Epilogue: Wolves and Sheep

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Sep 13, 2019 3:38 am
Unknown Location

Heavy metal music filled the inside of the hangar, the crew inside running around trying their best to look busy. Not that a normal day wasn't usually so, military aircraft maintenance was practically a 24/7 job, but today especially people were doing their best not to be idle. In the center, inside a broken down troop helicopter, stood the primary reason: their commanding officer. She herself wasn't actually watching anybody, instead being more interested in the repairs she was making.

Some of the newer crew were initially surprised to see someone of her rank doing something so menial, until it was explained in hush voices from the veterans that it was something she would do to cool off from her normal duties. For both types, however, the busywork had a secondary benefit: helping them keep their minds off of staring at the woman.
This last bit was particularly difficult, considering how her grease-stained jumpsuit was barely containing the shapely blonde dream Viking demigoddess. Not helping was the open top displaying the deep valley underneath, nor was the wiggling of her hips to the music.

Fortunately for everyone's sanity, a phone on the nearby table rang, prompting the officer to stop and pick it up. She spoke briefly, before listening intently. A smile appeared on her beautiful face before she thanked the person on the other end. She then turned to leave, giving orders for someone to contact one of their newer troops to meet her in her office after a visit to medical. Some of the veterans gave each other a knowing look.
In the center of the training room stood a circle of women, all themselves prime examples of everything Amazon through, heh, Valkyrian. Within that circle were two participants, one their sister, the other a rough muscly man. As the circle watched, the participants continued there dangerous dance with their blades, neither side having drawn much blood as of yet, instead mainly focusing on dodging and re-directing each other's strikes.

Watching through a window from her office over the training room, the officer watched intently, only looking away when a knock was heard at her door. Turning, she thanked the doctor. The cute brunette woman nodded before picking up the air tank and walking out, opening the door for the person waiting outside.

The officer smiled again as one of her fresher soldiers walked in. Not only for the punctuality of her orders, but because the officer was genuinely happy. Few fighting women, for various reasons, were able to rival the blonde's full shapely figure, which was more than alright since many made up for it in other ways. But the redheaded vixen standing in the doorway was more than an even match, her bust even larger despite the leaner muscle, built for precision over raw toughness, underneath, her flared thighs combining with her slimmer waist for a lovely hourglass shape.

"Thank you, Command Sergeant, for coming to my office," the officer licked her lips as her eyes looked the soldier over, "I have an update that you might be interested in.

The sergeant's face lit up at this, and the officer could see hope budding behind those sharp green eyes.

"Before I give you it, however, I must ask a question," the blonde turned to the window, beaconing the redhead over with the wave of a hand, "This man you are looking for. Once we have hired him, will you two be partaking in the ritual?"

The soldier stepped over next to the officer, looking down at the knife fight happening below.

With only a moment's thought, the sergeant shook her head.

"Seems kind of excessive to me," she said.

The officer nodded with a hmm.

"Things like that often seem that way from the outside," the blonde said, "But for those on the inside..."

The Vikingess stepped closer, and wrapped her arm around the vixen's waist.

"...the ones that allow the emotions stirred by the moment to wash over them, to drive them further in... " she ran a finger along the shapely bust of the redhead, before gently poking a spot on the side, the blonde leaning in to whisper in the ear, "then it can feel like it's never enough."

The sergeant bit her lip, a soft moan escaping as her busom started to swell. The officer ran a hand down the vixen's thigh, noting it too was thickening in a pleasant fashion, before reaching up and poking the side of her own chest. Soon her own top was straining to contain the mounds growing beneath, as she pressed them against the sergeant's.

To be fair to the sergeant, the vixen fought through the sensation as their figures stopped growing, coming in at just over a 1/2 increase.

"Still," the redhead gasped, her face flush, "All of this just so the guy can 'claim' her? That seems very... Red Sonja-ish, don't you think?"

The Vikingess lightly laughed, the vibrations working its way across, "It's a bit more complicated than that."

She indicated the surrounding circle.

"See what the people of the circle are doing?" the blonde asked.

The redhead quirked an eyebrow, "Nothing?"

"Precisely," the officer said, "Nothing. They aren't tripping him up, or using their own blades to damage him."

The woman in the center finally landed a hit on the man's arm, a light strike, barely enough to draw blood. Pausing, the man wiped some of the blood with his off hand. He then licked the blood from his fingers, before smiling. Flipping his knife around, he shifted his pose, and went back to fighting the woman, who was equally smiling, flirtation mixing in with her smooth movements.

"He is an experienced Alpha Squad team leader, who has fought in many battles," the blonde continued, "And during that time he has gained the trust and respect of every one of them. Staying back and watching is their way of giving permission."

Once again the center woman drew blood from the man, but he pushed through, pulling off an impressive throw maneuver before kneeling over her with his knife to her throat.

"Gotcha," they could make out him saying, before he turned and grabbed the leg she attempted to use to kick him off, "Nah ah ahhh. Do you give in?"

For a second everyone just stayed where they were, unmoving. Eventually, the woman smiled, and let go of her blade.

"I do," she said.

The man grinned, letting her let go before stabbing the knife into the floor. Before he had a chance to stand up, the woman had grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled herself up into a deep kiss, which he returned as he embraced her.

The women of the circle started applauding, some barking off "How HOWWW!" joyfully enough to be heard through the windows. As the new couple stood up, the circle all started gathering around them before leading them off to a 'special' chamber nearby.

The vixen just shook her head disbelieving at the display she just witnessed. The blonde lightly laughed again, before leaning in closer to the redhead's ear.

"We've caught a lead," she whispered.

Green eyes brightened again as they turned to stare into blue.

"For real this time?" she asked, excitement in her voice.

Somewhat reluctantly, the officer pulled away, shuttering the windows before walking to her desk, hips swaying. She turned the monitor around.

"Wanted to wait to watch this with you," the blonde said, "Apparently only a single agent was able to escape with his life with this. Even then, it's only a small sliver. Whomever these people are, they are skilled, and highly motivated when it comes to protecting their own. I find that rather refreshing, actually, very admirable."

She pushed a few buttons, and fragments of a video file started up. While the location was difficult to make out, it was apparent that the recording was from someone's helmet camera, the FAST model suggesting special forces of some type. Around the soldier was a gunfight raging, when the head turned to look at someone.

A bearded man in full tactical gear, wearing a beanie.

"It's him," the redhead gasped, "When was this?"

"While he's supposed to be in Japan," the Vikingess noted as the video continued.

Suddenly some figures in the distance appeared, men with rifles taking potshots. Quick as a flash the bearded one stepped further into cover, before unleashing a volley of fire back at them with his highly customized M4. The viewpoint itself ducked before the two women could see what happened, but at least two bodies fell over before the camera was out of view.

"WOO that's tango down!" the man shouted as more return fire chipped at his cover.

He ducked a little, turning toward the camera with a grin.

"Looks like the Devil's come to play," he flashed some metal horns with his hand, "Let's kick his teeth in! HA!!"

The video freezed just as he turned back, the file glitched out as the fragment ended.

By this time the sergeant was squatting down in front of the monitor, staring at the image on the screen.

"He's still got it," she said breathlessly, raising a hand to run a finger along his face, before shaking her head lightly before standing back up, "Any idea where he might be now?"

A pause.

"Ma'am?" the sergeant, slightly confused, looked over to her CO.

The blonde had a hand over her mouth, the other on her hip, staring intently at the picture herself. She reached over, and moused over the video.

"...like the Devil's come to play. Let's kick his teeth in!"

Quickly she paused the file, and looked again at the bearded man. Blue eyes stared at blue eyes...

"Ma'am?" the sergeant cleared her throat, a small smile on her face, "You been able to locate him?"

"Right, sorry," the officer snapped out of her reverie, before clicking out of the video, "we had another op running in Florida recently that picked up on a news article from the last few days, and intel flagged it as related."

A news page popped up on screen, reporting on a train hijacking that was thwarted by the brave efforts of FBI agents that had boarded the train while it was moving. Scrolling down, they could see a picture that had been marked by the person that sent the file. The circle itself was around that of one of the tactical agents in the background. It wasn't much, since the man had his back to the camera, but what they could see... a customized M4, what looked to be blonde beard, and a beanie on top of his head.

"Now this isn't confirmed, just a possible thread to chase down," the officer admitted, "But after seeing that video just now? I think it's in our interest to look into it. Feel like going to Miami?"

The blonde barely had time to ask before the redhead was on her, lips locking as they dived into a deep kiss.

They held the embrace for a minute before reluctantly surfacing for air.

"I shall mark down that you volunteered enthusiastically," the officer smiled, "and I look forward to pictures of you in a bikini."

The sergeant blushed, her face getting almost as red as her hair. She bit her lip, "I'm a little worried. Dozer's a bit on the old-fashioned side. I don't know how he will react to all of this. To... us."

The demi-goddess smirked, "He is a man, and we are women. I'm sure that between the two of us we can wear him down."

The officer stepped up to the sergeant, and ran a hand down the other side of the voluptuous vixen's bust.

"No doubt he will find us strange. Maybe even," a press, "excessive. But once he's inside," she then reached down, and pressed a spot on the vixen's thigh, "and letting his emotions wash over him," her hands moved up, and pinched through the cloth at the corset underneath, "driving him ever deeper..."

The officer stepped back and watched as the sergeant stood there gasping, previously loose fatigues increasingly tight as each breath the vixen's breasts and thighs swelled bigger. And bigger. And bigger.

Smiling, the Viking demigoddess mirrored the pressing on herself. Soon her figure was growing in an attempt to catch up.

"Then he will find that it's never, ever enough."
Last edited September 13, 2019 9:52 pm
Sep 22, 2019 2:56 am
James Charmaine's office, Florida

"Hey Major," Captain Charmaine said, looking up from his paperwork at the rugged older woman walking in, "Surprised to see you down here. If you're wondering, I'm just finishing up the most recent paperwork for the Mikhailovich case, so things should be set."

The Major just wordlessly closed the door to the office, before shuttering the windows.

"We have a problem," she said frankly before walking over to the phone on the desk, pressing a button, "Go ahead Bishop."

"Is Jazz there?"

"Bishop! You bloody British bastard, didn't expect to hear your voice again so soon!" Jazz smiled as he leaned back in his seat.

"That's bloody Scottish bastard, you Yank twank. I hear you even got an fancy office in Florida, now how'd you manage that?"

"I tell ya man, it would have been smoother if NCIS wasn't a civilian organization," Jazz said, tugging his collar, "It's been a while since I've had to act Army."

"Now that we've had the pleasantries," the Major stepped in, deadpan, "What is your report, Bishop?"

"We had a data breach not too long ago, Jazz," Bishop explained, "Unknown infiltrators snuck into a secure computer bank, and tried to physically copy and remove some files. To your boys' credit, the infiltrators got a right bloody nose for the effort, and as far as we can tell the damage has been minimal."

"But you wouldn't be calling if it was too minimal," Jazz noted, waiting for the other shoe.

"Aye. We believe one was able to escape with a sliver of a video file. The techs have gone over it, and while the sliver didn't have enough to give details of the mission it was recording, it did show the face of one of soldiers."

Jazz sat up, his face serious, "Which one?"

"Dozer," the Major said.

"Aye. He looks at the camera in the small snippet, and the timestamp is during his time in Japan," Bishop confirmed.

Silence filled the room as the ramifications settled in.

"PITFALL?" Jazz asked, his brain working furiously.

"Not from what we heard, at least not directly. Of course..."

"We have to assume they know everything," the Captain sighed, "Are our backup stories in place?"

"It's solid," the Major noted, "they've already guessed that his 'reassignment' was the Army thumbing their nose at PITFALL. Won't take much to convince them that a cowboy Spec Ops officer brought him into the fold."

Jazz chuckled, "Yeah, Baron gave off the right vibes, didn't he? Man I miss that guy. Think his death is a convincing enough reason for Dozer to go FBI?"

The Major shrugged, "It's why we went with it. You've done your homework, Jazz, put together a strong plan. Now we're reaching the point beyond second guessing ourselves."

Jazz nodded, "Yes, ma'am, roger that."

"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to shower a little rain on your back-pat parade," Bishop spoke up, "But we also have to consider the possibility it wasn't PITFALL."

"Any leads on that front?" Jazz asked.

"Current belief is some PMC goons, but the bodies had their fingerprints and teeth mutilated somehow, so identification has been difficult. Whomever these people are, they take removing trails seriously. We can only hope that DNA will return with something.

"But there's another possibility."

"You have a captive audience, Bishop," the Major said.

"Jazz, you remember how you had me help you throw off any tails when you first recruited Dozer?" Bishop asked.

"Yeah, though there was only really two to worry about. PITFALL... and that redheaded merc that he had gotten involved with." Jazz scratched his chin.

"All things considered, the latter was a much lovelier tail to throw off," everyone could practically see the eyebrows on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, and a very bad influence for him," Jazz said frankly, "I noticed a small number of red flags popping up after they got together."

"No pun intended, I take it," the Major quirked an eyebrow.

"Very funny, ma'am," Jazz said flately, "but in all seriousness, those flags were gone after we got Dozer away from her and under our banner."

The penny dropped. Jazz sat up straighter.

"You think she's behind it?" he asked.

"Don't know, lad. After her frankly amateur attempt she went quiet. But not too long ago we've had similar prodding into Dozer, but from a much more professional level. At first we thought it was PITFALL giving it another go, but the technique's too different. And while this isn't a sure thing, looking at the data again, you could say the starting point was from a similar playing field to the one the mercenary took."

"You mean the same ballpark?"

"You Yanks might say that, yes."

The two Americans rolled their eyes.

"I'm just saying it's possible she went to someone for help. Only one way to know for sure, however." Bishop continued.

Jazz rubbed his face before picking up his smartphone, "Yeah, if she shows up. Better put her on the list of things to watch out for, see if we can intercept should it come to that."

"Belay that intercept order, Captain," the Major said.

A grimacing smile landed on James' face, "Ma'am. All due respect, but Jazz tends to be smoother when someone isn't loudly farting in the corner."

The Major just laughed, "Colorful observation aside, by all means keeps eyes open and heads on a swivel. If you can, warn Dozer that something might be coming for him."

The older woman walked up, and leaned on the desk, "But right now, we have to play things carefully. We are getting close to our goal, and we can't afford to overcompensate.

"Consider this a final test of Agent Flores and her crew,"
the Major continued, "See if she lives up to her reputation. We went through all this trouble to get someone close to her in the first place, it'd be a shame to waste it."

Jazz sighed, tapping the smartphone against his forehead as he thought.

"Then I'm going to have to ask that we flash priority checking on Sgt. Volkova, another recent recruit for the OSA. She was on our radar, though with some question marks that's made us hesitate an approach. Dozer sent up a flare, but..."

Jazz shook his head with a chuckle.

"You know the guy. He's a big puppydog, looking for the best in people. He'd recruit the entire military if he could."

He looked at the phone.

"But if we're going to do this, it'll be with someone watching his back."

"I wouldn't expect less from you, Captain," the Major smiled before reaching for the desk phone, "Thank you for your report, Bishop."

"You're welcome, Major," Bishop said, "maybe someday I'll visit you all in person, get a few of those Florida drinks in me. They might even not taste like piss."

Clicking the button, the Major nodded over to Jazz.

"I will leave you to it, Captain," she said before turning and walking out.

Jazz sat back down after briefly standing, before leaning back, running the possible scenarios through his head. Frankly, right there, he wasn't sure what was worse: PITFALL possibly having a thread to pull on, or someone personally hunting down one of his own people. He quickly sent a message to warn agents near Dozer's hometown of the potential threat. Then he thumbed to a chatroom, and got to typing.

When he was finished, he looked at the paperwork that still needed doing, and tried his best not to think of all the terrible, terrible things that could happen to his battle brother...
Sep 23, 2019 11:58 pm
(Same) Unknown Location (Again)

The new couple stumbled out of the chamber, wide drunk grins on their faces. When they saw the Vikingess officer standing outside, they both did their best to salute with one arm around the other, and a slight sway. The officer gave a sly smile and a wink before returning the salute.

"Congratulations you two," she said, "Now if you will excuse me, I need to check if you broke anything."

"Yes ma'am!" they said in unison before attempting to work their way to their new quarters.

As the officer walked in, she heard a giggle from the couple as they no doubt were talking about what their boss was planning to do in the chamber.

The smell was almost overwhelming as she stepped in, only dulled by the gently misting air freshener system in the walls. Strewn about the various beds and couches were the content half naked bodies of women. A few of them were the ones from the circle, and they stood and saluted at seeing their commander in the room. The other women, though, just smiled and waved, some clutching the saluting women.

The officer smiled back as she returned the salutes. The soldiers themselves might have received the Goddesses' Gifts, turning them into unrivaled fantasy warrior women, the ladies laying at their feet... Now they were the Goddesses' own gifts themselves, sculpted in their beauty as rewards for their most loyal followers. They were few, currently, but someday...

On of them stood, clutching at her stomach. Soon the others gathered around her.

"Ooh, this feels so weird," she said as she, at the officer's prompting, was led to a hidden back doorway.

"Looks like we snagged another one," a voice spoke up from the back corner.

Speaking of Goddesses' Gifts, Aphrodite Areia's was currently seated at a weight machine, going through some reps.

"Lieutenant," the officer nodded.

"'Captain'," the Lieutenant nodded back with a smirk.

"Still not bothering with respecting the chain of command, I see," the Captain quirked an eyebrow.

Stopping her exercising, the Lieutenant sat up, spread her legs, arched her back, and mockingly saluted.

If it was anyone else, the Captain would be livid. But no one else was built like the love child of She-Hulk and Power Girl, chiseled muscles packed into an amazing hourglass figure, her tank top and short shorts practically already giving up covering a body that could leave men staring before turning them into pretzels.

So instead of getting mad, the Captain just smiled and drank in the view. After all, why not enjoy what you paid for?

"Report," she said, indicating the now shut hidden door.

"The doctors have gotten confident after the last batch," the Lieutenant nodded, before reaching over to a nearby bag, pulling out three quarter-sized marbles, "No doubt this one's going to be a success."

She paused her report as she, one by one, swallowed the marbles. She then opened a bottle of water.

"In fact," she continued after taking a deep swig, "They are already moving to phase two."

"Good, good," the Captain nodded as she watched the Lieutenant adjust the weights to a heavier level.

"Give me a hand?" the Lieutenant winked as she placed a hand on her left thigh and next to her right bosom.

The Captain walked over and placed a hand on the left chest, and both pressed down.

The Lieutenant groaned as her muscles bulked up ever so slightly, her figure becoming curvier. However, it quickly stopped, as instead her skin started to shift in color. In a few seconds, it was like she was covered head to toe in makeup, the hues giving off an alluring combination.

"I take it you've sent your little vixen off, and are already starting to miss her," the Lieutenant said as she leaned back and continued her reps, the machine itself groaning from the increased strain.

"No, she still is prepping for her trip," the Captain said as she took three more marbles herself, "We'll have one last goodbye before she goes."

"Mind if I ask why?"

"We might have tracked him down."

"Oooooh," the Lieutenant stopped and sat up, "You mean it's almost time?"

Gulping the marbles down, the Captain pulled out her phone, pulling up the vid file as she turned it to show the Lieutenant.

Some of the more curious girls gathered around to look.

"Awww, he looks scrubby."
"Don't say that, he looks kind of cute."
"You can say that, you like beards."

"Hmm," the Lieutenant shook her head, "I don't know. He doesn't look too different from any of the men we already have out there."

The Captain hit the play button. Some of the girls oohed the shots hitting their targets, while others gasped at his line.

The Lieutenant just shook her head again.

"He's a good shot and he enjoys the combat. Again, just like most of them out there."

"You see," the Captain sighed, "This is what I'm going to miss most. Intelligent conversation about technique and tactics."

She backed the video up.

"Look at his reflexes," she pointed as it played, "at his handling of the rifle, the way he ducks behind cover."

"It's definitely Alpha Squad worthy," the one warrior woman off to the side said, "Some of those guys aren't that good even after hours of practice."

"Thank you," the Captain said, flipping forward and pausing at him giving the horns, "And this... is more than enjoyment."

"If you say so, boss," the Lieutenant quirked an eyebrow, "Though I still don't see it."

"Thirty minutes, by himself, against an entire cell..."

"...of Jihadists, yes, she's gushed about this before."

"She forgot to mention some of the bullets got through his armor. When they found him, he could barely stand, and yet he insisted the girls be evaced before him. And now that I look at this," the Captain looked at the face again, "I think he was precisely were he wanted to be. That takes more than enjoyment. That takes drive."

For a moment as she spoke, she saw some of the girls stutter breathing like their heart skipped a beat. The Captain smiled.

"And if intel is correct, he's currently taken to jumping onto moving trains for his gunfights."

The Lieutenant's eyebrows raised, "Really? Well bring him in, then," a smirk, "Maybe he'll finally be the one to take you."

The Captain quickly shushed anyone speaking up about that.

"WE SHALL SEE. There will be no favoritism, he will have to go through the same process as the others."

The lieutenant's smirk just deepened, "You know what this means, though, right? If this doesn't work out, then you might have to cut him loose, or even give up your girl."

She reached over and patted the Captain's belly, "Which is too bad. I was sort of looking forward to seeing you two pregnant with a platoon of daughters."

The Captain just smirked back, before snapping her fingers.

The Lieutenant kept smirking even as she was surrounded by woman, some of them pulling out what looked like large air tanks, but plugged into the wall.

"Be careful what you say, Lieutenant," the Captain said as an oxygen mask was slipped over the amazon's face, and what looked like a scuba hose was 'inserted' into the belly button, "Because while it's true that I've given you much, turning a little lady, picked on for her muscles, into a woman that men beg to be theirs."

At the signal, the buttons, where the valve would normally be, were pressed. The Captain leaned in to whisper as the Lieutenant's muscles and figure started bulking up even more.

"But once I'm done with you, men will be begging to die for you. And you wouldn't want to miss out on that, right?"

In response, the Lieutenant grabbed her mask, and started inhaling deeply, before leaning back and continuing her reps. A few of the women started kissing all over her as she continued swelling.

The Captain just grabbed a few more marbles before walking out.

That goodbye was going to be a little bit longer, it seemed.

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