. Bolts saturate the crumbling, faltering ground you stand on, which tilts nauseatingly to one side. Debris slides off the edge, cascading to the ground hundreds of feet below. Ryzan seems unaffected by any of this. He continues to stretch his arms toward the horizon, the aura about him growing into a blinding intensity.

Finally, with one gesture, made as though fighting against an impossibly heavy weight, Ryzan lifts his hands to the sky. "Be... no more!" his voice echoes over the landscape.

In a single blink of an eye, the battlefield is... gone. It is as though the entire area was cut from a piece of cloth and the hole sewn shut again. In the sudden, shocking silence, you look to your side as the blinding aura winks out, and Ryzan turns to look back at the husk of what was once Avalin. If there is recognition of the magnitude of what he has done, none of it shows on Ryzan's face. He simply stares, and lets himself fall backward over the edge. As he falls, his body seems to unravel, fading into a cloud of component molecules that dissipate on the wind.

Can your good intentions heal a rift such as that, small one? the voice says, not unkindly.

For the first time, it seems to show some emotion. Sadness. Loss. Grief.

If your tiny group of crusaders knows of a way to restore a balance of power so badly tilted, then I would be happy to listen. Men and women who draw power from everything around them, turning it to their own selfish ends, ignoring the warnings screaming all about them... selfishness... greed... is it beyond repair? I have dwelt here for hundreds of years, watching, witnessing, unable to do anything other than protect what tiny pocket of reality over which I have been given dominion. If there is hope, I know not where to find it.

The scene fades from your vision, and you return to the forest path, the face of sparrows still present, but the other birds now gone.
Aug 7, 2019 9:58 pm
With tears rolling unnoticed down his face, Wil addresses the voice.

Such loneliness you have endured. Such a weight you bear.
He sighs, shakes his head, and struggles for the right thing to say. He sits down and wipes his eyes.

I don't know who you are, and can't begin to fathom the responsibility you hold.

He struggles to get himself under control. Tears still fall, but they are slowing.

I, obviously, have no idea how to compete with the power you showed us, but I still believe that the only way possible to fight evil is with good.
If our party can bring some good, some hope and light, to people who are suffering, than there are fewer who would flock to evil's banner.
If enough small groups do this, then it changes from a trickle to a tide.

His tears are gone and he stands up.

If we give up, if groups like us give up, then evil will truly be victorious. This is not hubris on my account. My effect on the world is but a raindrop on a stone. But enough raindrops can wear away that stone.

I say again...I will stand with this group against evil. Will you help us? Will you allow us to rest and recharge here in this haven you guard? Or will you kick us out and turn your back on the world?
Aug 7, 2019 11:07 pm
As a member of the faculty of the School of the Seven Stones, Verrian has been privy to scores of theories and speculative models of what sort of havoc the Mage Wars might have wrought on the lands beyond Meriava. She's heard others describe cataclysms such as what they'd all just witnessed in the vision so many times that she almost feels as though she'd experienced the real thing, even before now.

What has struck her to her core by this vision is, instead, the personal element. As a Naucan diplomat, she'd met King Ryvan several times, but she'd actually known his advisor Avelin. He and Verrian had found an instant rapport upon first meeting, and they'd often shared lunch or tea when their work brought them to the same location. They had personal conversations, even engaged in some mild gossip. Avelin was far too discreet to divulge the full nature of his relationship with the king, but it was clear to Verrian that there was more intimacy between them than was normal for advisor and king - or even, Source and king.

She hadn't been naive enough to believe that Avelin might have survived the Mage Wars, but she'd never actually pictured his death. To have that graphic image of Avelin's horrific suffering - at the hands of someone he'd loved - forced into her mind's eye is a shock she isn't prepared for. Involuntarily, she finds herself sharing her anguish as though she were in the presence of her kinship - a short, wordless mental wail and a burst of imagery that constitutes her personal telepathic grief vocabulary.

Outwardly, a gasp, a hand to her forehead, and a stream of tears are Verrian's only response.
Aug 7, 2019 11:57 pm
Incredible, never in her wildest dreams would Elora even begin to entertain the idea of understanding what exactly happened during the mage war. And yet here she is, bearing witness to the full cause of the cataclysm in all it's glory and horror. She felt...horrible for the King, Elora can only imagine the grief one would experience.

This war has only brought so much pain and suffering to everyone, even to this day. Elora is surprisingly not much of a crier, but dwelling on this vision has her wipe a few loose tears away. No, no I can't cry now, I have to look strong.

It's at this moment she realizes Ember's hand is still grasping her, and is only squeezing tighter, the pressure beginning to resemble pain. With her free hand she lightly taps Ember's arm, trying to keep her cool. "E-Ember? Could you let go? Of me?"
Aug 8, 2019 12:22 am
Ember can’t move. She barely musters enough energy to loose her grip on Elora, though her hand doesn’t fall to her side. She stares off where the men in the vision were.
[ +- ] headspace

She’s not sure if she actually verbalizes it or not. The back of her mind flits to the others in the group, briefly. The tiny spark wants to prove the face wrong. To comfort and stand by her companions.

But she can’t move.
Last edited August 8, 2019 12:23 am
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