Greek Mythos

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Sep 27, 2019 3:25 pm
Checking interest for a Greek Mythos game. Not sure what system, looking at either Conan 2d20, Pathfinder 1st, or D&D 5th ed
Sep 27, 2019 3:27 pm
Have you seen Mazes and Minotaurs? It's an OSR clone set in a mythical Grrek-esque setting.
Sep 27, 2019 3:38 pm
Me! Anything, but I'd love to try Conan 2d20. I've been meaning to learn it and maybe run a game here. Also love Pathfinder.
Sep 27, 2019 4:12 pm
Definitely interested! I wouldn't mind trying out the Conan 2d20 sysyem, but I'm fine with anything.
Sep 27, 2019 4:23 pm
Interested! Intrigued by Conan 2d20...I have the d20 version and have been toying with upgrading :)
Last edited Sep 27, 2019 4:24 pm
Sep 27, 2019 4:26 pm
awsmack says:
Interested! Intrigued by Conan 2d20...I have the d20 version and have been toying with upgrading :)
It's twice as many d20s!
Sep 27, 2019 8:30 pm
Qralloq says:
awsmack says:
Interested! Intrigued by Conan 2d20...I have the d20 version and have been toying with upgrading :)
It's twice as many d20s!
"Now with 100% more dice!" :)
Sep 28, 2019 12:51 am
I also have the earlier but not the newer edition of Conan. Nice!
Oct 4, 2019 9:48 pm
I have the Star Trek 2d20 system book, but I am willing to try it if I can be coached through. I like the idea of playing in a Greek mythos setting.
Oct 5, 2019 6:01 pm
Interested:) we could even end with Fate Core :D
Oct 11, 2019 9:12 pm
I'd be interested if you still want to run it. I have only played 5th and 2.5 ed of dnd, but I'm willing to try other systems.
Oct 20, 2019 5:07 am
ok so sorry to leave people hanging, real life got in the way. Too much work and no play. So Ill be setting the game up this week, looks like we will be using Conan 2d20. If you are still interested shoot me a PM with Greek Mythos in the subject or first line of text so i dont get it mixed up with other pms.

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