Oct 4, 2019 12:13 am
I'm DMDoom, occasionally called The Mad Catter, and as the screen name might reveal, I'm primarily a DM, having been behind the screen for over two decades. I used to do a lot of play by post games, either to try my hand as a player, or to run the games I either lacked the time to run for my primary group, or my primary group wasn't interested in playing. Took a lengthy hiatus on account of that pesky thing called life, but recently I've been wanting to get back into the swing of things, probably joining a game as a player first, then trying to run one of my own.
My usual play-by-post stomping grounds has been RPOL.net, a fine little site, custom made for the purpose, but numbers seem to be thinning there and I wanted to poke around and see if any other solid PBP sites have cropped up since I started there, hence coming to Gamers Plane. Anyway, hope to join you all rolling some good ol' virtual dice!
My usual play-by-post stomping grounds has been RPOL.net, a fine little site, custom made for the purpose, but numbers seem to be thinning there and I wanted to poke around and see if any other solid PBP sites have cropped up since I started there, hence coming to Gamers Plane. Anyway, hope to join you all rolling some good ol' virtual dice!