Hello both and thank you for your interest.
By "gaming credentials" I mean how experienced you are, with RPGs, play-by-post games and Pathfinder. That's not to say the game isn't noob friendly, but ideally players should be comfortable enough to not slow down the pace of the game.
Character-wise, I think the half orc paladin has that "armored fighter/divine spellcaster" spot already covered, but given how he was trained by dwarves to be a paladin of Torag (dwarven god), his interactions with an said dwarf cleric of Erastil might be interesting. I do like the idea of that Ranger, she's got strong connections to the city of Korvosa (thus a reason to care) and brings some nature expertise the group currently seems to be lacking.
I'll let this ad up for a little more to see if there's anyone else interested and I'll notify you, the game is coming round to a spot where new characters could be introduced so it won't be long.