Interest Check: The War of the Lance

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Oct 25, 2019 3:12 pm
Inspired by Tani, I am also thinking of running the Dragonlance Saga. However, the gimmick is that I would be running the 3.5 version and it would be all original characters taking on the quest (and the roles of the classic heroes). Players would develop their own characters that fit the necessary roles for the adventure.

It is also important that I note the following: My wife is legally (90%) blind, and I am her eyes. I do all of the driving, and I read to her and respond to her emails. This takes up quite a bit of my time, between her appointments, my appointments, her father's appointments (he doesn't drive anymore either), her elderly aunt's appointments, and everything else that we have to do. I will try to post as often as the players do, but I may miss a day on occasion (and my weekends are right out).

That being said, is there any interest in a campaign set in Krynn, playing through the original quest, but with completely original characters?
Oct 25, 2019 3:32 pm
I love me some Dragonlance! I'd like to play an original character through the classic saga.
Last edited Oct 25, 2019 3:32 pm
Oct 25, 2019 7:54 pm
I'm interested, but light on 3.5e experience.
Oct 25, 2019 8:27 pm
If you've ever played Pathfinder, you've played 3.5. If not, it isn't too different from 5E. Well, okay, it is. 5E is a much-simplified version of 3.5. The base idea is the same, but there are more options available and lots of mathematical adjustments, as opposed to advantage/disadvantage. Prestige classes play a huge role in Dragonlance, though. The Wizards of High Sorcery and the Knights of Solamnia are all prestige classes. At the start, there are only heathen clerics (with no powers), but that changes rather quickly.
Oct 26, 2019 6:48 am
Still looking for interested parties. I'd need at least four, preferably eight to do it right. Of course, it goes without saying that I'm seeking dedicated players who can be relied upon to keep the game moving.
Oct 27, 2019 3:52 am
I am on the fence. I have played all the material when it came out as Goldmoon. I will think on it.
Oct 28, 2019 2:02 am
Okay, I've set up the thread. It can be accessed here.

I would prefer that no one create characters just yet. Go ahead and apply for the game, but don't submit a character. this is for two reasons. First, there is a need to fill certain roles in the adventure. Second, Dragonlance offers some unique classes and prestige classes and I want to be sure that everyone has a chance to know them and understand them.

I will be using the Dragonlance Campaign Setting (3.5), as well as the War of the Lance (3.5) books in this campaign. If you have those volumes, so much the better, but they are not a necessity. I also have access to the Holy order of the Stars. Knightly Orders of Ansalon, Towers of High Sorcery, and Races of Ansalon books to reference if necessary.

Anyway, go ahead and request to join the game and then we will discuss who wants to take on what role.

You do not require a working knowledge of D&D 3.5 or of Dragonlance to enjoy this campaign, though such may enhance the fun.
Nov 5, 2019 10:33 pm
It says the game is full, but I would like to post up my interest as an alt (or fill in). Should the need arise.

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