Question: Images

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Nov 22, 2015 4:46 am
How do I upload images from my computer to GP? I'd like to use maps and such that I have on my PC.
Nov 22, 2015 5:04 am
They need to be hosted elsewhere. I use Google Images and Pinterest. Copy the image location for when you click the image button on GP and GP asks you for the URL.
Nov 22, 2015 6:31 am
Yah, for now, images have to be hosted elsewhere. I'm trying to figure out the most equitable means of allowing people to upload to GP while maintaining security?
Nov 22, 2015 3:14 pm
Keleth says:
Yah, for now, images have to be hosted elsewhere. I'm trying to figure out the most equitable means of allowing people to upload to GP while maintaining security?
That has to be possible. Not sure about the forum software you,re using, but I know the InVision boards allow you to do those things rather easily.
Nov 22, 2015 3:23 pm
I'm currently using Gamers Plane forum code (95% of GP is my own code). So all security stuff I have to learn myself. It's definitely doable, but there are questions like how much room do I give each person? Specially maps and things can be big, so the standard 10 megs won't fly. Also, deleting old images would ruin old games. Maybe space per game? There's a chance it may end up being off site only.
Nov 23, 2015 3:56 am
Perhaps a lower amount for players to post their character's portrait, and such, but people running games might need a few GBs...
Nov 23, 2015 4:03 am
As much as it might offend people, I recommend cloud-based services like Google Docs or Dropbox for things like maps, especially for things like battle maps that evolve constantly.
Nov 23, 2015 5:35 am
I think hosting off site is the best. Keeps costs low and it's super easy
Nov 23, 2015 6:25 am
Kenny, here's what I do. I'm going to provide detailed, step-by-step instructions, in case the answers given already seem incomplete or insufficient for your needs.

I use Google drive. It's a free service, and as part of the Google accounts, it has a gargantuan amount of file space, way more than you'd ever use for maps or character portraits. Unfortunately, it's something that requires a computer; you cannot use a phone or tablet for this.

1a) Login to Google drive, or register if you have not already done so.
Link to Google Drive

1b) Within Google drive (, I make a subdirectory/folder for each game.

2a) Then I drag the map that I've created to that folder. By default, files on Google drive are private to you, so you'll need to change the permissions so that someone external (like a web site such as Gamer's Plane) will be able to access it.

2b) Right click on the file and select "Share" from the context menu that appears. This will open a pop-up window called "Sharing Settings."

2c) In the "Sharing Settings" pop-up window, select "Advanced." The pop-up will show a "Link to share" and a list of "Who has access." This "Who has access" will probably show "Private."

2d) Next to where it says "Private," click "Change." This will show a set of three radio buttons; select "On - Public on the Web," then click the "Save" button. Saving your change will return you to the "Sharing Settings" view in the pop-up window.

2e) Select the text of the "link to share" and copy it (command+C on a Mac, CTRL+C on a Windows PC). For example, this link to share for one of my maps is:

2f) Click "done" to get rid of the pop-up window.

3a) Return to the window/tab that you have open on Gamer's Plane. You now have to use the link, and modify it so that it will display on GP.

3b) Paste the link to the thread post where you want it to be. Unfortunately, this link is NOT ready to display on GP; Google's link sharing is designed to only work if a user clicks on it in e-mail. For the image to display on a message board like GP, you will need to alter it from what Google has provided.

3c) Look at the link you pasted from Google drive. In the middle of the link is a large string of seemingly random characters; this is the actual file ID for your image. In my example, that's 0B071DukoNZd1ZnlBd2dQaHN3Zk0

3d) Replace everything in the link you pasted before your file's ID with this:
and delete everything after your file's ID.
So, with my example, it would go from this:
to this:

3e) The last thing to do in your post is to enclose that link with the [ img ] and [ /img ] tags, as you would with any img reference.
Like this:
[ img ][ /img ]
(remove the spaces in the square brackets)

Note that you can also just post that finished link into the "Add Image" dialog box (and GP will provide the img tags), just as Jabes.plays.RPG suggested.

4) Add whatever text you want to appear along with the image either before or after that, and then click "Post." It will then appear like this (my example):
Last edited Nov 23, 2015 8:15 am
Nov 23, 2015 7:15 am
I'm perfectly ok with the way things are now. It would be nice to have some control over the display size though! :-)
Nov 23, 2015 1:43 pm
THAT I can work in more easily. What sort of control are you thinking?
Nov 23, 2015 1:48 pm
Oh, nothing fancy. The ability to specify pixel dimensions or even just a percentage of the original image's dimensions.
Nov 23, 2015 1:50 pm
I think pixel makes the most sense.
Nov 23, 2015 2:07 pm
That'd be awesome! :-)

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