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Aug 21, 2019 10:03 am
Is anybody keen on a AD&D ONE-SHOT?

I have set one AD&D ONE-SHOT up with good support so far as the Game is full, however, I have interest from one player and would like to set up another AD&D ONE-SHOT but only if you are keen!

Is anybody keen to have a crack at a One-Shot AD&D adventure for Levels 1-4 using pre-generated characters?

It will be a first-in, first-served basis. Those first in will get the pick of the Pre-Generated characters, 2nd will get 2nd pick and 3rd will play the last character on offer. This will only be for six 'LUCKY' players. So register your interest here! As soon as I see four or more players register then I will put the adventure together and we can begin play. Please READ the NOTE below!

NOTE: This will be a semi-regular post-adventure. As in anywhere between 1-3 posts per day.
Last edited Aug 21, 2019 10:38 am
Aug 21, 2019 7:49 pm
Keen as mustard
Aug 21, 2019 7:50 pm
Is there a cleric in those pre-builds?
Aug 22, 2019 12:21 pm
discourage says:
Is there a cleric in those pre-builds?
Awesome! We have 1. Do you have any mates in Gamers Plane that you could encourage to play? Need another 5 players to begin.

Yes! There is a cleric. Since you are the first to jump in, you will have the first pick of the Pre-Generated Characters!
Aug 22, 2019 1:49 pm
I just recently read my old AD&D PHB for the first time in over 30 years (because it's not like I have a ton to read for my 5e RL game), so I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I'm hesitant, though, because of the posting rate. Three a day might be a tall order for me. And I do most of my posting at work, so nights and weekends are very difficult for me to do much more than make my presence known. Otherwise, I've been a steady and reliable player on GP for almost three years now, never ghosting on a single game. If that sounds good to you, you can count me in.
Aug 22, 2019 7:36 pm
McDunno says:
I just recently read my old AD&D PHB for the first time in over 30 years (because it's not like I have a ton to read for my 5e RL game), so I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I'm hesitant, though, because of the posting rate. Three a day might be a tall order for me. And I do most of my posting at work, so nights and weekends are very difficult for me to do much more than make my presence known. Otherwise, I've been a steady and reliable player on GP for almost three years now, never ghosting on a single game. If that sounds good to you, you can count me in.
Dust off that PHB and hitch up yer wagon! I hope you don't mind if I tag you along when posting from you is needed though and then you can catch up during the week. I hope that's ok but otherwise YES!

Assuming the above is ok?
As you are the second player, you get to choose after the first player which is 'discourage'.

Otherwise, welcome aboard!

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