Heavy fantasy D&D 3.5 JESTER OF FAITH

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Aug 25, 2019 1:13 pm
This group is FULL

Yo yo.. So I am starting up a game in the infamous 3.5 system.

You want to be able to make an impact in this Sandboxy- but heavy story driven world?

This is the type of Campaign (Long term) Where what you do (Or don't do) Will have heavy impact on the story.
This is a long term campaign, looking for people who a different but enjoy playing with eachother and it will have pretty heavy houserules and some homebrew stuff as well.

You will start out as level 5, obviously having some experience with your class.

Homebrew gods, so if you play a Divine class, talk to me, but in general gods are mostly not having a big influence in the human world.

You will start out by meeting at an inn (Cliché I know)

You have recieved this letter as a player:

Dear Name
I Beckon you to visit me in the Red Maple Forest neighbouring the Ruin City of Nazir.
I have recently come across information regarding the city and its ghostly Inhabitents.
I am well aware that the rumours that no traveler have ever returned from the city, might keep you from having any interest in the place as it is, but I plead of you to come and listen to my words.
Since the Gods destroyed the city, it has been untouched by any hands of outsiders, and the curse do indeed still lurk heavily around the City.
But should you ignore these warnings of people throughout time, I can promise you that it will be worth your while. If the lure of gold and fame does nothing for you, then know you will be the first to explore the Ancient Nation of Nazir, the only Nation for which all magic, and all races managed to exist in peace and prosperity. The knowledge and fame you could gather from this would be enought to put most Kings to shame.
Due to reasons I cannot speak of in a letter, I cannot go myself, but rest assured that any questions and doubts you might have about this endeavour will be put to rest if you do decide to meet me at my Inn.
Sincerely Halfdan.
Last edited Aug 27, 2019 4:04 am
Aug 25, 2019 9:14 pm
Following this thread: I am really interest-piqued by the set up.

You may get more responses tomorrow, it can be oddly quiet on the weekends.
Aug 25, 2019 9:34 pm
I have no knowledge of 3.5, how much of a problem would that be?
Aug 25, 2019 9:42 pm
Machiabelly says:
I have no knowledge of 3.5, how much of a problem would that be?
3.5 is a bit harder system than 5.0 to get into, but for me it would be no issue helping you with it. If you have tried Pathfinder, they should be very similar.
Aug 25, 2019 10:39 pm
I have played a couple of Pathfinder games on here and enjoy them.
Your pitch really caught my interest. if you don't mind helping me with character generation, I am in
Aug 26, 2019 10:53 am
Machiabelly says:
I have played a couple of Pathfinder games on here and enjoy them.
Your pitch really caught my interest. if you don't mind helping me with character generation, I am in
Of course I will help you :) Want to do it over PM or discord maybe?
Last edited Aug 26, 2019 10:53 am
Aug 26, 2019 12:57 pm
I never actually played 3.5 but I have the 3.0 books. Are there any major differences I need to know about?
Aug 26, 2019 1:16 pm
Arina says:
I never actually played 3.5 but I have the 3.0 books. Are there any major differences I need to know about?
There are some differences, like how Damage reduction is treated in regards to piercing it, but it is very similar in a lot of senses, and I myself, played 3.0 more than ever played 3.5 So even I might make a few mistakes in translating it perfectly to 3.5.
Aug 26, 2019 2:03 pm
I'm a long time 3.5 DM and Player, very interested. I'm fairly new to GP (started playing in a campaign that fell apart after a few weeks) but I'm sure I can figure it out.
Aug 26, 2019 6:24 pm
Rendakor says:
I'm a long time 3.5 DM and Player, very interested. I'm fairly new to GP (started playing in a campaign that fell apart after a few weeks) but I'm sure I can figure it out.
Woooh! Other fans of 3.5 :D I am completely new to GP so I am going to have a bit of adjustment as well :) Feel free to join in
Aug 26, 2019 6:28 pm
How do I go about joining?
Aug 26, 2019 7:04 pm
Rendakor says:
How do I go about joining?
I have send you an invite :)

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