Interest check, Pokemon 5e?

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Sep 22, 2019 8:57 pm
I have been following the making of a Kanto based Pokemon campaign, using 5e Mechanics. It is a WIP in would only be testing out a small section of the campaign out, players would be level 1 and working through the beginnings of their Pokemon journey.

Player's Handbook
Sep 23, 2019 12:10 am
I heard the guys playing this on YMIAT and sounded very funny

Will you have a copy of the rules?
Last edited Sep 23, 2019 12:11 am
Sep 23, 2019 12:37 am
YMIAT? and its in the link for Player's Handbook, I will give Pokemon information as we go, or just give you the Pokemon manual in the forum.
Sep 23, 2019 1:54 am
YMIAT is stands for a podcast called You Meet In A Tavern. It’s an actual play series where these four guys play a 5e campaign. It’s hilarious.
Sep 23, 2019 2:02 am
Thats cool I might check it out.
Sep 23, 2019 1:27 pm
How are we to do the character sheets? I see there are links in the phb for custom character sheets. But how are we to use the ones available to this site.
Sep 23, 2019 3:04 pm
I think a game started a while back but fizzled at the intro posts, I'm up for a Tech Support guy with a mid life hormone infused teenage crisis and a thirst to be the very best and leave it all behind...
Last edited Sep 24, 2019 7:54 pm
Sep 23, 2019 9:00 pm
Im going to just use 5e sheets for the trainers, custom for the Pokemon. There's also an App I will recommend called Pokedex 5e that goes with this game.
Sep 24, 2019 2:29 pm
JackJack says:
Im going to just use 5e sheets for the trainers, custom for the Pokemon. There's also an App I will recommend called Pokedex 5e that goes with this game.
That app is amazing. So user friendly. So I'll keep a custom sheets of my pokemon so that you as the DM can see the pokemon I have and their levels.

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