Side RP: Chaos in Hara

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Aug 21, 2019 3:28 pm
Coreene's eyes narrow as she kneels to examine the bootprint. Too difficult to tell who it would've belonged to; a full print would be better. But it certainly wasn't a ghost. Likely not a mutant either, the bootprint looks much too nice. Better to look around, see if they were foolish enough to leave a trail.


Perception - (1d20+11)

(19) + 11 = 30

Aug 22, 2019 4:39 pm
The old woman fixes Uelten with a stern eye. "Yer not from ‘round here, that much I can see and hear," she says flatly. "So let me give y’a bit of advice."

She takes a careful look around the street. "Yer not goin’a have much of a life askin’ around about the activities o’ the guard. And that’s all I’m goin’a say."

Taking a few more swipes with her broom about the front of her door, she turns around and goes back into her house.
As Coreene studies the bootprint, she realizes that she’s seen these boots before, on the feet of the longer-serving city guardsmen. In fact, they’re fairly nice boots. Probably an officer’s. And as she continues to look around, she realizes that there are other prints around. There were at least four or five people here last night. Seems like an awful lot of effort to kidnap one woman from the poorest part of town.
Aug 22, 2019 4:44 pm
"You have a good day, ma'am." Swan bows with a flourish and then with a flare of his cape turns and returns to Coreene. "Guardsman were here. And the neighbour was afraid of them. Interesting, yes?" He looks at Coreene's studies, one fang slipping out from his lips as he considers.

"So... should we go accuse the captain of the guard of horrible improprieties?"
Aug 22, 2019 5:18 pm
"GuardsMEN," she corrects, pointing out the other prints to Uelten. She puts a finger to her lips in thought. "Better not accuse. They are the law here, as much as hate to admit it. They have the numbers and the authority to abduct us just as easily and there is little we could do. If we fought back, we'd be criminals and I couldn't continue my work here..."
"If possible, I think I'd like to see where these lead. She says, gesturing to the footprints. "There is enough mud in this part of the city, we could easily follow them, and if they return to a paved section of the city, we could follow the mud for a while longer, and at least narrow our search." She suggests. "What do you think?"
Aug 22, 2019 5:55 pm
"I suppose, but I wonder to what end. Perhaps these are rogue guards? Yes, you're right it is worth pursuing. If it is official business, then we can reevaluate. Only, one thing... What about her?" He gestures to the home.
Aug 22, 2019 6:04 pm
She looks back to the house. "I think it best if she stays home, or if she has someone to look after her. I don't want her involved in this. It could get dangerous." Coreene says with a concerned frown.
Going back into the house, she walks up to Minama and smiles at her hopefully. "We are going to go look for your mother, okay? Is there someone around here that you trust that could watch you while we are out?"
Aug 22, 2019 6:47 pm
Minama stares at Coreene with wide, almost worshipful, eyes. "You are? Oh, thank you, Mistress Coreene," she says, impulsively rushing forward to wrap Coreene in a tight hug.

When she lets go finally, she scrubs her watering eyes with the back of a dirty hand. "I can go next door and stay with old Katya. I do that sometimes. She's teaching me letters!" Minama says enthusiastically. She turns to the bedroom and waves her fingers. From under a pile of blankets, a thin beat-up book, its pages starting to fall out of the twine binding, rises and floats toward Minama's hand.

The girl apparently has some arcane talent.

"Mama says I'm not supposed to do that," says Minama as she clutches the book to her chest with both hands. "She says it's dangerous, but I don't see why. I can't make anything move very fast, so it's not like I'm going to hurt anyone with a flying book."

She grins, thinking her little jest to be pretty funny. "Besides, mama does it sometimes too. When she thinks I'm not looking, but I see her start the cook fire with her fingers."
Aug 22, 2019 6:56 pm
Coreene's heart freezes when she see the book float. The magic itself is simple, but the implications of the girl's words are dire. "I agree. It's such a simple little trick. But some people might get jealous. Not everyone can do such things, and they might get angry if they see you do it." Coreene lies. She didn't want to curb the girl's potential by making her ashamed of her gift, but many people are still frightened by magic of any sort. She had gotten by for so long by infusing her magic into poultices and brews that she could heal others through. Even though her magic wasn't arcane, it could still cause panic.
"Get whatever you need, and I will take you over to Katya. We'll be back as soon as we can with your mother." she promises. She hoped sincerely to keep her promise, but worried that it may not be possible. If the guards had seen her mother using magic... well, perhaps they should hurry their search along.
Aug 22, 2019 7:06 pm
Minama listens, and grows more serious as Coreene's admonition sinks in. "All right. I'll be more careful," she says in a small voice. "All I need is my book. I'll go now."

She darts out the door and heads to the old woman's house next door.
Aug 22, 2019 7:13 pm
She sighs as she watches the girl leave. "Let us see what we can find, Uelten." Coreene says, heading back to where she saw the tracks. She begins to look in the direction the bootprints are pointed, hoping to find a trail and find where the took Minama's mother.
Would it be perception again, or a different skill to follow tracks?


Perception - (1d20+11)

(10) + 11 = 21

Aug 22, 2019 7:15 pm
Following tracks is Survival. Though leave your perception roll. I'll probably use that as well. :)
Aug 22, 2019 7:18 pm
Uelten scratches the back of his neck. "Right, that way, they look to be going?" Swan will help Coreene track them.

As they get farther away, he says, "The mother, too. We have another clue. I wonder if others that have disappeared were accused."


Perception - (1d20+9)

(20) + 9 = 29

Survival - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Aug 22, 2019 7:19 pm
Survival coming up


Survival - (1d20+11)

(20) + 11 = 31

Aug 22, 2019 10:11 pm
It is likely no surprise that the tracks do not lead toward any known outpost of the city guard. Instead, they go deeper into the run-down district Minama's home occupies. After following the tracks for a while, Coreene is able to determine that there were five individuals in this particular group: two wear the boots of the city guard, two wear different boots and one wears simple shoes of a similar fashion to Minama's -- probably the mother. Of the two that wear different boots, one of the individuals is clearly both larger and significantly heavier than the other, who seems more of a normal size.

When Coreene points out her findings to Uelten, he takes a closer look at the unknown bootprints. Upon a bit closer examination, he notes that the smaller of the bootprints is of a relatively well-known Rhamian make, and someone with some money and resources to be able to still get them, given difficulties in trade.

Following the tracks to their conclusion, they end outside a dilapidated warehouse in a nearly forgotten area of the city near the river. The buildings nearby are almost completely unoccupied and in a sad state of disrepair. The early spring day is getting on toward evening, and a chill fog is beginning to roll in off the water.
Aug 22, 2019 10:40 pm
Coreene fearlessly approaches the warehouse, though not foolishly. She comes at it from the direction of the dilapidated buildings, hoping to use them as cover in case anyone happens to be keeping watch. 'Come, Uelten. Let us see what this place holds.' she says silently in the other's mind.
Last edited August 22, 2019 11:08 pm


Stealth - (1d20+3)

(17) + 3 = 20

Aug 23, 2019 1:42 am
Swan swears under his breath, following as best he can.


Stealth - (1d20+10)

(13) + 10 = 23

Aug 23, 2019 1:48 am
Coreene and Uelten sneak around the side of the warehouse and move toward a window. As they sneak along, they can hear the sound of conversation inside, though the words are too muffled to make out. There’s a pile of old crates near a window that’s just above head height, but climbing the crates ought to give a good look through the window.

As an alternative, there appears to be a wall board falling off near the corner of the building. Careful effort might be able to pry it loose without making too much sound, allowing access to the interior of the building and what might be going on inside.
Aug 23, 2019 2:10 am
"If you climb up, I'll steady the crates. No risky chances, alright?"
Aug 23, 2019 3:20 am
What are we doing? This is nonsense. I don't get involved. All of this, these, what? Murders? Maybe they're recruiting magical people to rebuild the world, to fight the forces of destruction?

He shook his head. Truth had a ring to it, and all he heard was the sound of his own heart beating erratically.
Aug 23, 2019 4:19 am
Qralloq, give me a Climb check to aid Darkreaver. If you roll a 10 or better, Darkreaver gets a +2 on his climb check.
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