Solving the Mystery

Oct 17, 2019 4:16 pm
Alright, it's Friday morning, and the Kids all have the day off - whether they care about the religious significance of Good Friday or not, none of them mind having a long weekend.
Let's also say the Kids had a plan to meet back up today at some point - what's the specific plan? Just back at the hideout, or something else?
[ +- ] Burt
[ +- ] Julie & Janet
Oct 17, 2019 4:23 pm
(sounds about right)
Janet is up early, composing while she picks at her guitar
Oct 17, 2019 4:24 pm
Mike's Aunt Liwanag is deeply religious. He's forbidden from leaving the house all day, and has to endure attending vesper mass with her at 6:00PM. If the meet-up is during the day, he'll have to sneak out and be back before she knows it. Alternately, he could sneak out after supper.
Oct 17, 2019 5:09 pm
Ambrose, still being young, wakes up 6am on the dot, the day-off school having no impact on his circadian rhythms. The fans begin to whir on his Commodore 64 as he depresses the power button on its gray casing and waits for the familiar "Ready" prompt to appear on the blue start-up terminal. Then, shuffling through his collection of floppies, he find copy of Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar and inserts it into the 5 1/4 disk drive. Still, his eyes keep darting over to the partially disassembled Ice Chaser sitting there on his desk, and he finds it difficult to be fully engaged in the normally immersive world of Sotharia.
Oct 17, 2019 8:11 pm
Burt leaves his toy on the floor near whatever books and stuff he brought home from school after he messed around with it a little more.

His day would for sure involve eating some breakfast and then getting out on his Huffy bike and going on "patrol" around town. Coach Wallace will probably have open gym hours for him to get some extra practice or workout in at school with some other guys on the wrestling team. Outside of that, he'd be pretty open to get together with the group!
Oct 21, 2019 5:17 pm
[ +- ] Burt
[ +- ] Julie
Oct 22, 2019 3:45 pm
Burt looks around his room, wondering where he placed his new toy. He eventually resorts to asking his mom if she's seen it, describing it in some detail while eating his breakfast.
Note sure if I've given Burt's parents names, so let's make them Ron and Catherine.
Last edited October 22, 2019 6:06 pm
Oct 22, 2019 4:54 pm
Julie lets out a panicked yelp and jumps out of bed. Being the plan-ahead type, she at least had already decided on clothes for the day, but after taking one look at herself in the mirror in her room it's obvious that it's going to take more preparation than just a cute outfit. She lets out a despairing wail and starts getting dressed. She opens her bedroom door and yells out, "Mooooooooom!"

While waiting for her mother to answer the summons, she starts brushing out her hair, wincing as she viciously attacks the rats that took up residence overnight.
Oct 24, 2019 6:12 pm
[ +- ] Burt
[ +- ] Julie
Oct 25, 2019 5:39 pm
Before Burt gets downstairs he smells the beautiful aroma of bacon grease.

But it seems like A LOT of odoriferous artery-clogging goodness. He turns the corner into the kitchen and see his dad (his dad!) cooking up breakfast with his mom no where to be seen. Not one to look a fatback, lard-laden gift horse in the mouth (since it's super weird to see his dad even in the kitchen, much less cooking anything), he merely says, "Uh, where's mom?"

He then adds, "That's a lot of pancakes."
Oct 25, 2019 6:52 pm
Peanuts had it right. All Julie hears is the wah-wah of her mom's voice as she desperately tries to get to an appropriate level of "mall with friends" presentable. She carefully studies herself in the mirror, front and profile, and sighs. "Well. It'll have to do," she decides, resigned to her fate.

She grabs her bag and hurries downstairs, bursting breathlessly into the kitchen and grabbing a piece of fruit. "Mom, can you drive me to the mall? I'm supposed to meet Amy and Marnie and Lisa there in, like, 15 minutes ago. I can't believe I overslept!"
Oct 28, 2019 2:18 pm
[ +- ] Burt
[ +- ] Julie
Oct 28, 2019 3:36 pm
"Is she sick or something?" Burt asks, a little bit confused by this whole change of cooks. But he's hungry enough and begins pouring copious amounts of syrup on his pancakes, "Coach Wallace wants me to go up a class next season, so I will need to eat a lot!"
Oct 29, 2019 6:15 pm
The look on Julie's face... you'd think a favorite pet just died or something. "What?!" she nearly screeches. "Mom, no! I can't go to brunch with the Carters!"

The way 'brunch' and 'Carters' drip with emotion, it's like she'd been asked to lick a tire. "You said you'd take me to the mall today! Remember, I asked you on Monday, and you said you would! I made plans, Mom!"

Her shoulders droop, her face falls, a marionette with rapidly failing strings.
Oct 29, 2019 9:05 pm
In her room Janet turns up the amp to drown out the argument
Nov 4, 2019 3:00 pm
[ +- ] Burt
[ +- ] Julie
Nov 6, 2019 1:45 am
"" Burt replies, still a bit perplexed by his father's behavior. "What's up with Dad? He never makes breakfast." Never one to turn down a meal, the wrestler digs in, although he's curious to see what his mom has to say. I wonder how that toy ended up in their bedroom? Maybe Biscuit took it in there.

Biscuit is their cat, an orange tabby.
Nov 6, 2019 5:24 pm
"Mom! Ugh!" Julie complains, throwing her hands in the air and flouncing down to sit on her bed. "Jerry's gross, Mom! I swear, his breath smells like something crawled in his mouth and died. And since he never stops talking about that special school he goes to with all those dorky smart people, you can't get away from it! It's like his breath follows you around and attacks your nose. How anyone's expected to eat anything with him around, I have no idea."

She flops onto her back, staring up at the ceiling with her arms crossed. "Make Janet sit by him. If you're going to force me to go, at least make her interact with something besides her guitar," she grouses.
Nov 6, 2019 9:50 pm
I interact with other people. People who actually like me for me. realizes what shes just said and goes back to strumming
Nov 12, 2019 3:59 pm
[ +- ] Julie & Janet
[ +- ] Julie
[ +- ] Burt
Almost done with ordinary life scenes here. After we wrap these up, I'd like to jump to the Kids meeting back up with a mystery-focused scene. Those of you who aren't involved with these ordinary life scenes can help brainstorm when/where/what that regrouping will be.
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