Blackwater Creek - CoC 7E looking for new blood...

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Aug 9, 2019 3:04 pm spill.

SEEKING: 2-3 players to drop into an existing Call of Cthulhu game.
WHEREIN the investigators are sent to a strange, small town near Dunwich, MA to track down a missing professor.

The current PCs are employed by Miskatonic University, in Arkham. New PCs would be local to the party's current environs - the tiny hamlet called Blackwater Creek. Likely PC occupations might include:
-Criminal (Bootlegger, Gangster)
-Doctor of Medicine
-Elected Official

Link to the game here. Don't be gauche, send me a PM before you join. Level of experience with the system is irrelevant.,h_518,al_c,lg_1,q_80/c1543a_db36c07a8c98414dbde9c86991265042~mv2.webp
"Welcome to Blackwater Creek. Why dincha make yerself right at home?"
Aug 15, 2019 8:14 pm
I'm interested in playing. I've played earlier editions of CoC, just not 7th. What would you need from me?
Aug 16, 2019 3:41 pm
I just called it on my Nyarlathotep game (really challenging to keep that many people engaged and devoted; probably a bit ambitious for my first CoC game on here), so I've some extra time. I'm game!
Aug 16, 2019 6:17 pm
Awsmack, you're already in! Virtual basement, there's room for you too. I'll PM you.

Knifesedge, if you wanna join, now or down the line, I'd open up space for you as well. This is still the first preliminary investigation, but the *goal* is to turn it into a sort of Mythos inquiry campaign based out of Miskatonic U. Very "classic CoC" in its feel.

I'm gonna say that with the addition of VirtualBasement (and possible Knifesedge), that'll top us off for now. Closing the game back up for now!
Aug 16, 2019 7:23 pm
Santouche says:
Awsmack, you're already in!
Ha, didn't realize that was this game. Fantastic.
Aug 16, 2019 11:16 pm
Ok let’s do it santouche! I don’t have any games I’m playing in right now, I hope I’m not overcommittjng :)

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