Side RP: Chaos in Hara

Aug 20, 2019 5:23 pm
This thread takes place before Chapter 5.
The capital of Alcave is much reduced from its pre-War majesty. Fully three-quarters of its population went missing by the end of the War. Most of those died as a result of the various battles of the War, some simply disappeared. There are persistent rumors that many of those that disappeared were... transformed by the crossfire of arcane power. Indeed, over the years since the end of the War, the stories have only grown more outlandish, from a secret city of mutants in the deep forest, to ghostly apparitions that visit the unfortunate as they sleep and drain their life force.

The city of Hara has rebuilt somewhat under the leadership of Martin Ghara, a former captain of the city guard. The lawlessness and chaos of the immediate post-War period has settled into a routine, if not a particularly comfortable one. Mayor Ghara has rebuilt the city guard into an effective force, albeit one that does not suffer much mischief. Their heavy-handed methods have drawn grumbles from some of the residents, but there is no doubt that Hara has managed to settle into a functional state once again.

Over the last few months, though, something sinister seems to be happening.

Every once in a while, a Hara resident will go missing unexpectedly. Usually, they will return the next day, though anyone speaking to them will report that they refuse to answer any questions about where they were, who took them, or why. One thing is certain: the returned resident is spooked about something...

More concerning are those that never return. Some say that the city guard has taken them prisoner... others that the mutants have stolen them from their beds... still others that they've been sucked dry by the ghosts... but it has the entire city on edge even more than usual.
Coreene and Uelten -- I will leave it to you to decide how you want to start this. Right now, assume that Athisa has not contacted you yet, and you're merely going about your business in Hara.
Aug 20, 2019 5:32 pm
"Look, my dear, there is really no need for you to be down here." Swan looks about the shady alley while Coreene looks behind a barrel. "Surely Shaderoot is found in other places. Forest glens, manor gardens, moonlit beaches."

The quarter-orc looked around, his vermilion cloak chased with fine silvery thread seemed overly opulent, and a dangerous bargain in the seedy underside of Hara. "I'm no man-at-arms to guard you on your mad mission of midden meandering." He smiles toothily, pleased at the turn of phrase. "Mind you," he smiles more deeply, "a robust misadventure might be just the thing to teach you about life outside of the academy."
Aug 20, 2019 5:42 pm
"Nonsense, Uelten. Coreene says, shifting her search to a nearby pile of garbage. "Even if I cannot find the Shaderoot, there could still be some fungus or mold that I could catalogue, or make a poultice of."
After a few moments, she stands from the search with a huff, wiping the grim off on her breeches. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." She shakes her head in frustration. "Perhaps there is someone in town we could talk to to procure some. Any self respecting apothecary is sure to have a small stash somewhere."
Aug 20, 2019 5:51 pm
Uelten frowns at her hand wiping. "I know just the place. Grimover Bee, a smallish fellow with a reputation for unusual stock." He all but pushes her out of the alley, and indicates they should go left. One fang sticks out of his lips, as it does when he is thinking. "I know you wanted, er, fresh, but perhaps he has a midden pile set aside just for this purpose."

He sets a brisk pace, trying to use subtle peer pressure to speed their journey out of the district. "One thing, though, don't mention his, well, you'll see. Just try not to stare." Uelten suppresses a shudder; conjoined twins were his newest phobia. It seemed like there were more, and he didn't recall ever seeing them in Rhamia. But since he had been here, he had seen three. He does shudder at that.
Aug 20, 2019 5:57 pm
Coreene clucks her tongue. It wasn't what she wanted, but if she could get her hands on even some old Shaderoot, it would help her get out of the rut she had fallen into with her research. "Very well. Let's go see this person."
Aug 20, 2019 6:08 pm
As they walk along, he glances at Coreene, curious about her dedication to her charges. Did she feel no sense of fear, or self-preservation?. "You could tell me about this patient. How does one who lost all of their teeth manage to, how should I say, not starve to death? Surely they can't just drink soup all the time."
Aug 20, 2019 6:34 pm
She shrugs. "Doesn't have to be soup. Often, I've mashed over-ripe fruits or simply juiced others. I once witnessed a particularly dedicated wife chew all of her husbands food for him." She makes a face at that. "I think that may also have been partly punishment for getting his teeth knocked out."
With a sigh, she explains, "This patient has lost all their teeth to some sort of rot, and if I don't get this medicine made, they could lose even more of their mouth. False teeth can be made, and sometimes, real ones can even be regrown, but if their degeneration continues, there may be little hope."
Aug 20, 2019 6:43 pm
Swan chews on that for a while, then suddenly sings,
"Ganner was a little sore, so his teeth he never wore,
Said they made him miss the war.
Mabbie chewed his meat for him, but got angry when he was maudlin,
She spat into his mouth the chewed up boar!"

He giggles, then pulls out a parchment and makes a few notes.
Aug 20, 2019 7:09 pm
The two walk along for a time, the usual meager crowd of people moving along the street. Over the last few weeks, people around the city have grown increasingly paranoid. You can see it in the sideways glances they give each other, the tension in their voices when they speak to strangers, the reluctance to stay overlong in the streets.

After a block or two, a young woman, probably no more than 11 years old, comes running up to Coreene. Her plain dress has clearly been mended a number of times, her simple shoes show the signs of patched holes. Coreene would know her as Minama, the daughter of an occasional customer of herbs and home remedies. She's a little breathless as she speaks to the Naucan woman. "Mistress Coreene, oh thank the stars... oh please, help... it's my mama... she's gone!" she says, her voice breaking in panic and worry. "I... didn't know who else to come to. Can you help?"
Aug 20, 2019 7:53 pm
Coreene is taken aback by Minama's plea. "Calm down, child. We can help. When did you last see her?" She had a feeling they would encounter this problem when they came to Hara, but her hearted ached for the girl.
Aug 20, 2019 8:03 pm
Swan stands aside, one fang showing.
Aug 20, 2019 9:01 pm
Minama's panicked breathing slows a bit, now that there's a nominally responsible adult available. "She was there at home last night when I went to sleep, but she usually wakes me up in the morning... and she wasn't there. I woke up on my own, and everywhere I looked, she wasn't there. I waited for a while, 'cause I thought maybe she went to the market, or..."

Thinking it back over again, the girl's lower lip starts to quiver and her eyes grow wet. "Maybe the g-ghosts got her?" she squeaks in a tiny voice. "What if she's... gone?"
Aug 20, 2019 9:16 pm
Coreene lays comforting hands on Minama's shoulders, kneeling down slightly to be closer to eye level with her. "Everything is going to be alright. Take us back to your home. Maybe we can find something that will tell us where your mother went." She doubted it, if it truly was ghosts. If it was mutants, or, as she rather suspected, the guards, they would have left some sign of passage or struggle behind.
Aug 20, 2019 9:53 pm
Minama takes a quick look at Uelten, not entirely sure about this... other person, but her worry about her mother wins out over her concern about Mr. One-Fang-Showing, and she moves back through the crowd. She looks back over her shoulder now and again to make sure Coreene and Uelten are following.

She leads them to one of the poorer parts of town, ramshackle run-down homes barely better than shacks. This part of the city was leveled in the War and refugees from all over the area resettled it in a haphazard fashion. It's a maze at best. Minama is more careful to make sure her companions are following as they reach this area, and leads them to a particular home. It's as well-cared for as one can manage given the little amount available to work with. It's predictably simple inside: one tiny bedroom shared by mother and daughter and an outer room that serves every other purpose. It's relatively clean and organized; if there's something out of place, it shouldn't be terribly hard to find it.
Perception rolls, please!
Aug 20, 2019 10:01 pm
Coreene sets about the place, careful not to move anything much, but keeping a careful eye out for anything that might tell her who did this and where they may have gone.
Ouch. Not great for a first roll.
Last edited August 20, 2019 10:01 pm


Perception - (1d20+11)

(3) + 11 = 14

Aug 20, 2019 11:20 pm
Swan bites down to keep from giggling. As somber as the situation is, he is obsessing with his mad rhyme about the man with no teeth. As they navigate the maze however (and not because he is happy with the songs bridge, no sir) he starts actively paying attention.


Perception - (1d20+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Aug 20, 2019 11:55 pm
Minima points out things she seems to think might be of interest, like where her mother likes to sit while mending clothes, or how the curtain that separates the outer room from the bedroom doesn’t make any noise when it moves, or how when it’s cold at night, like it was last night, her mother likes to sleep closer together.

That last catches your ear. It’s obvious from the two piles of bedding on the floor that they weren’t pushed close together, which would suggest that the girl’s mother was abducted prior to going to sleep. You decide to spend your exploration in the outer room and immediately outside the rickety door to the street. Uelten notices an old woman outside the shack next door watching them looking around, though she’s all too clearly trying to not take too much of an interest. There’s also a partial bootprint in a patch of drying mud in the street, last night’s misty rain not enough to wash it away.
Aug 21, 2019 12:20 am
Swan makes notes of the footprint, and then eyes up the old lady. "Good day, ma'am. You look like a woman who knows what's what. Mind if I come over and all you a couple questions?" Swan tries to be friendly, and sizes her up like he would a potential paying customer.


Diplomacy - (1d20+7)

(9) + 7 = 16

Aug 21, 2019 12:52 am
"Don’t know anything, so you can ask all y’ like," the old woman says shortly. She looks past Uelten toward Coreene, then sizes up the fellow in front of her. "Y’ don’t look none like the guard..."
Aug 21, 2019 1:08 am
Swan pts a hand to his chest. "A guard!? I should hope not. No, the lady is a friend of the family. The child can't find her mother." He points toward the footprint. "You didn't perhaps see someone poking around here last night. Maybe around the time folks were laying their heads down?"
Aug 21, 2019 3:28 pm
Coreene's eyes narrow as she kneels to examine the bootprint. Too difficult to tell who it would've belonged to; a full print would be better. But it certainly wasn't a ghost. Likely not a mutant either, the bootprint looks much too nice. Better to look around, see if they were foolish enough to leave a trail.


Perception - (1d20+11)

(19) + 11 = 30

Aug 22, 2019 4:39 pm
The old woman fixes Uelten with a stern eye. "Yer not from ‘round here, that much I can see and hear," she says flatly. "So let me give y’a bit of advice."

She takes a careful look around the street. "Yer not goin’a have much of a life askin’ around about the activities o’ the guard. And that’s all I’m goin’a say."

Taking a few more swipes with her broom about the front of her door, she turns around and goes back into her house.
As Coreene studies the bootprint, she realizes that she’s seen these boots before, on the feet of the longer-serving city guardsmen. In fact, they’re fairly nice boots. Probably an officer’s. And as she continues to look around, she realizes that there are other prints around. There were at least four or five people here last night. Seems like an awful lot of effort to kidnap one woman from the poorest part of town.
Aug 22, 2019 4:44 pm
"You have a good day, ma'am." Swan bows with a flourish and then with a flare of his cape turns and returns to Coreene. "Guardsman were here. And the neighbour was afraid of them. Interesting, yes?" He looks at Coreene's studies, one fang slipping out from his lips as he considers.

"So... should we go accuse the captain of the guard of horrible improprieties?"
Aug 22, 2019 5:18 pm
"GuardsMEN," she corrects, pointing out the other prints to Uelten. She puts a finger to her lips in thought. "Better not accuse. They are the law here, as much as hate to admit it. They have the numbers and the authority to abduct us just as easily and there is little we could do. If we fought back, we'd be criminals and I couldn't continue my work here..."
"If possible, I think I'd like to see where these lead. She says, gesturing to the footprints. "There is enough mud in this part of the city, we could easily follow them, and if they return to a paved section of the city, we could follow the mud for a while longer, and at least narrow our search." She suggests. "What do you think?"
Aug 22, 2019 5:55 pm
"I suppose, but I wonder to what end. Perhaps these are rogue guards? Yes, you're right it is worth pursuing. If it is official business, then we can reevaluate. Only, one thing... What about her?" He gestures to the home.
Aug 22, 2019 6:04 pm
She looks back to the house. "I think it best if she stays home, or if she has someone to look after her. I don't want her involved in this. It could get dangerous." Coreene says with a concerned frown.
Going back into the house, she walks up to Minama and smiles at her hopefully. "We are going to go look for your mother, okay? Is there someone around here that you trust that could watch you while we are out?"
Aug 22, 2019 6:47 pm
Minama stares at Coreene with wide, almost worshipful, eyes. "You are? Oh, thank you, Mistress Coreene," she says, impulsively rushing forward to wrap Coreene in a tight hug.

When she lets go finally, she scrubs her watering eyes with the back of a dirty hand. "I can go next door and stay with old Katya. I do that sometimes. She's teaching me letters!" Minama says enthusiastically. She turns to the bedroom and waves her fingers. From under a pile of blankets, a thin beat-up book, its pages starting to fall out of the twine binding, rises and floats toward Minama's hand.

The girl apparently has some arcane talent.

"Mama says I'm not supposed to do that," says Minama as she clutches the book to her chest with both hands. "She says it's dangerous, but I don't see why. I can't make anything move very fast, so it's not like I'm going to hurt anyone with a flying book."

She grins, thinking her little jest to be pretty funny. "Besides, mama does it sometimes too. When she thinks I'm not looking, but I see her start the cook fire with her fingers."
Aug 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Coreene's heart freezes when she see the book float. The magic itself is simple, but the implications of the girl's words are dire. "I agree. It's such a simple little trick. But some people might get jealous. Not everyone can do such things, and they might get angry if they see you do it." Coreene lies. She didn't want to curb the girl's potential by making her ashamed of her gift, but many people are still frightened by magic of any sort. She had gotten by for so long by infusing her magic into poultices and brews that she could heal others through. Even though her magic wasn't arcane, it could still cause panic.
"Get whatever you need, and I will take you over to Katya. We'll be back as soon as we can with your mother." she promises. She hoped sincerely to keep her promise, but worried that it may not be possible. If the guards had seen her mother using magic... well, perhaps they should hurry their search along.
Aug 22, 2019 7:06 pm
Minama listens, and grows more serious as Coreene's admonition sinks in. "All right. I'll be more careful," she says in a small voice. "All I need is my book. I'll go now."

She darts out the door and heads to the old woman's house next door.
Aug 22, 2019 7:13 pm
She sighs as she watches the girl leave. "Let us see what we can find, Uelten." Coreene says, heading back to where she saw the tracks. She begins to look in the direction the bootprints are pointed, hoping to find a trail and find where the took Minama's mother.
Would it be perception again, or a different skill to follow tracks?


Perception - (1d20+11)

(10) + 11 = 21

Aug 22, 2019 7:15 pm
Following tracks is Survival. Though leave your perception roll. I'll probably use that as well. :)
Aug 22, 2019 7:18 pm
Uelten scratches the back of his neck. "Right, that way, they look to be going?" Swan will help Coreene track them.

As they get farther away, he says, "The mother, too. We have another clue. I wonder if others that have disappeared were accused."


Perception - (1d20+9)

(20) + 9 = 29

Survival - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Aug 22, 2019 7:19 pm
Survival coming up


Survival - (1d20+11)

(20) + 11 = 31

Aug 22, 2019 10:11 pm
It is likely no surprise that the tracks do not lead toward any known outpost of the city guard. Instead, they go deeper into the run-down district Minama's home occupies. After following the tracks for a while, Coreene is able to determine that there were five individuals in this particular group: two wear the boots of the city guard, two wear different boots and one wears simple shoes of a similar fashion to Minama's -- probably the mother. Of the two that wear different boots, one of the individuals is clearly both larger and significantly heavier than the other, who seems more of a normal size.

When Coreene points out her findings to Uelten, he takes a closer look at the unknown bootprints. Upon a bit closer examination, he notes that the smaller of the bootprints is of a relatively well-known Rhamian make, and someone with some money and resources to be able to still get them, given difficulties in trade.

Following the tracks to their conclusion, they end outside a dilapidated warehouse in a nearly forgotten area of the city near the river. The buildings nearby are almost completely unoccupied and in a sad state of disrepair. The early spring day is getting on toward evening, and a chill fog is beginning to roll in off the water.
Aug 22, 2019 10:40 pm
Coreene fearlessly approaches the warehouse, though not foolishly. She comes at it from the direction of the dilapidated buildings, hoping to use them as cover in case anyone happens to be keeping watch. 'Come, Uelten. Let us see what this place holds.' she says silently in the other's mind.
Last edited August 22, 2019 11:08 pm


Stealth - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Aug 23, 2019 1:42 am
Swan swears under his breath, following as best he can.


Stealth - (1d20+10)

(13) + 10 = 23

Aug 23, 2019 1:48 am
Coreene and Uelten sneak around the side of the warehouse and move toward a window. As they sneak along, they can hear the sound of conversation inside, though the words are too muffled to make out. There’s a pile of old crates near a window that’s just above head height, but climbing the crates ought to give a good look through the window.

As an alternative, there appears to be a wall board falling off near the corner of the building. Careful effort might be able to pry it loose without making too much sound, allowing access to the interior of the building and what might be going on inside.
Aug 23, 2019 2:10 am
"If you climb up, I'll steady the crates. No risky chances, alright?"
Aug 23, 2019 3:20 am
What are we doing? This is nonsense. I don't get involved. All of this, these, what? Murders? Maybe they're recruiting magical people to rebuild the world, to fight the forces of destruction?

He shook his head. Truth had a ring to it, and all he heard was the sound of his own heart beating erratically.
Aug 23, 2019 4:19 am
Qralloq, give me a Climb check to aid Darkreaver. If you roll a 10 or better, Darkreaver gets a +2 on his climb check.
Aug 23, 2019 11:38 am
I regret putting no points in climb. I'll roll this, then we can add two or not after Qralloq rolls.

Oh god...
Last edited August 23, 2019 11:39 am


Climb - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Aug 23, 2019 12:51 pm
I have like 15 skills. Not climb. Or Strength


Climb - (1d20+0)

(11) = 11

Aug 23, 2019 2:27 pm
It’s all going so well. Uelten carefully steadies the pile of crates, and Coreene deftly — if nervously — makes her way up. There’s an unexpected complication as she reaches a height where she can peer in the window, though. The pile is just a bit farther away from the wall than it seemed.

No matter. Coreene carefully inches forward to try and get a peek inside... carefully... carefully...


She puts her hand down on a crate that gives way beneath. As her weight shifts unexpectedly, the crates do the same. Everything teeters... teeters... and starts to tumble down. Coreene is just able to get a glimpse in the window as she falls past it: maybe ten or so people standing, watching over maybe forty others, who are all sitting on the floor, their heads bowed.

Of course, it’s hard to do much counting while you’re falling.

The crates collapse with a loud clatter. Loud enough to be heard inside? Hard to know. Coreene ends up in a heap, lying among the splintered remains.
Aug 23, 2019 3:48 pm
Swan rushes to help her up. "They had to hear that, we have to get out of sight." Basically pulling her free and to her feet, he aims them around a corner.
Aug 23, 2019 4:07 pm
It doesn't take much to get Coreene moving. She bolts with Uelten to the designated corner and holds her breath, hoping no one noticed.


Stealth - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Aug 23, 2019 4:49 pm
Just when it seems like the disturbance is going to go unnoticed, two people appear around the corner from the front of the warehouse. One of the men is huge, both in height and girth. Shaggy brown hair juts out from beneath a dented helm, and his chin is lost in a cloud of bushy beard. He wears a breastplate, dented and even rusty in spots, and his clothes beneath are stained and in poor condition. He carries a longsword that manages to look somehow small in his meaty fist. The other is an elf, tall and haughty in his expression, wearing black leather armor that has clearly been polished and tailored carefully. He wears a pair of short swords belted at his waist.

They come a little way down the alley, looking for the source of noise. Neither seems to be looking toward where Coreene and Uelten hide.


Perception - (1d20+1, 1d20-1)

Aug 23, 2019 5:42 pm
Coreene jitters uncomfortably in place. She was definitely out of her element. She could cast something... cause a distraction, or call for help... but she would have to make noise to do so. Better to stay still and quiet for now. Let them pass, and then discuss with Uelten what to do.
Aug 23, 2019 8:14 pm
Swan kneels still, suddenly regretting the position. With Coreene also immobile, he tacitly agrees with the tactic. Waiting.
Aug 23, 2019 11:47 pm
The two searchers come upon the pile of crates, and they look at each other with skeptical expressions. The elf speaks up first, lip curled in a faint sneer. "Whoever was out here was certainly clumsy," he says, prodding at the splintered crates with a toe. He looks around the alleyway once more, eyes narrowed. "Trying to look in that window, I'd wager."

He gives a short jerk of a nod toward the window. "I doubt he'll like the sound of that. We might have to move the whole operation."

The larger man grunts, speaking in a deep, gruff voice. "We move all the time. We're used to it. Lots to do, no time to sit around and wait."

They continue on down the alleyway, and round the next corner, disappearing from view.
Aug 24, 2019 12:09 am
Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Swan relaxes tension he wasn't aware he had. He whispers, "We should move. Did you see anything?"
Aug 24, 2019 2:21 am
"Not enough. Maybe ten guards and forty prisoners. Didn't have enough time to really count." she whispers, putting a hand to her heart to check her pulse. "By the goddess, that was close."
Aug 24, 2019 11:17 pm
Just when it seems the excitement has passed, Coreene feels something in her pocket vibrate slightly, and muffled sounds come out from the same place. Not quite loud enough to hear more than a couple of feet away, but it’s still a bit of a surprise, given the tension of the moment.
Aug 24, 2019 11:35 pm
"Is that, is that a familiar in your pocket? Or some kind of companion? Because it's loud."

Swan touches the building. "We could start a fire on this end, chase them out the other side. Could be a disaster if they don't actually want to move them, though. Then we follow them before they have time to prepare." Swan smiles quietly. How many taverns had he begun in that have caught fire - none his fault, mind you, he simply frequents the types of establishments that attract wanderers seeking adventure.

"I would rather we have a better plan, with less risk to the neighborhood."
Aug 25, 2019 1:26 pm
Coreene fumes inside her head. Athisa hadn't contacted her in almost a year, why was she getting in touch now? It must be important. "Not exactly. I need to find a place where I can speak with someone. Can you stay here and keep an eye on them?" She says, quietly rushing off a safe distance away.
Pulling the whitestone disk from her pocket, she activates it. "Hello?" She says, as quietly as she can manage while still knowing she can be heard on the other end.
Aug 26, 2019 6:51 pm
There's no immediate response, but after a time, a familiar voice comes from the disk.

"Coreene? Is this not a good time?"

Athisa's voice is similarly quiet.
Aug 26, 2019 7:56 pm
Coreene grimaces as she looks back at the warehouse. "Well... it's not a great time... but, I figured, since you hadn't contacted me in a while, it must be important." she explains to Athisa. "What's happened?"
Aug 26, 2019 8:14 pm
Athisa describes, in broad terms, the decision to send groups of people out from behind the Wards to explore what's going on in the world, and what she has learned in the few days since those groups left: the apparent rise of Garand Disos and his efforts to eradicate magic from the world, the encounter with the One-Eyed Crows and their restraints that sap the victim of their ability to use magic, the confirmed existence of the Valerman nature preserves.

"If these people -- Disos's underlings -- have been active somewhere as small as Viamard, it seems likely they've made it to Hara as well. Have you seen any evidence of this?" she asks.
Aug 26, 2019 8:22 pm
The Naucan takes a moment to absorb what she's just heard. "Unfortunately, yes." She begins to tell her of the issues occurring in Hara of people disappearing, and how their hunt for a girl's mother lead them to the warehouse that they were currently keeping an eye on filled with at least a number of those that had been abducted. She tells her about how they believe that the abducted were people who may have shown magical ability.
"It makes a little too much sense, and makes this all that much harder." She finishes her explanation.
Aug 26, 2019 8:32 pm
"Do not confront them, if they are present in that sort of strength. If their description of the apparent leader of these Crows is any indication, he is amoral and ruthless, his associates nearly equally so. Please, Coreene," says Athisa, voice tense. "I would like for you to meet up with the group currently in Viamard, if you are able to... and your associate Mister Swan, if you are still in contact with him. He sounds as though he would be useful in a pinch such as this. If you were able to join forces with the other group, I feel you would all be more successful in this endeavor."

She describes an old retreat used by Veridium College in days less fraught with peril, some three days ride west of Hara, and indicates she has already asked the other group to venture there.
Aug 26, 2019 9:16 pm
"I.... Well..." Coreene stammers. "We will be there." She promises.
She would talk to Uelten about if they should follow through with this. She couldn't make that call on her own in good conscience. The men already threatened to move their operation. She couldn't allow herself to lose the girl's mother, or any of those poor people...
Aug 26, 2019 9:39 pm
In the alley, Swan is examining the side of the building for more loose boards. He doesn't like his chances, but he can't give up with following through to the best he can.


Perception - (1d20+9)

(7) + 9 = 16

Aug 26, 2019 9:42 pm
"I know it goes against your ethos, Coreene... and mine as well. Leaving people you know to be in danger is... well, the idea makes my stomach turn. But I fear you have stumbled upon something much larger than simply a missing mother. If you're to be able to help these people, you will need help. Help that I can only provide in the form of like-minded individuals," says Athisa. "You have a little bit of time before you would need to leave. Use it wisely."
Aug 26, 2019 9:46 pm
Swan's search is fruitful: the poor state of the warehouse is evident in a number of loose boards. One should be wide enough to squeeze through without making too much more noise. But then again, the crates weren't supposed to collapse in a great heap either.

This potential entrance into the warehouse is at the opposite end of the building where the big guy and the elf appeared from. A back corner of sorts, if they're using the building in the usual fashion, front doors in front and so on.
Aug 27, 2019 12:13 am
Coreene wipes her eyes, tears of frustration coming forth at knowing that Athisa is rarely ever wrong. "You're right. But I am going to do what I can to keep my promises here..." she tells Athisa. "Tell the others that we will meet them at the appointed time and place. Hopefully Occasa will favor me as I make some reckless decisions." she says with a slight laugh.
She says goodbye to her former teacher, expressing her hopes that it won't be the last time, and places the whitestone disk back in her pocket. After a deep breath, she returns to her and Uelten's hiding spot.
Aug 27, 2019 12:31 am
"Here. These boards are loose, if we're patient, we can widen this gap to wiggle through. After that, I'm not sure. Disguise ourselves and 'join up'?" He looks at her hands as if expecting to see a noise maker. "Your pockets aren't going to burst into song, again, are they?"
Aug 27, 2019 12:59 am
"No. Just communication from an old colleague. Let's have a small discussion before we continue." She tells Uelten about the call from Athisa and how she wants them to meet with another group. She also tells him of the other group's discovery and how they discovered a group that is targeting magic users and their possible connection to the happenings in Hara.
"These guys may be more than we can handle, but we need to get Minama's mother out before they have a chance to move their operation." she tells him. "But then where..." She begins to think about where her and her mother would be able to go after she was rescued... outside the city? Too dangerous. Almost as dangerous as staying inside the city. "Should we even do this before we can deal with the bigger problem?" she asks him.
Last edited August 27, 2019 2:55 pm
Aug 27, 2019 1:17 am
Swan scratches his chin, his ears picking the threads of her story apart for tidbits and cadence. "I don't know. We can't deal with all of those guards without a grand scheme and a whole lot of treachery. It occurs to me, did they kidnap these 40 people this week, or are they gathering them slowly. If it is the latter, then she isn't in immediate danger. Gathering some reinforcements would be wise."
Aug 27, 2019 11:32 am
She sighs heavily, clutching her face. "I hate this. I really do. But we need help. If we can't take care of the problem in one fell swoop, there isn't a point. We would simply be putting these people in more danger." She shakes her head in frustration. "Let's head back to town. I can at least finish my business with my patient, and we can let the girl know it will be a few days before she sees her mother. It'll be better than letting her worry about it and get things all twisted up in her head."
Aug 27, 2019 2:47 pm
Let me know when you’re ready to fade to black on this scene. No rush, though!
Aug 27, 2019 2:52 pm
I think I'm ready if Qralloq is.
Aug 27, 2019 3:02 pm
That's a great place to fade out. +1

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