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Aug 4, 2019 4:29 am
Trying to get a run up and running. Anybody got the time to post regularly into a SR5 Adventure??? Check out FALLEN ANGEL asap and let me know. I would like to set up a game and keep it going regularly so lets go chummer!

Aug 4, 2019 4:51 am
I have never actually played SR5.. I have dabbled in SR3 and SR4.. but long enough ago I don't remember. I also don't have SR5 downloaded.
Aug 4, 2019 5:04 am
Tani. You only have to post in the Games Tavern looking for games or players. Not in three threads.

Welcome to the site
Aug 5, 2019 3:59 pm
Honestly, the reason I didn't look that deeply into your game was Street Level chargen (by default, it is crippling for any archetype that needs a considerable amount of cash at chargen and makes mages/adepts incredibly powerful in comparison), and basically core rules only (sorry folks, but I love having all of the options). It would've been very difficult to build what I want with those constraints.

Sorry, but that's the nature of the beast for me. Good luck!
Aug 7, 2019 8:19 am
Yamazaki says:
Honestly, the reason I didn't look that deeply into your game was Street Level chargen (by default, it is crippling for any archetype that needs a considerable amount of cash at chargen and makes mages/adepts incredibly powerful in comparison), and basically core rules only (sorry folks, but I love having all of the options). It would've been very difficult to build what I want with those constraints.

Sorry, but that's the nature of the beast for me. Good luck!
Thanks for the honest feedback. You didn't even give it a go but then I get it. I ain't really scared of giving anything a go. All good though! Good luck on your future games. I think you might need it bro! Lol!
Aug 7, 2019 2:29 pm
Tani says:

Thanks for the honest feedback. You didn't even give it a go but then I get it. I ain't really scared of giving anything a go. All good though! Good luck on your future games. I think you might need it bro! Lol!
I've got a lot of experience with SR, so I know what I'm looking for. I'm very picky as a player, and I know it. I mean, I love Pathfinder as well, but cannot stand the low levels anymore, and refuse to join those games.

FYI - if you ever want to do Street Level SR5e, the best route I've seen online is to use the Sum to Ten method (a modification of the standard Priority method), but make the point limit 8 or something. It's in Run Faster, if you're interested.
Aug 7, 2019 4:24 pm
Tani says:
Thanks for the honest feedback. You didn't even give it a go but then I get it. I ain't really scared of giving anything a go. All good though! Good luck on your future games. I think you might need it bro! Lol!
Just as an FYI, GP is kind of an oasis on the internet. People here are generally upbeat, supportive, and respectful in their interactions.
Last edited Aug 7, 2019 7:00 pm
Aug 7, 2019 6:52 pm
Moonbeam says:
Tani says:
Thanks for the honest feedback. You didn't even give it a go but then I get it. I ain't really scared of giving anything a go. All good though! Good luck on your future games. I think you might need it bro! Lol!
Just as an FYI, GP is kind of an oasis on the internet. People here are generally upbeat, supportive, and respectful I think their interactions.
Aug 8, 2019 8:48 am
Yamazaki says:
Tani says:

Thanks for the honest feedback. You didn't even give it a go but then I get it. I ain't really scared of giving anything a go. All good though! Good luck on your future games. I think you might need it bro! Lol!
I've got a lot of experience with SR, so I know what I'm looking for. I'm very picky as a player, and I know it. I mean, I love Pathfinder as well, but cannot stand the low levels anymore, and refuse to join those games.

FYI - if you ever want to do Street Level SR5e, the best route I've seen online is to use the Sum to Ten method (a modification of the standard Priority method), but make the point limit 8 or something. It's in Run Faster, if you're interested.
Nah! Not interested really. You kinda tanked my game a bit there bro!
Aug 8, 2019 3:25 pm
Tani says:

Nah! Not interested really. You kinda tanked my game a bit there bro!
Sorry - didn't mean to tank anything. Hopefully your next game goes better!
Aug 8, 2019 4:19 pm
Saw some people interested in SR5 earlier, maybe they'll hit you up!
Aug 11, 2019 3:09 am
BedzoneII says:
Saw some people interested in SR5 earlier, maybe they'll hit you up!

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