Aug 10, 2019 7:02 pm
Greetings. I'm currently GMing a DnD 5e game using a homebrew Eberron setting. I still have 3 slots open and would like to invite anyone wishing to dive into the swashbuckling, dark and arcana-tech filled adventures to join me. New DnD5e players are very much welcome. The posting prerequisite is at least 3x a week. The game is RP focused, with a lot of my hacks based from past gaming experiences with earlier DnD and other gaming systems. There is a bunch of homebrew rules that we will be using to emphasize the "feel" of the setting against the other DnD settings, but as always the "story first" rule will always be prioritized.

Please PM me or apply in the game forum if you are interested. Good gaming to you!
The original IC is here if you wish to check on some of the game details, including a couple of highlights I pointed out.

Please PM me or apply in the game forum if you are interested. Good gaming to you!
The original IC is here if you wish to check on some of the game details, including a couple of highlights I pointed out.