003 - Delve 1 - Beyond the Door

Sep 12, 2019 10:54 pm
Ishmee rested her sword on her shoulder and looked around the cavern.

"Looks like we can go north in the boat against the current." She pointed toward the dark tunnel out of which the river ran. She really had no idea if that was north, but it sounded right. "Or we can go downstream and see what lies in that direction." She scratched her chin. "We are surrounded by cracks in the rocks that those beasts squeezed through. Doesn't look like there's anything we can do about that." Then she added, "I say we push up stream to see what might be coming after us when we push off the shore."
Sep 13, 2019 12:42 am
Ninjateehart says:
From the previous thread: Vinny shakes his head as his black hair tussles back and forth, "Well, I think we’ve all earned a relaxing river cruise. All aboard? and with a less than hearty smile he walks over to the boat and picks up the guiding pole, ready to move past this death.
"Agreed, Ishmee. Hop on and I'll take us on a tour." He stands on the back of the boat, with the pole behind him and his chest puffed out, trying to bury his discomfort with the dead creature lying on the floor with false bravado and a smile.
Sep 13, 2019 4:27 am
"...Right. Be prepared should anything else attempt to 'jump' us. Lieria takes one last look at the burning corpse they've created, wondering what other creatures lurk here. "What are these things even doing here? Doesn't exactly scream peace to me." She voices her questions while climbing aboard, taking a deep breath as she prepares herself for whatever lies ahead.
Sep 13, 2019 5:52 am
Alissia follows Liera, trying to keep herself from vomiting "let's just hope...so don't see more of them, eh?
Sep 13, 2019 6:11 am
Nym looks between the guiding pole in Vinny’s hands and the wooden board that he and Alissia pulled off the wall and sighs. Less than useless.

Carefully stepping around the body of the creature, he hurries to catch up with the others and get in the boat before anything else attacks them.
Sep 13, 2019 9:51 am
Calvas inspects the boat then looks at the way up- and downstream. He harrumphs and begins to say: Nothing speaks for one direction or the other. We don't have enough information to really choose on direction over the other
He turns to Ishmee and smiles faintly So going upstream is fine by me
Sep 13, 2019 10:59 am
Vinny offers a hand to each person to help them into the boat, then positions himself to push off shore. "Not to say I couldn't handle this by myself, but if four of you wouldn't mind picking up an oar and helping, we can get this tour underway and I can focuso n being the best tour guide I can be."

As they push off and begin to push against the current Vinny starts to monologue "On your left you will see the door that our intrepid group of adventurers entered through, as well as the evidence of their first battle. A short lived fight, but one for the ages. On your right you will see......" he continues on to fill whatever silence there may be, Vinny never did enjoy silence.
Sep 14, 2019 1:02 pm
"I got it," Ishmee said to Vinny, as she grabbed an oar and propped it up in the front of the boat. Then she put he sword and shield down in the bottom of the boat. "Just get ready to push."

Ishmee dug her feet into the dirt of the cavern floor, put her shoulder against the front of the boat, and pushed them off into the water. She slogged through the water for a few steps, following the boat, and then leaped into the front of the boat. The boat listed to one side and then the other under her weight but then settled back into the water.

She dug the oar deep into the water to begin turning the boat from the front while Vinny pushed from the aft of the boar.
Sep 14, 2019 1:32 pm
Calvas makes a few steps into the water. He shudders because the water is surprisingly cool. Quickly he pulls himself into the boat. He reaches his hand out in order to help the others in.
Be careful. The water is quite cool.
Sep 14, 2019 1:42 pm
Nym slides into the seat behind Calvas and, trying to be helpful, picks up an oar.
Sep 14, 2019 5:12 pm
"There may also be creatures hiding beneath us, what exactly I haven't the faintest idea." Lieria responds as she takes her position next to Calvas. She will do her best to help row despite her notable lack of strength, hoping Alice can make up the difference.

At least Vinny is still as chipper as ever.
Sep 14, 2019 6:17 pm
With Vinny using the pole and Ishmee and a few others rowing, the boat glided easily against the current into the dark tunnel to the north.


The tunnel was not much wider than the boat in places, and even at its widest, the heroes could still reach out with their paddles and touch the stones on either side. After about one hundred feet down the tunnel, the rough stones gave way to smooth carved stones that arched overhead about ten feet above the water. They rowed on for another 100 feet until the tunnel was securely blocked by a metal grate.


Stone was built out from the wall to anchor the gate in place. The metal was thick, and, though it looked old, it still looked quite formidable. There was a keyhole in the middle of the gate, and the metal plate around the keyhole was marked with what looked to be ancient runes. The water at the grate was only about five foot deep. The heroes could see that the tunnel stretched on beyond the gate well out of sight.
Sep 14, 2019 8:14 pm
When they were within a few feet of the gate, Ishmee turned her boat paddle at an angle and stuck it between one of the squares on the gate. Once the oar was through, she turned it flat to lock it in place. She put one of her oversized, clearly second-hand boot on the prow of the little boat to brace herself, so she could hold the boat in place with one hand.

"Okay, here we are. Now what?"
Sep 14, 2019 8:15 pm
Lieria looks at this locked gate with annoyance, already a roadblock in their way. "I don't suppose that key of yours is also enchanted Ishmee, runes aren't something you just stick up without good reason."
Sep 14, 2019 8:24 pm
With her free hand Ishmee fished into the pocket on her pants and produced the key. She looked it over and tossed it to Calvas.

"You're the sorcerer. Is it magical?"
Sep 14, 2019 8:26 pm
The key didn't have any runes or writing on it. It looked, in fact, like an ordinary, over-sized sargent's key.

But that didn't mean it wasn't magical.
Sep 14, 2019 10:14 pm
Wai..What...? Calvas barely manages to catch the key. He then puts it into his palm and investigates it thoroughly. He turns it and looks for any strange markings. He then feels it. His fingers run over the key, feeling for a tingling or warm sensation when holding the key. He then even smells it. He read about a strange sword that an old runemaster only identified as magical because it faintly smelled of strawberries. Somehow it seemed to be a strange key but it looked completely ordinary.
Last edited September 14, 2019 10:16 pm
Sep 14, 2019 10:53 pm
While everyone is busy looking at the key, Nym peeks over Lieria’s shoulder to get a better look at the runes on the door.
Sep 14, 2019 11:20 pm
Alissia is confused, the arcana not being her area of expertise. Instead, she looks at Nym, smiling.
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