Mistborn RPG - Interest?

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Nov 29, 2015 9:04 am
Hey all,

I've recently gotten a copy of the Mistborn RPG (link goes to a preview, NOTE: the last section contains spoilers for the novel series), and I think the system (and setting for that matter) is quite interesting. It's my kind of 'rules light' 'story driven' approach to RPGs. I'm keen to try the system out, and I'm keen to run a game in the Mistborn world (because I love the setting and the magic - if you haven't read the series go check it out!).

If you're interested in trying the game out, post here. I'd be looking for 5 players, who are planning to be regularly active (I like to see at least 5 posts / week, typically at a rate of 1 / weekday to be the game average). If you have read the Mistborn novels that's a huge plus, and if there are more than 5 interested players I'm going to prefer those who've read the books (that way I don't have to copy out long sections from the rulebook that explain the meta-physics of the magic system and the world). That said, if you're interested and haven't read the books still speak up! I'm perfectly happy to bring you up to speed.

The game will be set prior to the first novel. The players will be a crew of thieves. The exact plot, however, will be shaped by your characters goals and motivations. When we kick off the game, we can decide if we build characters or select from the pre-made characters.

No need to have the RPG book (but if you do that's better!). Post here if you're interested (or to discuss!).
Last edited November 29, 2015 9:20 am
Nov 29, 2015 5:12 pm
I agree the Mistborn system is very interesting. I personally haven't read the books, but my brother has told me much about the series, and I happen to own the Mistborn RPG book. So I would be interested in trying it if that was acceptable.

I'm curious if you plan to allow all the PCs to be Mistborn or Mistings, or if Terris and Kandra are options? Not allowing the other the Kandra race makes sense for before the first novel almost no one knew they existed. Also, if all the PCs are Allomancers, it somewhat downplays the abilities of magic users.
Nov 29, 2015 9:23 pm
Sounds like you qualify!

I would much prefer a diverse crew to a one-dimensional one. I'm thinking that there will be no Kandra, at most 1 Terris and no Mistborn (and definitely no Koloss, if that is what you were referring to).

I think if everyone is Allomancers it will be fine as long as there are no Mistings who use the same metals (indeed, the crew in the first book is mostly Mistings, each with a unique metal. As such, each has a specific job/role to play - which is how the book captures the classic 'heist' feel in a fantasy setting).
Last edited November 30, 2015 10:06 am
Nov 30, 2015 9:26 pm
*waves* I'm interested but I'll be new to the system. If you don't mind me doing some read up/studying on the rolls and mechanics count me in. I guess let me know if you prefer us to make a character or if pre gens are what we're going with.
Nov 30, 2015 10:36 pm
The system is very simple - so that's no problem at all :)

We're at 2 - do I hear 3 more?
Nov 30, 2015 11:02 pm
Also, to be clear, I only meant that, if there was a lot of interest, I preferred players already familiar with the setting (ie. have read the books, or, at least, already understand the magic system). I didn't mean to scare people off though!

Also, I expect no familiarity with the system. It's pretty simple to teach!

2 more!
Last edited November 30, 2015 11:02 pm
Dec 1, 2015 12:14 pm
To add a touch more details and whet some appetites, here's the intro text of the game:

Imagine a world, much like our own a few hundred years ago — a world of men, of cobblestone roads and horse drawn carriages, of majestic manor houses and sprawling plantations and massive cities packed with soldiers and citizens, beggars and noblemen, artisans and thieves.

But then imagine something has gone direly amiss. Thick black clouds blot out the sun, belched by titanic volanoes that dot the horizon. Rather than rain, ash falls from the sky, always, every day... It stains the buildings, chokes the rivers, and blankets the land like a sea of stained snow. Imagine there are no flowers, no green grass or leafy trees — only stunted brown undergrowth struggling to reach the meager light of a dim red sky.

Imagine that at night, roiling clouds of impenetrable mist materialize to swirl and dance in the streets, shrouding the stars and shrouding mortal danger for those foolish enough to venture out into the dark. Mindless mistwraiths — horrific beings that devour the dead to make of them a mockery of life — hunt intrepid wanderers, while savage gangs of bandits and rebels plunder baggage trains and passersby for what little they carry.

Imagine a society so repressive that police and priest, state and church are one, and that your ruler is not just a man but a god who sees, knows, and controls all. Imagine his grip on the land’s culture is so strong that he can stifle the march of technology, halt integration of the classes, and rule unopposed for a thousand years. Imagine that innovation, evolution, and ingenuity are replaced by duty, devotion, and above all, fealty.

Imagine a world where wealth is not measured in gold, or connections, or status, but in secrets — where everyone and everything conceals something else. Imagine those secrets are valuable not for the information they offer, but the power they wield — that they can become weapons to destroy, shields to protect, and treasure so coveted that others would kill to see them buried forever.

Imagine a power hidden in a select few can use metal to perform wondrous magic, letting them soar through the air, perform superhuman feats of strength and speed, and manipulate emotions. Then imagine being hunted for those powers, by creatures so brutal,
so relentless that they’ll stop at nothing to tear your very soul from your body.

Imagine living in such a world — and choosing to fight against it. You fight to shrug off the bonds of oppression, fear, and entropy that poison the land and divide the people. You fight opposition with all the power, all the money, and God himself on their side, and still you don’t surrender. You fight to change the world, because if you can’t change it, it’s not worth saving.

This is the world of Mistborn.
Dec 1, 2015 12:39 pm
I would be very interested!
Dec 2, 2015 5:41 am
I'd be interested. I just finished reading Shadows of Self, so I'm pumped about jumping into the world of metals and magic. I haven't played/read the Mistborn RPG before, but I should be able to pick it up quickly enough.
Dec 2, 2015 5:49 am
Intrigued -- but likely to pass due to game load + work load + my kind of 'meh' reaction to the Mistborn series. :) I should try and pick them up again.
Dec 2, 2015 9:16 am
Great! I've created the game and invited the first 5 :)

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