Oct 8, 2019 2:16 am
We've started a game of Solomon Kane (Savage Worlds), from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. We have three players and are looking for one more. Gameplay will follow the Plot Point campaign (a non-linear series of adventures that form an extended plot arc) from the core rulebook, so don't read any of that, heh.
Ownership of the Solomon Kane book isn't required or expected, and Savage Worlds is simple enough you wouldn't need that book either.
We're just in the character creation phase, but looking to start right away.
Solomon Kane is an English Puritan from the 16th century. He travels the world chasing evil and smiting it down with his rapier and flintlock pistols. He has a dour and sombre character, as befits a Puritan, and is possessed by a drive to protect the weak and wreck vengeance on behalf of the oppressed
Last edited October 8, 2019 8:21 pm