Quest RPG (

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Nov 18, 2019 8:18 am
Has anyone else checked this game out? Simple mechanics with an interesting point economy for using special abilities. You could say its genre agnostic, but it seems more genre encompassing, if that makes any sense. Players and the GM create their world, its troubles, and the races that populate it, but the system is built on the premise (you don't have to use it) that there are an infinite number of worlds/realities within the Omniverse that are all connected through the Rift. It could be played entirely in one world or universe, or could span several, like The Strange, Amber or Everway (if you remember that one).

At the moment, its not available in print or on DriveThruRPG, just on the website In the intro it says the game is meant to be shared and they don't mind if you got it for free, which means I can probably share it without any problem. So far I've only found two actual plays on YouTube, one by Victory Condition Gaming and one by Web DM Plays, but there may be more since the name is pretty generic.

If anyone knows about the game, or wants to know more, let me know and maybe we can try it out.

Quest RPG
Last edited Nov 18, 2019 8:20 am
Nov 18, 2019 8:25 am
Caveat: The roles are more or less straight fantasy tropes, but could easily be reskinned to fit pretty much any genre as long as there is some rationale for extraordinary abilities (psionics, cybernetics, magic, superpowers maybe...?).
Nov 18, 2019 8:59 am
Good gravy, I had to comment because you remember Everway! :) I haven't seen this before, lemme go read it now.
Nov 18, 2019 12:38 pm
Thanks from me as well! I'll check out these other RPGs. I only know of The Strange.

I now want to try out Amber.
Last edited Nov 18, 2019 2:16 pm
Nov 18, 2019 4:18 pm
I looked at it quick and I maybe willing to give it a try. I will look it over tomorrow better.
Nov 18, 2019 4:20 pm
Ahhhh Amber and Lords of Gossamer and Shadow I miss thee.
Nov 18, 2019 5:52 pm
Quest Rpg looks very simple and fun. But I am in the "red zone" for the amount of games I'm in, so I'll have to pass. Goodluck with your session!
Nov 18, 2019 7:12 pm
Yes, its written to be super accessible and kid/new player friendly. The Adventure Point economy for powering abilities is an interesting twist. Also, if you look at the advanced rules at the end, you can build characters with abilities from any skill line (multi-classing, as it were), but if you do so you're limited in the total number of abilities you can take. I can imagine some pretty cool combos built that way. :)
Nov 18, 2019 10:06 pm
Into the Beyond: Adventures in Flux

The (starting) World I'm envisioning is tentatively called Flux, its name reflecting the fact that its history has been defined by great cycles where the powers of chaos (magic) and order (technology) wax and wane. Countless civilizations have risen and fallen during the sweep of these cycles, and their relics are much sought after (though rarely understood). Our story begins as the last great cycle of chaos is beginning to wane after nearly three hundred years of hegemony. Scattered pockets of civilization have survived, protected by powerful enchantments fueled by the energies of chaos itself. All around the world, civilized peoples gathered into claves as their greatest mages built magical protections that would hold the chaos storms at bay. Some succeeded, and some did not - many, in fact, did not. Some of those who did survive feel the strength of their protective enchantments fading, and while chaos on the whole may be retreating, its is far from vanquished, and survival of these claves is a race against time.

Now, as order begins to reassert itself on the world, those who venture forth from their claves in search of secrets or other bastions of civilization, face a completely unknown world filled with unimaginable dangers, but also the possibility of unimaginable rewards. The old maps are largely useless, but some scraps of fact - possible locations of other claves, ruins, strange relics and artifacts - have captured the imaginations of the adventurous, both young and old, who have yearned to find out what lies beyond the pale of enchantments. The heroes of the story would be a group of such intrepid folk, commissioned by their clave to rediscover the world outside, to map its contours and contents, find other bastions of civilized folk and establish contact, and push back the forces of chaos that still linger on their borders.

Some are driven by the promise of reward or a sense of adventure, others seek out the mysteries that lie in the Beyond. Perhaps the greatest mystery, which is still widely regarded as merely a legend in a land where the fantastic is everyday, is the existence of the Nexus. Sometimes referred to as the Navel of the World, the Nexus is the source of everything in Flux, including the emanations of chaos and order. Some stories describe the Nexus as a gateway to other worlds, other realities; some as a source of unfathomable power to be tapped by those who are worthy; while still others see it as a pathway to the divine. Some mystic orders have devoted their lives to this latter concept, believing that it is the ultimate destiny of the civilized folk to find the Nexus and ascend to godhood.

Whether in search of riches, other survivors, or unlocking the great mysteries of the past, present and future, the Beyond beckons to those who seek more than the tenuous safety of life in the claves. Those who venture Into the Beyond.
Nov 18, 2019 10:23 pm
Rule Tweak/Addition: Each character has two 'tags' based on their description in their Character Profile. In non-combat situations where a tag would apply, the player rolls with Advantage (2d20, keep the best result).
Nov 20, 2019 3:15 pm
I enjoyed reading it end to end. Adventure Points is a great mechanic, it's so elegant, I can imagine it playing out well, and wouldn't mind playing this at all.
Nov 20, 2019 4:24 pm
I would be willing to give it a go. Read through the rules and it seems like it could be fun.
Nov 20, 2019 8:07 pm
Awesome! I'll set it up and send out invites for some Session 0 brainstorming. :)
Last edited Nov 20, 2019 10:15 pm

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