Chapter 5: Pleased to Meet You

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Oct 31, 2019 8:08 pm
Drawing her rapier, Verrian gives a nod and a quiet verbal, "Go."

As Giran opens the door, Verrian senses Coreene's proximity. @Coreene: I'm coming, I'm here. What's happening?
Last edited October 31, 2019 8:11 pm
Oct 31, 2019 8:12 pm
Erannik remains toward the back of the group as well, at least in part because his short legs don't move him as fast as the others. But he does keep everyone in sight as best he can. When the person in the front hesitates at an intersection, he yells out, "Straight! Through two more, then right!"

As he's been doing more and more of late, he mutters under his breath, but instead of the stereotypical dwarven crabbiness, it's got an edge of panicked awe. "A Hunter? Where in Altam's creation did they find a Hunter like that?"

Though you can't see at this distance whether the creature -- perhaps one of these "Hunters" that Erannik is muttering about -- is near or not. It might still be finding its way through the grease, or it might be just around the corner.

You can however, hear it singing again. Who knew there were so many ways a friendly mouse out for a jaunt around the farmstead could die in agony?
Oct 31, 2019 8:18 pm
It's at just about the time that Giran opens the door to the tavern cellar that the sound of more people coming in from the street reaches his and Verrian's ears. After a brief intense moment, Eanala and Livia show up, panting heavily. "Good. You're here. Let's go," she gasps out.

As the four of them start down the stairs, Eanala taking them two at a stride, the elven woman says with an edge of hysterical glee, "Remember Torram, Giran? He was leading the patrol. Livia dropped him like a sack of potatoes. Best thrown rock I've ever seen."
Oct 31, 2019 11:18 pm
Coreene does her best to maintain pace with the others, nearly tripping when she finally receives Verrian's message. @Verrian: Oh, thank the Goddess. Something found us. Erannik is calling it a hunter. It seems to be able to tell that we're magic-users. We're out-running it, but we don't know for how long. she communicates quickly, in a panic.
She quietly tells her companions, "Verrian is near. She is contacting me." She does not stop running to tell them this.
Oct 31, 2019 11:25 pm
Receiving Coreene's communication brings Verrian so much relief that she nearly weeps. Not a very spy-like reaction.

She manages not to do that.

@Coreene: I'm in the tunnel with the other three resistance members. We'll intercept you all shortly. Keep running!
Nov 1, 2019 4:03 pm
Machiabelly says:
Will mutters a quiet thank you to his new friend. He then moves over to the woman he was speaking to earlier.

Brick is with us. Wait for a sign and be ready with whatever you have. Tell anyone you can trust to be ready and not to hurt Brick.

He smiles at her and goes to help some of the sick and weak get to their feet.

Verrian is going to kill me if she shows up and I am gone.
Wil may consider Brick a "new friend", but judging by the look on the man's face, he's not the least bit happy at the predicament that he suddenly has put himself into. The alternative must have been worse.

As Wil approaches the man who knew of Kasia's brother, the man coughs wetly and feebly raises a hand. "I... am not going... anywhere," he wheezes. "Save... your breath. I can... still help. Though."

Whatever idea has come into the man's head, it brings a satisfied smirk to his lips. "You... need a dist...raction. Let me provide it," he says, and feebly reaches for Wil's hand. "Please."
Nov 1, 2019 4:15 pm
The party continues running through the tunnels, and it seems as though they may have outrun the creature that pursues them. Ahead, they can see Verrian arrive in the company of three others -- a fresh-faced man with the scraggly beard of youth, a broad-shouldered woman whose face seems set in a perpetual glare, and a rail-thin elven woman with snow-white hair contrasting sharply against her black leather clothing.

Erannik pushes everyone ahead of him. There's about a thirty-foot long corridor from the final intersection to the doorway Verrian and company have entered from, and the dwarf turns just after he clears the intersection. There's another crank here, familiar to the people that entered with Erannik, and he stops to turn it as quickly as he can. The mechanical clanking of the booby trap coming set is loud, even amongst the labored breathing and panic. Just as he finishes turning, the Hunter appears from around a corner, strolling with an uncanny grace, almost seeming to flow like water... and fast as well. It approaches the intersection the party just passed, humming a merry tune.

Erannik lets out a string of curses in dwarven, and leaps to throw a lever next to the crank. The resulting noise is almost deafening -- the roof of the intersection collapses in a pile of stones and rubble, billowing clouds of dust and debris. The Hunter's path to you is now completely blocked.
Nov 1, 2019 4:23 pm
Verrian moves toward the group, frantically counting them and looking them over for signs of anyone being missing or hurt. She's barely aware that she is opening sharing her emotional anxiety and relief with Coreene.

Speaking to her friends, she says aloud, "Is everyone all right?" It's clear from her unguarded facial expression that she's been worried. Beneath her makeup, some might even be able to detect that her facial markings are slightly, anxiously pink.
Nov 1, 2019 4:42 pm
Ember keeps moving toward safety, and hugs Verrian as she passes.

I think we're okay. Elora and I used magic. What was that thing?
Nov 1, 2019 4:46 pm
Verrian hugs Ember fiercely, but not long enough to stop her movement. "I have no idea what it was, little one."
Nov 1, 2019 4:52 pm
78RPMLife says:

As Wil approaches the man who knew of Kasia's brother, the man coughs wetly and feebly raises a hand. "I... am not going... anywhere," he wheezes. "Save... your breath. I can... still help. Though."

Whatever idea has come into the man's head, it brings a satisfied smirk to his lips. "You... need a dist...raction. Let me provide it," he says, and feebly reaches for Wil's hand. "Please."
As loathe as Wil is to leave anyone behind, he has seen enough death to know the man is right, and who is he to deprive the man from going out with glory.

Keep an eye on me, my friend, when I wave at you, do your stuff.

Wil pauses and gives the mans hand a squeeze.

Is there anyone that I should tell of your death? And what is your name, so I will get it right in the stories.
Nov 1, 2019 5:13 pm
Verrian greets the rest of her friends with hugs or with a hand squeeze to the arm or shoulder as they move away from the booby trap wall. "I'm afraid we're not nearly out of the woods yet. We were being chased by the town guard as we made our way here."

She looks from Erannik to Eanala. "What's the way forward? Is there another way out of this tunnel that doesn't lead back to that tavern?"
Nov 1, 2019 7:13 pm
Machiabelly says:
Wil pauses and gives the mans hand a squeeze.

Is there anyone that I should tell of your death? And what is your name, so I will get it right in the stories.
"Previan," he says, hardly above a breath. Previan squeezes Wil's hand in return, little more than a gentle pressure. "And if you... could..."

There's another fit of coughing, enough to make Wil wonder if he's even going to make it long enough to provide a distraction. But finally, he adds with a peaceful smile, "Let it be said that I died with the love of my life first in my mind... and we were... reunited in Orien's warm embrace."
Nov 1, 2019 7:24 pm
There are tears in Wil's eyes as he replies.

I will see it is done my friend and when you meet your true love again, she will see that you died saving your people.
Nov 1, 2019 7:35 pm
Swan looks about, flinching at the crashing rocks. "Coreene? Yelnar?" He counts heads, grasps Ember by the shoulder and nods at Elora. "Whew, that was tense," he says, panting with exertion. "Not sure it wasn't safer on the streets, though!" He gives the dwarf a twinkling grin.
Nov 1, 2019 8:34 pm
"It's not...dead is it? I actually hope so." Elora has calmed down some by now, her hands over her ears from the deafening sound caused by the collapse.
Nov 1, 2019 8:38 pm
"Does it seem like that's the kind of luck we would have?" Verrian asks, grinning at the young witch.
Nov 1, 2019 8:38 pm
The tension starts to drain out of Yelnar when the creatures path is blocked, and he seems almost ...disappointed?

When the guard are mentioned though, he snaps back to attention.

He nods at Uelten, then stands somewhere he’ll be able to hear anything, and is obviously listening intently.
Nov 1, 2019 11:11 pm
Erannik stands by the crank and lever, bent over with hands on knees, trying to catch his breath. Hearing Verrian's question, he says, "The only other way out is behind that pile of rubble. I don't think we're going that way."

He straightens up, his face red with exertion. "It was some kind of Hunter," he says. "They were created by the Alcaven crown years and years ago to seek out and destroy rival mages. Thought they were all destroyed in the War. Never seen one that was all mottled black like that."

Eanala, the elven woman that arrived with Verrian, pushes her way through the group, arms out to Erannik, who smiles more than a little impudently at her in response. "Didn't lose me y..." he starts to say, reaching out to her in return.

He never finishes what he was about to say.

A lance of deepest, ice-cold black explodes through the pile of rubble, piercing through Erannik's back and out through his chest. He looks down at it, confusion furrowing his weathered face. Slowly, he looks back up, mouth open to say something, an unspoken question in his eyes, when he slumps forward. Like a tree branch waving in a heavy wind, the thing that has impaled Erannik throws his lifeless body against the wall with a sickening crunch, and he slides to the floor in a heap. It recedes back through the rubble, rocks resettling and clattering to the ground as it does.

"You cannot run fast enough or far enough, little chickies," the voice says, a low, fierce growl that echoes in the corridor. "If not this night, then another. We will be together."
Nov 1, 2019 11:44 pm
In the brief, shocked silence that follows, Verrian finds herself setting aside all emotion to evaluate their situation. Knowing that Eanala seemed to be romantically linked with the fallen Erannik, and that she was already having trouble controlling her worry about him as they'd rushed here, she knows that a full-scale emotional breakdown is about to erupt.

On the other side of the wall of rubble is a dangerous creature thirsting for the blood of the whole group.

At the only other way out of this tunnel, they are likely to meet up with some guardsmen out for their arrest.

There is no time for a grief episode.

@Coreene: Eanala is about to fall apart. I'm going to push her. I may need your help. "Pushing" is the term Naucans use for a practice that is usually frowned upon - the act of influencing an Unjoined's mental state or attitude with telepathic influence.

Leaving open the connection to Coreene, Verrian reaches for Eanala's mind, seeking to use telepathic words that the elven woman will hear as coming from deep within herself. @Eanala: Erannik, my love, has fallen. There is nothing to be done for him now. All of these people here are depending on me to get them to safety. I must honor his memory by finishing his job.
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