The Other Side (Fate Horror) Needs 1 replacement

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Aug 4, 2019 6:47 pm
tl;dr - The Other Side (a Fate Core Horror Hunters game) needs 1 replacement player.

Original ad -
Game forum -
Game page -

We started with four, but we have now lost two. One ghosted, and one had some real life stuff that kept him/her from posting. We have two regular posters (bowlofspinish and Wratched) and are hoping to recruit 1 and add 1 more via this ad, for a total of 4.

Some facts about the game:
1. We are just getting started on the investigation, so now's a great time to jump in.
2. This is a horror game first and a "monster hunters" game a distant second. My goal is to horrify you with what happens to you and around you in this game. I might not succeed, but that's the goal. Be ready for that.
3. We are keeping up a pretty good posting rate. To keep up you will need to check the forums and our Discord almost every day, and you will need to be able to make good posts at least three times a week. We have been running for about three and a half weeks (since July 10th), with between 3 and 5 people posting, and have made 85(ish) IC posts.
4. We are using pretty vanilla Fate Core for our rules. You don't need to know how to play Fate to join, but you have to learn as you go. This game isn't a tutorial, but this should help get you up to speed:
5. I'm very easy to get along with as a GM, but I do have one quirk: I require all OOC stuff to go in the OOC thread and not in the IC thread. All. OOC. Stuff. :-D

Priority will be given to a player who is willing to take over our last playerless character, Calvin. Calvin is a tech master, know-it-all, asshole. His character sheet is here: So long as the essence of the character doesn't change, I'm open to any changes on the character build itself.

If no one is willing to play Calvin,
I will consider new characters as well.

The Story So Far:
Caystodd says:
To the sound of a flushing toilet and still pulling her shirt on over her head, Andrea stepped out of the bathroom. She was wearing jeans and no shoes.

"Hey, y'all. Thanks for coming." She took a moment to greet each of the hunters before she stood in front of the old hotel-room TV and said, "So, as you now know, Tony had a vision. At the time she was pretty sure it was a vision of someone dying. White girl, late teens or early twenties, young. She died in Marion, probably within sight of a water tower. Probably in the swamp. I did some googling and sure enough, Betty Rice, nineteen, went missing between five to seven days ago. Her body was found in the swamp two days ago by accident when some hunters hit it with their boat. This town doesn't have a newspaper that is readable online. They have a sheriff and one part-time deputy who directs traffic, so I couldn't easily dig up more. But you all know as well as I do, if Tony had a vision then her death is connected to the Other Side. Tony? Anything to add?"
The hunters—Calvin, Natasha (ex-cop), and Tony (the girl with the visions)—went to investigate. Natasha and Calvin are driving out to interview the guys who found the body of the girl. Tony was going into town to do some research in the library but got herself into some serious trouble.

There is a "clue thread" that Wratched started here: I have poked her to get that updated ASAP, so new players can see what's going on so far.

Post here if you have questions or are interested.
1. Are you on the Gamers Plane discord? You need to be.
2. Can you check in on the game nearly every day and post at least three times a week?
3. Are you willing to play Calvin?
4. If number 3 is a "no," then what sort of character were you interested in playing?
Last edited Aug 6, 2019 12:19 am
Aug 6, 2019 12:13 am
We have someone (Machiabelly) who is taking over Calvin, so I am open to one new character to get added to the mix. Someone with shooty/punchy would fit right in (for all the good it will do you :-D).

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